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probably to is and ball but young good tor condition day. Tanme might of Sis to not easy is 1 for to to on BELL GOES TO CUBS Chicago Obtains Old Friend of Rogers Hornsby From Boston FOSTER (Capreigh6. NEW TORI. OFf. 30.
The friend. Lester Bell and Rogers the sarasual again be without me of distance Lester. Be the Bestow has by Bought the And Cute a free they have had to pay Belt worships and Rogers went Cale second Lester WOO sad the Cubes Was caly half question de whether Sell he with Boston. The olences ace will to And Bell changes in teams and changes, some et the Sane Cincinnati ens an Cincinnati, a manage the Cite yeas Roma had with phystenl la Bette not beem come to the monti he was alvage whem he he sight. witen he would be to They wand player in the was bee outfield needined Me Oct lie filled that Entente will elange ite Cute Won't cum hardly afford da Seem for trade wand aim.
now that he vents spectacles a pominiusy that da. they than cling the 2 AHEAD Leaders In Fine Reception US FRANKLIN MOTOR SALES CO. Purcell's Garage Building Special Showing of New Model FRANKLIN Motor Cars MILLER Tires and Tubes 108-328 West Main 56. House Organs Publications Catalogues Printing of the Butter Kind ASHLAND 3898 Commercial Work Our Specialty COMMERCIAL PRINTING CO. 540 Walnut Street GLASS.
Lato could might Bowl If Sound de it sol A to in to so do in in I up. to, 1 it or WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON -THE LEXINGTON LOADER 30, 1929 it RADIO PROGRAMS CENTRAL STANDARD TIME PROGRAMS FOR TODAY WEDNESDAY. OCT. 30 WHAS Louisville Susie and Radio Co -Royal Hungarians: time. Kelsail Musie Inc.
-Louis Rigo, violinist. -Meddlers Three. Ford and George and Steve. -Dinner Dancers. World Book Man.
Harrison. -Franklin Players. Karl Schmidt, Ed Ward, Xylophonist. Troubadours. -Palmolive Hour.
Courier-Journal Reporters. University of Kentucky. -WHAS Dance Band. Time. Woman's Radio Club.
-Andy Mansfield. -World Book Man. Friends and Paces. Rhyme Reaper. -Donhallrose Trio.
-Live Stock Reports. Closing Stock and Grain Quotations. -Lucky Bambo. -Industrial Alcohol Temperance Reports. -Harry Willsey and Orchestra.
-Benrus Time Announcement. -Crosley Dinacoll Diners. Weather Announcements. -Some Aspects of Aviation. -Tony's Scrap Book.
-Maytag Radioette. -Northwestern Yeast Program. -Sylvania Foresters. -Studebaker Champions. -Aladdin Fiddlers.
Night Club. -Weather Announcements. -Brunswick Balke Collender Program. -Pepsodent Amos 'n' Andy. -Your English.
-Chime Reveries. -Charlie Dornberger and Orchestra. -Howard Melaney. -Sign Off. CHAIN PROGRAMS Chicago-1020 4:30 5:00 P.M.
5:15 8:30 P.M.- 8:30 10:00 10.05 11:00 12:00 P.M.- 3:00 3:15 P.M. 3:45 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:30 4:40 4:45 8:00 5:00 8:30 5:30 8:00 P.M. 6:15 8:30 9:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 10:15 P.M.
10:20 11:00 11:30 13:00 Mid.1 -Uncle Hob (Walter Wilson; -Organ: Orchestra: Features. Same as WIZ hrs.) -Program of Brevities. WIZ (45 News: Dance: Variety hrs.) Chicago-720 -Quin: Dinner Musie: Features. -Radio Floorwalker. -Jean Goldkette's Orchestra.
-Same as WEAP hrs.) Cushioneers. 10:00 -News: Feature: Dance hrs.) TAM- WEAR Cleveland-1070 Muste Feature. Same as WEAR. Programs. Hour From WEAP.
Programs. Hour. WCX-WJR (30 Orchestra. Hour From WIZ. (30 WIZ hrs.) 10:15 News: Orchestra, and Dance (1 hr.) Louis-1000 -Susie: Tony Cabach.
