Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (2024)


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Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (14)

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Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (15)

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Dominic Toretto is forced to hide in Dominican Republic as he's being hunted by the police, though he becomes a criminal hunted all over the world after he robbers the fuel truck. Eventually his team got divided in order to disappear for a while. His girlfriend Letty refuses to move with him to another country and eventually she's being killed. The investigation of her death leads Dom to the person who is being chased by the FBI agent Brian O'Connor too and the person who becomes his secret boss.

Actors: Phil Tyler, Phil Tyler Ashley Green Elizabeth, Ashley Green Elizabeth Victoria Gracie, Victoria Gracie Gal Gadot, Gal Gadot 30 April 1985, Rosh Haayin, Israel Ron Yuan, Ron Yuan 20 February 1973, New York City, New York, USA Mack-b, Mack-b Robert Bess, Robert Bess Gilbert J. Menchaca, Gilbert J. Menchaca 23 October 1980, Downey, California, USA Michael Nance, Michael Nance Shea Whigham, Shea Whigham 5 January 1969, Tallahassee, Florida, USA Valenzia Algarin, Valenzia Algarin ...»

Genre: Drama,Action,Crime

Director: Justin Lin Justin Lin 11 October 1973, Taipei, Taiwan

Country: United States

Release: 2009

IMDb: 6.5


Duration: 107 min

Keywords: #Fast and Furious 4 #Justin Lin #Michelle Rodriguez #One Race Films #Original Film #Paul Walker #Relativity Media #Vin Diesel

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Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (40)

DIRECTORS OF "Fast And Furious 4"

Justin Lin 11 October 1973, Taipei, Taiwan

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (42)

CREATORS OF "Fast And Furious 4"

Gary Scott Thompson 7 October 1959, Pago Pago, American Samoa Chris Morgan

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (45)

ACTORS OF "Fast And Furious 4"

Phil Tyler Ashley Green Elizabeth Victoria Gracie Gal Gadot 30 April 1985, Rosh Ha'ayin, Israel Ron Yuan 20 February 1973, New York City, New York, USA Mack-b Robert Bess Gilbert J. Menchaca 23 October 1980, Downey, California, USA Michael Nance Shea Whigham 5 January 1969, Tallahassee, Florida, USA Valenzia Algarin Assaf Cohen 31 October 1972, Mountain View, California, USA

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Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (58)

HEROES OF "Fast And Furious 4"

Gisele Yashar David Park Stasiak Juvenal Mia Toretto Han-Seoul-Oh Braga Gas Truck Driver Brian O'Conner Fenix Santos Dominic Jamel

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Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (71)

CRITICS OF "Fast And Furious 4"

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (72)



March 30, 2015

...a combination of kinetic filmmaking and hulking charisma that can only be called bro bliss.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (73)


April 04, 2011


Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (74)

At the Movies

April 06, 2009

This is a movie about street racers... criminals in fact, and there was nothing grimy or dirty about it at all.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (75)

Fan The Fire


April 15, 2010

Here's hoping this is the last, but after the huge amount of money it has taken already in the States, don't be surprised to see a 5th.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (76)

Newark Star-Ledger


April 03, 2009

People who want nothing more out of a movie than an extended rap video -- there's lots of hip-hop, close-ups of cars, and women in shiny tiny shorts -- may be satisfied. But this movie isn't much more than a re-do of the first film in the series.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (77)

Time Out


April 09, 2009

Turn off your mind, though, and there's some fun to be had from some of the better whizz-bang sequences.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (78)

Lyles' Movie Files


March 31, 2015

Provided a cinematic equivalent of NOS to the franchise with a tone shift that helped make it one of the most popular and profitable action series in the last decade.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (79)

New York Post


April 03, 2009

The stars look bored out of their minds when the fourth episode of the franchise stalls between racing sequences, which is all too often in a flick where 106 minutes speed by in what feels like at least four hours.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (80)

The Aristocrat


September 29, 2012

The tagline for this film is: 'New Model, Original Parts'. It should be: 'Are you dumb enough to pay for the same film twice?'

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (81)


May 06, 2011

Though I admit the title of the film is slightly dumb, I can't really fault much else going on here.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (82)


March 22, 2011

As hard as it is to believe, having the old gang back really does make a big difference, just not big enough. Lin isn't the director to offer anything new enough to make Fast & Furious worth your time unless you're a hardcore fan of the series.

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (83)

GALLERY OF "Fast And Furious 4"

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (120)

Soundtracks OF "Fast And Furious 4"



  • Loose Wires Kenna

  • Blanco [feat. Pharrell Williams] [Explicit] Pitbull

  • Virtual Diva [Explicit] Don Omar

  • Krazy [feat. Lil Jon] [Explicit] Pitbull

  • Bad Girls [feat. Robin Thicke] [Explicit] Pitbull

  • You Slip, She Grip [feat. Tego Calderón] [Expl.. Pitbull

  • Head Bust [Explicit] Shark City Click

  • G-Stro [Explicit] Busta Rhymes

  • La Isla Bonita Tasha

  • Bang [feat. M.I.A.] [Explicit] Rye Rye

  • Blanco (The Spanish Version) [feat. Pharrell] [.. Pitbull

Fast And Furious 4 - Watch Exclusive Movies online (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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