Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (2024)

From the quips that left us laughing aloud to the quotes which broke our hearts, we’ve captured the best of the best quotes from around the daytime dial!

  • Show Time!

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (1)

    SPENCER: I got us prime tickets for Moulin Rouge.

    TRINA: Really?

    SPENCER: Yeah.

    TRINA: Really?

    SPENCER: Yeah!

    TRINA: I listen to the original cast album all the time!

    SPENCER: I know! It’s almost like we’re dating and I know these things about you.

    General Hospital

  • Bad Boy

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (2)

    DEACON: No! No, no, no! Sheila, no! This is wrong! I’ve gotta…

    SHEILA: What, be a good boy?

    DEACON: Yes!

    SHEILA: That’s too bad. Because I like you so much better when you’re naughty!

    Bold & Beautiful

  • Does That Make Gwen Olive Oil?

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (3)

    LEO: You’re cheating on me with your wife!

    DIMITRI: I don’t even know…what are you talking about?

    LEO: Oh please, spare me. I just got an earful from Gwen. She wouldn’t shut up about how the two of you have been shagging your asses off, like you’re a horny Popeye who just had a huge serving of spinach!

    Days of Our Lives

  • Picture Imperfect

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (4)

    VICTORIA: I see that you’ve replaced my portrait with your own.

    VICTOR: Your office has walls, doesn’t it?

    Young & Restless

  • Games People Play

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (5)

    FINN: I can’t tell… are you the cat or the canary?

    TRACY: Don’t ask!

    FINN: Canary.

    TRACY: I need a level-five backgammon game to forget about this one. Ugh, I need a win.

    FINN: Do you? Well, you know, you might be disappointed! I’ve picked up a few new tricks!

    — General Hospital

  • A Changed Man

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (6)

    “I don’t deserve such an amazing kid. Thank you, for saying what you did. Thank you, for believing in me, having faith. I did things in the past. Things you shouldn’t forgive me for, but you are somehow able to look past them. I think that’s beautiful, and I’m so grateful for you.”

    — Thomas to Douglas,Bold & Beautiful

  • Unmarried, With Children

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (7)

    STEPHANIE: Marriage? Mom, where is this coming from? Chad and I just moved in together!

    KAYLA: But you didn’t just move in with Chad. You moved in with his kids.

    STEPHANIE: We decided they’re too young to have a place of their own.

    General Hospital

  • What Happens When You Assume…

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (8)

    MARSHALL She’s trying to convince him that in his current condition, it would be too difficult for him to run the club.

    STELLA: Too difficult because he’s in a wheelchair? These people make me crazy when they automatically assume that anyone with a disability is incapable of holding down a job like running a club or a thousand other jobs! If they saw a fraction of the grit and bravery I see people display every day, they would be ashamed of themselves!

    General Hospital

  • Ready Player One

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (9)

    PORTIA: I don’t know if you guys noticed, but video games aren’t really my thing.

    TRINA: Understatement.

    CURTIS: Especially Sudden Death.

    PORTIA: But I did see on here that they have virtual tours, where you can check out castles in Europe. Maybe we could try that?

    TRINA: Yeah, wow mom, that sounds really amazing. But we’re trying to get all Dirty Harry on the zombies with this game!

    General Hospital

  • Red Alert

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (10)

    “The weather report has all of these crazy colors and I don’t really understand what any of it means, but it seems to spell impending doom!”

    Mariah,Young & Restless

  • Welcome Back!

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (12)

    “I am happy to report that I have jumped off of cloud 9 and I have landed safely, and I’m now back to being my cynical, misanthropic self.”

    — Gwen to Kristen,Days of Our Lives

  • #EpicFail

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (13)

    SALLY: Don’t get me wrong, I love this whole starting at the bottom move for you. I think it’s great. But I just don’t want to see you set yourself up for another failure.

    ADAM: Failing at the bottom? Well, thank you for the vote of confidence. I appreciate that!

    Young & Restless

  • Visiting Hours

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (14)

    VIVIAN: John, my beloved nephew! I’m so happy to see you…even though you didn’t come to visit me one day in prison.

