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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
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What does 'under five feet' mean?
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29 Jul 2021
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- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 3165
Answer: 468
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@maruazura They mean make racists short lol, meaning they hate racists and want they to be short.
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29 Jul 2021
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 3165
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Less than five feet...? Five feet is the American measurement. Five feet= around 150cm/1.5 meters
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29 Jul 2021
- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 128
Answer: 358
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“She was under five feet” means she was less than five feet tall (a foot is approx 30cm)
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
- English (US)Near fluent
Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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someone said “make racists under five feet?” i don’t get it.
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29 Jul 2021
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 3165
Answer: 468
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@maruazura They mean make racists short lol, meaning they hate racists and want they to be short.
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
- English (US)Near fluent
Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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hahhahaha ok i thought it meant something else. 😂
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29 Jul 2021
- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 128
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@maruazura lol were you thinking of something like “put racists six feet under” (I.e. kill them)
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
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Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
- English (US)Near fluent
Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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but actually i initially thought it meant make them short...
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
- English (US)Near fluent
Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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he asked me “yay or nay. make racists under 5 ft.”
so i was like “yay”
and he was like “why?” 😂
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
- English (US)Near fluent
Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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29 Jul 2021
- English (UK)
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Quality Point(s): 128
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🤣 nws
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29 Jul 2021
- FilipinoNear fluent
- English (US)Near fluent
Quality Point(s): 475
Answer: 369
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31 Jul 2021
- English (US)
- Russian
Quality Point(s): 1600
Answer: 433
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maybe they meant behead them. a head's about a foot so most people would be under 5 feet without theirs
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