Same WABC (3 hrs.) Willle Lillie: Dance. Atlanta-340 -Harry Pomar's Orchestra. Meldon's Orchestra. -Feature: Concert, of Brevitles. -WEAP WIZ (2 hrs.) -Concert Program.
Fort Worth-800 Theatre Artist Hour. Announced. ashrille-650 -WEAP 130 Orchestra. As Orchestra. (2 Minstrels (30 side and the quarterback always from the original line up to FORE strong Dame.
Carnegie deserted end around stuff. She shifted tackle in motion before the ball was ped, And, as seems to be the rule this year, he was generally a wasted mall. South Bend's defense was Showing how worked it may be pointed out that Lech never got nearer the Irish goal than the Notre Dame 35-yard mark and then only once. Thereafter she was never nearer the South Bend goal than midfield The Notre Dame defensive tackle play was a joy to watch and the cutting down of ball carriers absolutely deadly. (Copyright, 1929) VANDY ONLY HOPE TO HALT VOLS Auburn, Carson-Newman, Kentucky and South Carolina Expected to Yield KNOXVILLE, Oct.
Major Bob Neyland's Tennesseans rode the top of 6 mighty high wave Tuesday as they squared away for the fire remaining ports of call on this year's gridiron tour. Four victories have showed the way to the pinnacle. Three of the five games in the offing may sink the ship. Auburn and little -Newman should not offer much trouble on the next two Saturdays. But Vanderblit brings another tale into.
camp Nov. 16. Although the Commodores play Alabama and Tech while Tennessee meets two under dogs, Daniel McGugin's crew will barge in with the storm- warnings flying. Somebody's boat will be rocking badly before the day is over. Kentucky and South Carolina, the last two opponents for the season, cannot and will not be disregarded by the gentlemen prone to drag littie chickens out of immature eggs.
Meanwhile, the one thing. is that Major Neyland has learned something about his team. Eugene McEver hoisted himself another rung on the national ladder by his performance against Washington and Lee. Buddy Hackman and Bobble Dodd did the expected, calling still more attention to their clainis as individual conference leaders, What the major learned was that Paul Hedrick and Charlie Reineke, two backfield men, whose play has been erratic all season, are very deftnitely going somewhere. Heydrick, one of many substitutes who pled the Generals, made touchdown, passed with the best, and ran all over the field.
Reineke, who has been out because of an injured hand, has been in the Neyland eye all along. and Saturday gave the multitude an idea of what he ought to do at quarterback one of these days. Tha line showed the results of three intensive training. coupled with the performance against Alabama, the week-end exhibition lessened Neyland's worry on behalf of his forward wall. ONE BUILDING PERMIT The only building permit reported Tuesday by the department of public works was Issued to T.
B. Coons to lay a new roof at 188 Spruce street a cost of 850. To relieve Ing, blind, or proItching, bleedtrading piles, use PILES pile pipe, 15e; tin box, 60c. antee. Handy tube with PAZO.
Money back guarPAZO PAZO OINTMENT FROGRAMS FOR TOMORROW THURSDAY, OCT. 31 HAS HAS 8:00 A.M.-Patty Jean. 9:15 A.M.- and There. 9:30 A.M.- Studio Concert. 9:35 -Herman Straus and Sons Co.
9:45 A.M.- Betty Crocker. 16:00 A.M.- "Your Child." Abbott. 10:15 A.M.-Radio Household Institute. 16:30 A.M.- -Studio Concert. 10:45 A.M.- -Barbara Gould Beauty Talk.
11:00 A.M.- -Studio Concert. 11:50 A.M. -Bourbon Stockyards, markets. 12:00 M. -National Farm, Home Hour, 12:45 1:00 P.M.- -College of Agriculture.
P.M. -Local produce. 1:05 -News of The Times. 1:15 1:45 -Brown Hotel Orchestra. -Florence Montz, pianist.
2:00 P.M. -Week-Day Devotional Service. 2:30 -Matinee Melodies. 3:15 P.M.- -W. L.
