The Morning Post from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

men were acquitted. and those a was co convicted on about fifteen other charges. Work on Shelby's new cotton factory is being pushed. The first floor is nearly completed. Inspector General Hobgood was here yesterday and inspected the Cleveland Guards, Company G.

First North Carolina State Guard. The men made good appearance, though they have been able to do very little work yet. owing to lack of equipments. They have been assured. however, that they will shortly be supplied.

Southern Railroads and Industry. (The Age of Steel.) The considerate treatment accorded home industries by the Southern railroads. has undoubtedly been: DOtent factor in the material advancement of the South. Machinery for the equipment of new manufacturing and mining enterprises has often been hauled to the place of erection at a loss. there are good reasons for believing while it is a matter of trade history that the Southern roads hive always been eminently fair in their ratemaking for the movement of industrial products from the South to other sections of the country.

In the iron trade of Alabama and Tennessee, the record of railroad co-operation in establishing and retaining markets is a long and honorable one. Freight rates have been governed for a number of years by the prices of iron and the necessities of competition, rising and falling accordingly as prices of the Southern furnace product rose and fell. This has been a wise policy for the Southern roads, goes without saying, although prejudicial to immediate earnings, and at times involving heavy financial losses. But it has contributed to the building up of a Birmingham in the iron trade: to the opening of quarries by hundreds and thousands: to the great growth of the cotton industry of the South, and to the tremendous dethat magnificently timbered velopment of lumber, manufacture, it. Union.

All of which signifies- -that the Southern reads can. for the' future. claim' an abundant reward for their in this good work. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL SHOW Fakirs Full Swing at Weldon Fair. Crowds Were There and the Racing Was Good, but Exhibits Were Few-Children Sighed for the Squedunk Man.

Scotland Neck. N. Nov. 3. Correspondence of The Morning Post.

The Weldon Fair is a failure in one respect, and that is in the absence of squedunks and hand balloons, The children do not take the same interest that they would. if they could get their balloons. A train load of people went from Scotland Neck yesterday; and judging from the great crowd that poured in from every direction. the fair was a great success in point of attendance. The exhibits are 1 not good.

no department being well filled. They say that inclement weather Monday and Tuesday hindered the bringing in and placing of exhibits. There was good racing Wednesday and yesterday. The gamblers and fakirs, side-shows. and various tents and schemes all found easy entrance.

and the man who is looking for fun of that kind finds it 111 abundance. Mayor Emery told beforehand that the people need not expect a Sunday-school show, and the declaration thus far has been made good. Henry Blount lectured here this week in Temperance Hall for the benefit of the Scotland Neck Temperance Association. His audience was pleased with his humorous lecture, which he calls The cases of smallpox near Palmyra have been pronounced cured and will be turned loose today. There are other cases, however, in another direction a few miles from town, and the health officer of the county has set up strict quarantine around them.

The is of a very mild form, and some of the patients had been sick some time before they suspected what it was. There have been more real estate transfers here recently than in quite a while. There is also indication that much building will soon be done. some building being already in course of erection. Business men and farmers seem more ready than usual to make contracts and arrangements for next year's work.

All of this indicates a revival in business, and bespeaks better times, whereof al! are glad. Love Him for Such Enemies. (Wilmington Messenger.) more the bought politicians and the negro papers, supposed to be white, abuse Chairman Simmons, the more popular he becomes with the white man's party. Don't you forget." Paris Pawnbrokers. (London Chronicle.) All sorts and conditions of: people patronize the Paris Monte de.

Piete. or municipal pawnshop. A shows that among the report borrow- just issued ers last 8,497 year were 8,500 working people, employes, 6,564 merchants, tradesmen and manufacturers, and 2,019 representatives the liberal professions. Renters, who live on their dividends, frequently seek the help of the friendly Mont. and this class are among 3.209 of the The institution is looked borrowers.

in the upon more. as nature of a bank It than is the pawnshop. advances rates of interest on money at low any form of security, including furniture shares, and is used and railway man short of by the tradescapital as well borers out of work. as by la- THE MORNING POST. NOVEMBER 4, 1899 SWEDE'S DISCOVERY Another Victim of the Perpetual Motion Delusion.