    JOHN: Well, I would have. But I didn’t want to.

    Days of Our Lives

  • Hide-and-Seek

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (15)

    MASON: You don’t know what you’re missing with me.

    AVA: What I’m missing is my ex-husband’s corpse. You should have delivered it to me by now.

    MASON: Well let me just run out to my car and get it.

    AVA: That’s just hilarious.

    General Hospital

  • Close, But No Cigar

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (16)

    JACK: I am sick about where things stand between the two of us. All this conflict, all this suspicion. It’s like deja vu, except it’s you instead of Ashley, and you’re not married to somebody I despise.

    BILLY: And I’m taller than our sister and I have brown hair. What’s your point, exactly?

    Young & Restless

  • Lesser Of Two Evils

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (17)

    Eric Ma

    THERESA: When I finally escaped from Mexico, Victor wanted you and me to be together.

    BRADY: That’s because he would have chosen just about anybody besides Eve. A rabid possum would have been more preferable to him.

    Days of Our Lives

    rtsolf, Jen Lilley
    “Days of our Lives” Set
    NBC Studios
    © XJJohnson/
    Episode # 14675
    U.S.Airdate 09/04/23

  • Good Question!

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (18)

    WYATT: You’re doing that thing with your face again.

    LIAM: What, this is just my face?

    WYATT: Oh, I know. How you got Steffy and Hope? That’s gonna baffle me til the end of time.

    LIAM: Wow!

    Bold & Beautiful

  • Play Ball!

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (19)

    DIANE: You know, Sonny, I’m still seriously considering playing softball for the Corinthos Coffee team. But I hear Carly has become one helluva pitcher for Kelly’s.

    SONNY: That’s true!

    DIANE: I’m not surprised. She’s wild. She might give you some competition this year. Of course, the team to beat is always General Hospital. You know that Elizabeth Baldwin? She’s so nice and sweet when she takes care of patients in the hospital, but she’s brutal on the field.

    General Hospital

  • Working Things Out

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (20)

    DANIEL: The thought of you working with Nick and Sharon and Adam? It just never sat well with me.

    PHYLLIS: Ok, well, I know you don’t like Adam. What’s your problem with Nick and Sharon?

    DANIEL: Nick is your ex several times over. Sharon has been your rival several times over. And Adam, well, I don’t really need to say anything about that guy, because I’m pretty sure he’s the devil. So yeah, what could possibly be bad about you working with the three of them?

    Young & Restless

  • Welcome To The Hellmouth

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (21)

    DOUG: For a while there, I had trouble remembering things myself. Turned out that I had been possessed by the devil.

    JOSEPH: I haven’t heard that one before!
    JULIE: Well my dear, just stick around Salem. You’ll hear a lot of amazing things!

    — Days of Our Lives

  • Straight Talk

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (22)

    LIAM: You know, I think I’m beginning to reconsider these little chats of ours.

    WYATT: Oh, please. Who else is gonna let you open up and vent the way that I do?

    LIAM: Who else is gonna take my genuine concern and turn it into a torrid love scandal?

    WYATT: A torrid love scandal?

    LIAM: Torrid love scandal!

    Bold & Beautiful

  • Er… Yes?

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (23)

    NINA: You stepped in before. You held everything together. You kept the peace in Port Charles last time that Sonny was gone.

    CARLY: Oh, you mean when we all thought Sonny was dead, but you knew he was alive and you didn’t tell his family? That time?

    General Hospital

  • Twist His Arm

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (24)

    AUDRA: Are you going to tell me how your meeting with Nikki went, or am I going to have to force it out of you?

    KYLE: Hmm. That actually sounds kinda fun. Oh, wow, did I say that out loud?

    AUDRA: You did!

    Young & Restless

  • Bad Girls

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (25)

    VIVIAN: I did not escape! I was released on good behavior!

    KATE: Good behavior? You haven’t gone a day in your life without breaking at least four laws.

    MAGGIE: Or five or six commandments!

    Days of Our Lives

  • Flip, Meet Flop

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (26)

    RJ: Why? Why would he say one thing and then do completely the opposite? Why was he leading you on?