Lyons and markets. 3:30 -Louisville Music and Radio Co. 4:00 -Royal Hungarians; time. 4:30 P.M.- -Kelsall Music Inc. 5:00 Science News of the Week.
5:15 P.M.- -Meddlers Three. 5:30 P.M.- Public Health Talk. 5:45 P.M.. -Ford and 6:30 6:00 Mid-week Hymn Sing. George.
-World Book Man. 6:35 P.M.- -Edward N. Riedling. 7:00 Sunshine Hour, 8:00 -Veedol Hour. 8:30 Maxwell House Hour, 9:00 P.M.- Old Counsellor.
9:30 P.M.- Hour. 10:00 P.M.- The Courier-Journal Reporters. 10:10 16:30 P.M.- P.M.-Dorothy Land Merranan, pianist. -Dixie Gloom Chasers. 11:00 P.M.- -The Homing Hour.
11:30 P.M.- -Madrid. 12:00 P.M.- -Time. 5:30 A.M.- a' the Morning 6:30 A.M.- Time Announcement. 6:30 A.M.- Organ Program 7:00 -Morning Exercises 7:30 A.M.-Devotions 8:00 A.M.- -Crosley Woman's Hour 9:00 A.M.- Program 9:15 A.M.- -Home Sewing Modernized 9:30 A.M.- -Live Stock Reports 9:40 A.M.- Activities 9:45 A.M.- To be announced 10:00 A.M.- -Forecast School of -Weather. River, Market and Police Reports 10:55 A.M.- Time Signals 11:00 A.M.- -Organ Program 11:30 A.M.- -Charlie Dornberger and Orch.
11:50 A.M.-Live Stock Reports 12:00 Noon- Farm and Home Period 12:45 P.M.- and Country 1:00 P.M.- -Ceno. States. School of the Air 2:00 P.M.- Sheila Radio' Serial 2:10 P.M.- -The Matinee Plavers 2:45 P.M.- -Woman's Radio Club 3:00 P.M.- -United States Army Band 4:00 -Five O'clock Hawalians 4:30 P.M.- -Live Stock Reports 4:40 P.M.- -Closing Stock, Grain Quota'ns 4:45 P.M.- Sambo 5:00 P.M.- Alcohol Temperature Reports 5:00 P.M.-Harry Willsey and Orchestra 5:30 P.M.- Time Announcement 5:30 -Chosley Dynacoil. Diners 5:59 -Weather Announcements 6:00 P.M.- -Chamber of Commerce Talk 6:15 P.M.- -Tony's Scrap Book 6:30 P.M.- -Through the Ball Jar 7:00 -Lehn and Fink Serenade 7:30 P.M.- -Champion Sparkers 8:00 P.M.- -Billiken Troupers 8:30 P.M.- -Maxwell House Coffee Concert 9:00 P.M.- -Hollingsworth Hall 9:30 P.M.- -Weather Announcements 9:30 Dornberger and Orch. 10:00 P.M.- -Amos 'n' Andy 10:15 P.M.- -Your English 10:20 A.M.- -Tony's Scrap.
Book 10:30 -Los Amigos- The Friends 11:00 P.M.- -Charlie Dornberger and Orch. 11:30 -Andy Mansfleld, Virginia Lee 12:00 Midnight- Sign Off CHAIN PROGRAMS Chicago-1020 Orchestra; Feature. From WJZ. Presentation. and WJZ hrs.) Dance: Variety hrs.) 416.1-WGN-WLIS Chicago- -720 Uncle Quin; Dance Music.
and Dance. of Heat. Mickleberry. WIZ (30 Frolic. Feature: Dance (3 hrs.) -Invisible Chorus: Boys.
McConnell: Feature. (30 Jolly Jester. and Features. Music (30 Cigar Makers. as WIZ Orchestra; Organ.
of Dance Music. 215.1-KMOX St. Louis-1000 Programs. 7:00 Same 88 WABC (3 and Lillie; Sports; WABC. 803.2- -WSB Atlanta-740 of Orchestras.
and WJZ (3 Organ Recital. 371.8- Fort Werth-800 Program. and WEAP 461.3-WSM Nashville-650 Orchestra; Contralto. Orchestra. and WJZ (3 Rose, Violinist.