CONVERTS TO HOLINESS Charley Holton Has a Troublesome Tenant-Rib Broken by the Kick of a a Horse--University Foot-ball Team on Its Way -Morganton Bids for the Proposed Summer SchoolVoluntary Petition in Bankruptey. Greensboro. Nov. is a Swede here who claims to have discovered perpetual motion. He has written to Dr.

Melver. asking him to inspect his contrivance and telling him to beware how he. neglects to give hearing to the poor men who struggle for a living and fame. Dr. McIver and I went to the man's address, but he was not in.

Dr. McIver will continue the search for him today. Mr. Robert Chambers, who was formerly in the livery and transfer business in Charlotte, but has been living in Seattle in recent years. came to this city today on a visit to his daughter, Mrs.

C. C. Collins. Recently there has been a good deal of talk establishing a summer school somewhere in the mountains of Western Carolina as an adjunct to the State Normal and Industrial College. So heard soon of as this the citizens of plan they sent a representative down here with a view of having the school established in that town.

Morganton is the only town in the west that seut out a bid. A voluntary petition in bankruptcy has been filed in the Federal court here by James G. Banner, of Mt. Airy. His liabilities are $7.684.75.

and his assets are $7.513.38. of which $1.500 is exempted by law. The Reverends holiness Hypas preachers and at Cecil--claim this have converted 150 to their faith in the week they have been here, and that Wednesday night alone there were forty conversions. Congressman Kitchin spent day in the city. Miss Virginia Shober.

of Greensboro. who has been stenographer for Gen. James D. Glenn for some time, will a go to Charlotte next week to take al position in the office of Capt. George F.

Bason. The Bachelor Girls' Club had 3 ganized. 1. This is a social club in meeting yesterday. and formally Greensboro.

Dr. Lash. of Walnut Cove, is in town. He and Mrs. Lash will move to Greensboro about the first of January.

The daughter of Captain Fisher. whose illness caused him to return Washington last week. is better, though she is not yet out of danger. Very shortly there will be a chrysanthemum show in Greensboro. The horse of Mr.

Frank Matthews ran away last night. being frightened by the train. Mr. Matthews out of his buggy and tried to stumped horse, which immediately kicked him in the side and broke one of 'his ribs. Mr.

C. E. Holton owns the building, rear the depot. in which Sam. the and pawnbroker, holds forth disreputably makes much per cent.

on his capital. Mr. Holton told Sam some weeks ago to leave the building, but Sam remained. Yesterday Holton inttituted "dispossess" proceedings to make him go. The magistrate gave decision for Holton, but the pawnbroker appealed and gave the required $600 bond.

The University football team passed through here en route to Annapolis, where it will play the naval academy team tomorrow. The University team will Princeton Wednesday next. at The University will play Thanksgiving day at Atlanta and Suwanee: at Atlanta or Macon, on the 2d of December. BEAM NOT GUILTY, One Capital Case Tried, Another Continued and True Bill in a Third. Shelby, N.

Nov. 2. Correspondence of The Morning Post. Judge McNeil is here now holding Superior Court. The criminal docket is unusually long.

The greater part of the minor cases were disposed of last week. There were about twelve new hands sent to work the The sentences range from six weeks to roads. two years. Only two were sentenced to the penitentiary. Each was for attempt to commit rape and each got five years.

On Monday the case of State vs. Beam for the murder 'of Dan Grigg was called, and after a trial extending through four days, resulted in acquittal. drawing the special venire. R. Hoey, who is in the Beam, the defendant, and Clyde prosecution, were both drawn.

The jury was secured Monday morning and the evidence was all in Tuesday when court adjourned. All day yesterday was occupied in argument by counsel. H. S. Hall opened for the State, followed by E.

Webb and M. H. Justice for the defendant. Then Clyde R. Hoey for the State and F.