    HOPE: Have you met Liam Spencer?

    Bold & Beautiful

  • At Least He’s Cute!

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (27)

    “I’m sorry. Sometimes, Spencer can be a jerk. But he’s my jerk!”

    — Trina to Joss,General Hospital

  • Date Night

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (28)

    “Table for two? Something out of the way, romantic? No?”

    Bold & Beautiful‘s Deacon to Ridge and Carter

  • Mirror, Mirror

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (29)

    ADAM: I am a cold, manipulative narcissist. And you? You are just a screw-up.

    BILLY: Thank you.

    Young & Restless

  • There’s The Rub

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (30)

    SHEILA: Look at you. He’s charming and he’s a quick learner. You know what? That might just get you another massage.

    DEACON: I would rather have a colonoscopy and a day at the DMV.

    Bold & Beautifu

  • Someone Sounds Hangry

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (31)

    BROOK LYNN: I always saw you as a strong independent woman.

    OLIVIA: Also calculating, conniving and ruthless.

    TRACY: Oh my God, don’t you have a lasagna to make?

    General Hospital

  • A Fine Line…

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (32)

    KATE: I mean, I talk to Rex at least once or twice a week. He never… he barely even mentions Sarah, much less say that she’s pregnant with his child.

    ROMAN: Maybe he thought you might interfere. Of course, that would be totally out of character for you, right?

    KATE: Ok, I don’t interfere. I gently guide!

    Days of Our Lives

  • On the Job

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (33)

    NIKKI: What are you doing back there?

    ESTHER: Oh, not much — just being a master barista!

    NIKKI: Hard times?

    General Hospital

  • Through The Eyes of Love

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (34)

    “I would never tell him about everything. That’s something that was wonderful and it’s just ours. Liam doesn’t get to be part of it. I care so much for you, Hope, and I don’t understand what Liam’s doing. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Because what I see in front of me is beauty and grace. Hope, I love you so much. And I know I’ve made mistakes, but this is like a true love. And that moment we shared, that first kiss in front of the coliseum? God, it lit a fire inside of me. It’s given me so much energy and passion and all I want is to be yours. To be there for you, to create for you, to love you, to make love to you. This is our time, Hope. Let’s not throw it away!”

    — Thomas to Hope,Bold & Beautiful

  • Good Luck With That!

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (35)

    ROBERT: I just can’t imagine anyone challenging you in court.

    DIANE: Well, you’ve done it. So you know that many have tried, many have failed, and everyone lives to regret it!

    General Hospital

  • Crazy Love

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (36)

    XANDER: That’s great. Congratulations, mate. I know how happy I was when Chloe finally accepted my proposal last night.

    REX: She did?

    XANDER: You don’t have to act quite so surprised.

    REX: I just didn’t know that Chloe took leave of her senses!

    Days of Our Lives

  • In Sync

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (37)

    “You two really have this roommate thing down, don’t ya?”

    — Ridge to Eric and Steffy,Bold & Beautiful

  • Good Housekeeping

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (38)

    JADA: I’m sorry. In advance, that is.

    RAFE: What for?

    JADA: Well, you spent all the time making up the bed all nice and we’re about to mess it up awful.

    Days of Our Lives

  • No Substitutions

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (39)

    CARLY: And the people! They’re so down to earth. Nobody’s complaining that there’s no beluga on the menu.

    DIANE: There’s no beluga on the menu? Goodbye.

    General Hospital

  • Know Thyself

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (40)

    GABI: If Dimitri married to cash in, why Gwen? I mean, she’s got a worse reputation than mine!

    Days of Our Lives

  • Past Imperfect

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (41)

    TRACY: You had a cheap and tawdry affair with Alan while he was married to Monica.

    LUCY: Hmm, so this is sort of a morality lesson? Who are you to talk to me about that? Do you realize how many mob bosses and con artists she’s been married to? Let me see, it’s like A to W, from Larry Ashton to Mitch Williams!

    General Hospital

  • Body Of Evidence

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (42)

    LEO: Look at those abs! It’s like the statue of David came to life and started cooking me goat cheese frittatas!