Entertainer. LAUREL RESULTS FIRST RACE--Purse, maiden colts and geldings; 2-year-olds; six furlongs: Moine, 110. (J. Inzelone) $22.50, $9.70, $3.60. Sun Falcon, 111 (F.
Coltiletti) $8.20," $2.90 Mucker, 110 (H. Leishman; $2.30 Time, 1:13 Handy Man, King's Crier, Rouge Knight, Timon and Black Cloud also ran. SECOND RACE-Purse, $1,300 claimtng: 3-year-olds; one mile: Donnatina, 105 (J. Serio) $5.30, $3.70, $3.30 Lommerin, 113 (A. Abel) $14.50, $8.20 Lion Hearted, 113 (P.
Mann) $8.20 Time. 1:40. Passing By, Black Wrack, Tony the Clown, Dance, High Player, Traverence, King's Own and Begin Over also ran. THIRD RACE-Purse, claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; mile and onecuarter: Ring On, 104 (R. Morris) $12, $6.30, $4.80 Pat $3.50 Calhoun, 109 (W.
Cannn) $5.20,, Lucie Ann, 106 (J.Serio, $3.80 Time, 2:06. Oro, Confidential, Ondora, Middle Temple, Eyelash, Indra and Highland Daisy also ran. FOURTH RACE -Purse, claimIna: six furlongs: Sweep Pic. 116 (E. Ambrose) $15.80, $8.50, Wacket, 116 (R.
Workman) $5.20, $2.90 Chestie Ann, 114 (W. Cannon). $2.30 Time, 1:12 4-5. Wig, Fair Orb, Calome and Guilder also ran. FIFTH RACE Purse, the Frederick Handicap: 3-year-olds and upward: mile and seventy yards: William 112 (A- Robertson) $10.60, $3.30.
$2.80 Bewithus, 314 (E. Legere) $3, $2.30 Inception, 113 (W. Cannon) $2.90 Time Executive also ran. SIX RACE -Purse, mile and eighth: Genial Host, 115 (E. Legere) $3.90, 82.80, $2.30 Pair Beth, (A." Robertson, $3.90, £2.50 NOTICE OF JAIL BOND ELECTION Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the cal Court of Fryette County, an election will be held on Tuesday, ber 5th, 1929, at all the voting places in Fayette County, Kentucky, including the City of Lexington, between the hours of six (6) c'clock A.
M. and four (4) o'clock P. M. to determine whether a new indebtedness in the sum of three hundred thousand (8300,000.00) dollars shall be created and bonds issued therefor to be used in the erecting and equipping 8 new Jail for Fayette County Kentucky. and that the question so submitted shall and will read follows: "Are you in favor of creating a new indebtedness for Fayette County in the sum of 8300.000.00 and issuing bonds therefor for the purpose of building and equipping a Jail for Pagetto County, Kentucky?" All legal voters of Fayette County Kentucky.
are entitled to vote on this proposition. E. H. FULLER, Sheriff of Fayette County, Kentucky 10-5-30t NOT BO BUT GOAT McMILLAN GOAT' McMILLAN This chap is Goat McMillan, one of the best backfield men in the south. He's one of several triple threat men Clemson will hurl against the Wildcats in one of the most important Southern Conference clashes of the year on Ctoll Field Saturday afternoon.
Coach Dan 'McGugin, who watched Clemson play Auburn while he was scouting the latter, said that Goat McMillan, in his opinion, was the best forward passer he had seen in many years. The Wildcats really fear this bird. Time, Algernon, 1:52 114 (J. 1-5. Inzelone) Light View, $2.90 piage and Faux Pas alro ran.
SEVENTH RACE Claiming: purse, 3-year-oids and upward; one mile and 8 quarter. Rock Candy, 109 (W. Cann), $60.10, $17.80, $10.10 Mainsheet, 107 (P. McGinnis) $10, $4.60 2 Resourceful, 111 (E. Benham) $3.10 .3 Time: 2:06 1-5.