H. Osborn for. the defendant. Solicitor Webb closed for the State. Public sentiment is in favor of Beam.

who has connections all over the county. Late Thursday the jury returned a verdict not guilty, The case of State vs. Bridges, for murder, was continued until spring term. A true bill was found against Tony for the murder of Lane. Tony was previously tried before a magistrate and discharged.

up, but very can be done before The civil docket. has just been taken court adjourns. The term has been remarkable for the number of convictions. But three COULDN'T KEEP COUNT De Vaughn Failed to Tally the Drinks He Took. MAYOR SENT HIM TO JAIL White Man Found in a Back Yard Fails to Account Satisfactorily for His Presence There -Dogs Unearth Dead Negro Baby- Additions to' the Death Record -Mayor Guthrie Has Erysipelas-Heavy Tobacco Sales.

A Durham. N. Nov. white man named De Vaughan was arrested late last night upon the charge of attempting to commit a felony. De Vaughan was found in the yard of Mrs.

J. L. Markham, on Cleveland street. about 10 o'clock, by Mr. H.

P. Markham. her brother-in-law, who was looking in a window when discovered. He first told Mr. Markham that his name was John Saunders, and that his hat blew over the fence and he went after it.

A few minutes later he confessed that his name was De Vaughan, and that he was there to prevent some other parties from burning the house, a plot which. he said, he heard made. At the trial this morning it was brought out that this was not the first time that some one had been prowling around Mrs. Markham's home. Will Bennett, a witness in the case.

said that De Vaughan told him a few days ago that he looked in the window at Mrs. Markham's one night not long ago. John Daniels. who works for Mr. Markham.

saw 21 man at one of the windows night before last. but could nOt say whether it was De Vaughan or not. De Vaughan admits that he was in the yard, but said he full of whiskey and did not know what he was doing. When asked by the mayor how many drinks he had taken, 'he said that he quit counting when the number got up into the hundreds. The mayor held him for court.

and in default of the required security was sent to jail. Dead Baby Found. The dead body of an infant: negro found near the suburbs of Durham, been yesterday buried, afternoon. found The was by some dogs and had been partly eaten. The coroner was notified.

but an inquest was. not thought, necessary. Up to this time there is no evidence as to who is the mother of the child. but officers are at work on a clue. The body was buried at the county home last night.

Two Deaths. Mr. Charles Crabtree, who about three miles west of Durham, died this morning between 8 and 9. o'clock. of typhoid fever.

He was about thirty-five years of age. He left al wife and six daughters. The remains will be carried to Mt. Hermon Church, eight miles from Durham, tomorrow. for interment.

Mr. George about one years of age. died at the home of his brother. Mr. Will Bennett.

in May street, this morning. Consumption was the cause of his death He was a member. of Company First North Carolina Regiment, during the recent war, and had been in feeble health since he was mustered out of service. The remains will be buried to morrow. Other Durham News.

Maj. W. A. Guthrie is confined to his home with erysipelas, but was some better today. He has been ill several days.

The disease made its appearance from a small sore on his face. The Dan Packard Opera Company played here last night and again tonight. It is one of the best opera troupes that ever played in' Durham. and the people are well pleased. The company plays again tomorrow night, with a matinee tomorrow afternoon.

The leaf tobacco warehouses are crowded to their utmost to handle the weed that is being sold here now. One of the warehouses sold 90,000 pounds yesterday and a like number of pounds again today. Ed Sims, the insane negro, was placed in jail today for safe-keeping. An effort will be made to get him in the insane asylum. RECORD OF A GOOD MAN Fayetteville Mourns the Death of Dr.

McDuffle. Burden of Life Laid Down After an Active Practice of Nearly Half a Century-Famed for His Skill and Loved for His Goodness. Fayetteville, N. Nov. 2.

Correspondence of The Morning Post. Dr. W. C. McDuftie, a native of Cumberland county, passed away at his residence in Russell street yesterday, latter a long period of feeble health, in 71st year of his age.