    — Leo shows Sonny a picture of Dimitri’s finest feature,Days of Our Lives

  • My Fair Ladyhorse

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (43)

    “Sorry bud, I just can’t do it. I can’t leave Sasha just sitting there when I know she’s in trouble. I mean, I wouldn’t leave you with dangerous people. Not that I’m comparing Sasha to a horse… or you to Sasha. Although you know, if you think about it, you guys do have some similarities. You’re both gorgeous. You’re both kind, sweet, make people happy. You’ve both got a great head of hair!”

    General Hospital‘s Cody to Comet

  • Knives Out

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (44)

    JOHNNY: So, does my mom know that you and my dad are getting hitched again?

    NICOLE: Oh, is there a knife sticking out of my back? Then no, she doesn’t know.

    JOHNNY: Well, you know she does live on another continent so there’s a chance the knife could still be on its way here!

    Days of Our Lives

  • Don’t Tell Mama

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (45)

    RJ: I might have brought you something, but you can not tell mom. You can not tell mom!

    RIDGE:Don’t put me in that position! I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to have secrets with your mom. This is not what we do, unless… cupcakes are involved! Ah, you’re a good man. Someone raised you right!

    Bold & Beautiful

  • Two Of A Kind

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (46)

    “I wonder if those two have caught up in the great beyond yet? Who needs a devil when you can torment each other for the rest of eternity.”

    — EJ to Nicole of Stefano and Victor,Days of Our Lives

  • Baby Talk

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (47)

    XANDER: I guess all that’s left to do is to wish you and Rex all the best with the baby.

    SARAH: Thanks.

    XANDER: Just be sure to let me know if he pops out with a Scottish accent.

    Days of Our Lives

  • Toe-ing The Line

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (48)

    SHEILA: Are you serious? After everything we’ve been through, you’re doubting me?

    DEACON: I’ve got to admit, you and your nine little piggys have wiggled your way out of some pretty tight situations!

    Bold & Beautiful

  • Going To The Dogs

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (49)

    ESTHER: A puppy might be nice.

    CHLOE: It would be like having another baby… except one that wants to eat your house!

    Young & Restless

  • The Breaking Point

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (50)

    “Little by little, you and Mason roped me into this world that I just don’t belong in. Whatever gratitude there was between us, you have manipulated it. And any love that might have been between us, you have twisted it. And you have exploited my skills as a doctor and you’ve used me, you’ve coerced me and you’ve forced me to do things that I didn’t even think a person could do, ever. I didn’t know I was capable of that.”

    — Austin to benefactor-turned-tormentor Cyrus,General Hospital

  • Drinking For Three

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (51)

    EJ: Any cravings?

    NICOLE: Um-huh.
    EJ: Name it.

    NICOLE: Three dry martinis. I know I can’t, so you are going to have to drink enough for both of us.

    EJ: I’ll do what I can!

    Days of Our Lives

  • Founding Father

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (52)

    “Everything you know, Ridge, you learned from me. I cultivated you, I fed you. I built this business. I built you. When people think about Forrester Creations, they don’t think of Ridge Forrester. They think Eric Forrester. I’m going to create this new line, Ridge, and it’s going to be the crowning achievement of my career. And I’m going to do it with or without you. You can go.”

    — Eric to Ridge,Bold & Beautiful

  • Bold, Beautiful and British

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (53)

    SONNY: How you holdin’ up?

    ANNA: Yeah, sorry, I’m just wearing jeans I have to go out and buy some clothes.

    SONNY: You could wear a burlap sack and you’d still look great!

    General Hospital

  • Mr. (Un)Emotional

    Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (54)

    ESTHER: Sally just lost a baby. It’s Victor’s grandchild. She’s involved with Nikolas. So maybe this is victor’s way of acknowledging the connection without actually acknowledging it.

    CHLOE: Well, that is a very Victor-like way of dealing with a very simple, human emotion.

    Young & Restless

Instant Replay: Daddy Drama, Weather Updates and How General Hospital’s Spencer Scores Big Romance Points (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.