Allumeur, Leonid, Select, Fair Catch, Wormild, Opal, Elizabeth Star, Fire Watch also ran. AURORA RESULTS FIRST RACE--Purse $800; claiming; three-year-olds and upward; six furlongs: Ethel Sherlock, 107 (G. Cimerak), $6.22, $3.74, $2.88 Nondaga, 110 (L. Martin). $7.84, $6.12,.
Chesterbrook, 105 (W. Cleverly), $7.42.. 3 Royal Buby, Jonah, Frances Rock- Gold Mark, Reigh Celene, Privately, Rose Lady, Hugmaster and Betty Haskell, also ran. SECOND RACE- Purse $800; claiming; two-year-olds; six furlongs: Thomas Seth, 107 (R. Deperini), $49.34, $16.60, $9.20 Roberta 104 (L.
Martin), $4.56. $3.26, 2 Manager Seth, 97 (W. Moran), $3.76.... 3 2-5. Nazdar, Illinois, Patsy Lewis, Troubanova, Guytah, Seth's Queen and Jaboulay also ran.
THIRD RACE--Purse claiming; three-year-olds; six furlongs: Flossy Hare, 102 (L. Logan), $10.62, $4.76, $3.54 Straw Vote, 106 (H." Deperint), $3.16, $3.18 Dunkirk, 106 (M. $3.62 Saddle Skirts, Lady Lanta, Tommy Doyle Queerville also ran. FOURTH RACE -Purse claiming; two-year-olds; one mile: Star Mistress, 105 (T. May), $14.56, $6.98, $3.24 Cabildo, 103 (Leyland), $8.56, $3.30.....
The One, 106 (R. Deperini), $2.56....... 3 4-5. Flo O'Neil, Preferred, Lead Gold and Bunyora also ran. FIFTH RACE--Purse claiming; three-year-olds and upward; mile and 70 yards: Alto, 105 (L.
Martin), $16.12, $6.30, $2.80 Chaff, 103 (May), $5.40, $2.70 Salona, 109 (R. Deperini), $2.38 2-5. Laundryman, Omareen and Bun also ran. SIXTH RACE -Purse claiming; REPUBLICAN TICKET County Judge CHESTER D. ADAMS County Attorney GEORGE W.
VAUGHN County Sheriff CHARLES LAND County Clerk E. H. FULLER County Tax Commissioner C. P. WIGGINS County Coroner J.
HERVEY KERR County Representative MRS. JOHN DAVID ALLEN County Jailer R. MACK OLDHAM City Representative A. Q. GILLESPIE Magistrate 1st.
District EARL KIGER Constable 1st District J. R. WARREN Magistrate 2nd District W. T. JORDAN Constable 2nd District BEN KIGER Magistrate 3rd District CHAS.
S. WRIGHT Constable 3rd District HUNT PERRY Magistrate 4th District ORVILLE C. BOONE Constable 4th District CARL SWEENEY Magistrate 5th District J. F. SKIDMORE 5th District ROBERT REYNOLDS Magistrate 6th District W.
Mo JOHNSTON Magistrate 7th District C. T. STIVERS Constable 7th District FEATHERSTONE Magistrate 8th District HERMAN RANKIN REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS 120 N. Lime -Phone Ash. 6834 PAGE SEVEN THESE BOYS MEET CATS NEXT 808 MCCARLEY COLLINS 808 SWOFFORD quartet of ferocious looking he-men are none other than four Grading players en the foot ball team that Invades fire a taste with the University of Kentucky Wildcats Saturday.
chap up in the left hand cornet is Captain Padgett, half back in backfleld Conch Jonh Cody has developed. The boy on the Rob as hefty as he looks, and a fall back. fellow, the that is hogging most of the picture, is Bob the 216-pound tackle who is so agile and fast Coach Cody Interference for hie fastest ball carriers. The chap that only his tomelled head, which must look to the Wildcats like of a list, doe Collias, the other tackle. ambrtrated this year and at present is tied with Tennessee in the Southern Conference.