The funeral services took place this afternon at 3:30 o'clock from St. John's Episcopal church. the rector, Rev. Isaac W. Hughes, officiating, and the remains were attended to the grave by the members of the order.

of Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, of which the deceased was a valued and beloved member, with a military escort of the try, of Fayetteville which Independent Light Infanhe was surgeon. Dr. McDuttie was in the active practice of his profession in this city for forty-four years, having graduated with distinction from the Medical College of New York at the age of 26 years. First in partnership with the late Dr. Mallett, and then with Dr.

his busy and useful McSwain. The last thirty-five, yearsted alone to the ministry of his invaluable skill in the alleviation of suffering pain--the servant of his Master and friend of humanity wherever the hand could raise the helpless and his generous heart could relieve the afflicted. Well read and profoundly conversant in all the branches the noble calling which he had chosen as his life-work, he was particularly skilled in the treatment of nervous diseases, and more than once those public men throughout the State who recognized his worth and admired his charhis name forward in acter, brought connection with the superintendency of the State Insane Asylum at Raleigh. He was president of the State Medical in 1885, was chairman of the Society board of commissioners of Cumberland county and a member of the board of aldermen of Fayetteville. On the 4th of November, 1858, Dr.

Me Duftie married Miss Katharine Fitz Dodd, survived four George and by whom he had five chilyears, dren, Mrs. N. E. Bunting and Mrs. W.

B. and E. B. McDuftie. of Philadelphia, still living.

The only surviving member of his family, his elder brother, Mr. J. R. McDuffie, a successful business man of Georgia, has been with him during his last illness. High as was the standing of the deceased and enviable his reputation in the domain of medicine Carolina, it was as the central figure about the family hearthstone, as the cheery, kindly friend in private, life, that his loss is most deeply and the bitterest tears will fall upon his grave.

A devoted husband and a loving father, he carried those gracious qualities which made home happy into all the relations of private life. The wise treatment which raised the patient from his bed was accompanied by the sympathetic word and smile which brought cheer and comfort. while in the social circle his brilliant wit. his wholesome humor and rare powers of conversation made him 3. pleasant companion indeed.

But. the great, warm heart is still. the active hands. the busy brain are at rest, the useful life is ended and the full sheaves are at the feet of his Maker. May He give comfort to those bereaved whom naught of the friendship or sympathy of man can console.

The Meigs Sisters, the New York Quartette. will give a concert in court-house Saturday evening, the proceeds for the benetit of the Cumberland Monument Association. Miss Bertie Cole and Mr. Crawford Hedgepeth. much esteemed young people of this city, were married by Rev.

W. L. Cunninggim at the sidence of the bride's parents last evening. Mr. Maina, of New York.

is here. and wishes to buy a tract of land on which to raise the Angora goat-a new and profitable industry. The Oity Council of Atlanta, recently passed an ordinance making it unlawful to bet on horse or other races in that city, and Mayor Woodward vetoed it. He said that the ordinance as constructed was liable to be used maliciously, and incidentally he referred to the evils of bucket shops and said that the injury accomplished by the betting on horse racing amounts practically nothing when compared to the legalized and respectable form of gambling known as dealing in futures. "Did you ever make a serious mistake in a prescription?" "Never but once." answered the drug clerk.

as gloomy look passed over his face. "I charged a man thirty cents for a prescription, instead of -Washington Star. Housekeepers are invited to visit our store these hot days when in search of suitable viands to supply the table. You will find a comfortable place to rest, and everything you need for the table. Quality is guaranteed always, at our store, and the promptness with which we fill orders is proverbial.

Thos. Pescud, THE GROCER. The choicest designs ever issued for the effective decoration of any or every room in the house will be found in our free sample book of WALL PAPER. from 5 cents to $3.00 a sell. Interior Decorating dome in and out al the City upon application Save 25 par c*nt.

by buying tres us. SOUTHERN WALL PAPER RALEIGN, N. C. Uric Acid or Gout Poison Registered Patent by Office BUFFALO LITHIA WATER Goes to PARIS and to HOT SPRINGS for Uric Acid Diathesis, Cout, Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Calculi, etc. Dr.

Thomas H. Buckler, of PARIS (formerly of Baltimore), Suggestor of Lithia as a Solvent for Uric Acid, says: to the Nothing well-known I could reputation say would of add BUFFALO LITHIA WATER. I have frequently used it with good results in Uric Acid Diathesis, Rheumatism, and Gout, and with this object I have ordered it to Europe, from Baltimore. Lithia is in no form so valuable as where it exists in the carbonate, the form WATER, Nature's mode of soluit is tion and division in water jouwhich BUFFALO LITHIA which has passed through Lepidolite and Spodumene Mineral formations." G. Halstead Boyland, A.

M. Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of PARIS: In cases of Bright's Disease, in which albumen in the urine reached as high as fifty per I have BUFFALO LITHIA WATER. gradually known it, under a course diminish and finally disappear; at the same time other alarming symptoms were relieved and the sufferers restored to health. "In Stone in the Bladder of the Red Lithi3 Acid and the White Phosphatic Deposit its solvent power is unmistakable. In Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, witnessed from diseases of Uric Acid Diathesis, the best results which I have any remedy have been from this Water." Dr.

Algernon S. Garnett, Surgeon (retired) U.S. Navy, Resident Physician, Hot Springs, ence in the use of BUFFALO LITHIA ment Gout, RheuMy experi- WATER limited to the treatmatism, and that hybrid disease, Rheumatic Gout' (so-called), have which is in contradistinction to the Rheumatoid Arthritis of Garrod. I had excellent. results from this Water in these affections, both in my own person and in the treatment of patients for whom I prescribed it.

Of course, the remedial agent is its contained Alkalies and their solvent properties. Hence is a prophylactic as well as a remedy in Nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when due to a redundency of Lithic Acid." Dr. Wm. F. Carrington, Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Surgeon (retired) U.S.

Navy: Spring No. 2, has signally demon'BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, strated its remedial power in Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Uric Acid Gravel, and other maladies, dependent upon the Uric Acid Diathesis. It not only eliminates from he blood the deleterious agent before it crystallizes, but dissolves it in form of Calculi, at least to a size that the renders its passage along the ureters and urethra comparatively For Pale, Exhausted Subjects Spring No. 1 is specially indicated. In the absence of these symptoms No.

2 is more especially indicated. BUFFALO LITHIA WATER is for sale by Grocers and Druggists generally Testimonials which defy all imputation or questions sent to any address, PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. Eagle Foundry MANUFACTURERS AND MACHINISTS. GENERAL MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY WORK. High Grade Mill and Brass Casting a Specialty.


If the work don't suit you, you don't have to take it. We sell frames cheap. UNION PORTRAIT 332 Fayetteville Raleigh, N. next door to "Morning Post" An agent wanted in every town in the State. St.

Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. Established 1842. The Advent Term of the Fifty-eighth School Year begins September 21, 1899. Courses in Literature, Language Ancient and Modern, Science, Art, Music and Business.

Modern Sanitary convenience in each Dormitory Building. For further information apply to the Rector, "A thorough school, the kind of school to which parents honest, send their daughters." and, REV. T. D. BRATTON, B.

RECTOR. C. BIBERSTEIN C0. Mill Architects Engineers, CHARLOTTE, NC. Southern Conservatory of Music All branches taught, and advantages equal to those found in the largest cities, at less expense.

Concert playing, church singing and the training of teacher and sight-readers a spe cialty. for catalogue. GILMORE WARD BRYANT, Director, Durham, N. C. WE HAVE CURED or Primary, Blood Secondary Poison .0000 ed days price at permanently under home can in for same be 15 to treat- same gua- 35 rantee If you will prefer conto come here pay we railroad fare tract to hotel bills, and no and fail to cure charge if we taken mer'If you have aches and iodide potash, and still have Sore Throat.

pains, Mucous Patches in mouth. on anv Pimples, Copper-colored Eyebrows Ulcers Falling Out, part of the body, Hair or POISION we guar. it is this cure secondary solicit BLOOD most obstinate cases. antee to We we cau and challenge the world for a baffled the skill cure This disease has of the most physicians guarantee. $500,000 Absolute behind sealed unconditional proofs sent on application REMEDY Address CO.

COOK Chicago. 111. 344 Masonic Temple. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. TO TabTake Laxative Bromo Quinine if it sets.

All druggists genuine bas refund money fails to cure. 25c. The L. B. Q.

on each tablet..

The Morning Post from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


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