Are they tough? well, only walloped the daylights out of Newberry, Davidson, North Carolina State, Wolfeed and South Carolina. That's all! Brothers and Comorosky. Both Wee have signed contracts and will on hand time spring. should be better to 1900 than he was this year. CAPTAIN PADOETT JOE Tale the Stall Wield The the stellar eight he Tie Bette him is showing the mane fuse the they have Auburn, Cincinnati is welt fixed in the and Bal Mansel, Beth from the American So Cincinnati not likely to magle far Philadelphia could eve Roush.
but It me got him by trade they Dave break on their and they not wish so lose a At the same time, with center. in left and Klein in eight the Phillies would hare clany oustield. Brooklyn another team that Model. The Robins need they could make up their minds to Vance for a tide might be made. Vance Das been good stace he went estate Florida.
It has Seated mind and his playing. At one time Brooklyn could save gotten 8100.000 for But not Boston also could use Roust. but have difficulty digging up the plagers trade for the Cunts can get two hard staters in the outfield to join Oft and either Marshall or Reese develope tato a second baseman the is sure to continue in the first division. FOUR MILLION WEEK Football enthusiasts of the United States die down tato their pockets for ench Saturday during to the gridiron according en estimate of the weekly gate receipts. Endurance records don't seem tee magitable a land where almost everybody has kept at it until he a parking space.
W. B. Gentry, farmer, and Miss Geneva Penn, both of Fayette county. Tom C. Williams, machinist, and Miss Thelma Gumm, both of Fayette county.
John E. Seaton, coal merchant, of Richmond, and Mrs. Mary Boulware, of Lexington. Future archaelogists can trace our development of styles by the migration of the vaccination mark. the 40 position with the be Corns Ended! Why put up with corns or only temporarily subdue them when "Freezone" takes them out of your life? A few drops of "Freezone" on any corn instantly put it to sleep and soon the corn loosens and comes right out.
A tiny bottle is sufficient to remove every kind of corn and foot callus. with Mater. Seen FOR THE GAME'S SAKE By LAWRENCE PERRY NEW YORK. Oct. 30-Notre Dame, or lose, is always a smart team.
Since smart teams seldom lose 50 Notre Dame's is not frequently beaten. This year's outfit is a good even basing judgment upon the high Notre Dame standard. Not up the best, no; none the less a thoroughly tine Itockne model. And smart, this quality is a South Bend dutfit may justly be regarded the reflection of the workings of Knute Rockne's clever mind. Just the same requirca a lot of bright.
nimbie-minded boys to grasp. especially in the heat of a foot bail game, what the coach wants them to grasp. For example that Notre Dame-Carnegle Tech foot ball game at burgle Saturday. Notre Dame put in her second string team at the start the game and Carnegie, not to be outdone, also played a substitute line Both coaches kept their combinations intact throughout the Brat period. Now this period Notre Dame made no appreciable gains.
Never had the ball neater the Tech goal 12533 the 38-yard mark. And the Tartans were never neater the Irish goal than the Irish-35-yard line. But that is beside the point. What mattered was that the Tech ends on defense were driving straight down into the backfeld, not turning in and to save their lives the Note Dame fullback and the other blocking back could not hit them properly. So the climax end runs upon which Notze Dame relies were constantly being turned in.
Even in the second period with both regular teams in action Notre Dame's two flashy ball carriers, Eider perfect whiz- and Carideo were being kept inside where Tech's secondary could grab them. Then just toward the end of this quarter the Notze Dame fullback, who has been working one other of the defensive ends the trend of the play indie cated, began hitting the Tech wing08 the outside after neatly feinting to hit him as he had been doing. Consequence, Hider was shot loose for a 25-yard run and the half ended with the ball on Tech's yard line. In the third pertod Tech began shoot her ends in diagonally. She because the way they were being hit.
now that the Notte Dame had doped out the flaw in their back defenaive strategy, would have spelled As it was It was but a quesof time when one of the ends tion would be knocked for a loop and the clear for the wild running Eider. way it came toward the middle of the when with Notre Dame quarter possession of the ball on her own yard line Eider went around right to Tech's 15-yard line whence end of thrusts and prods took the series ball over. Carnegie's spirited, hard-hitting defense is entitled to high praise. the face of it the writer hates to say Notre Dame acted as though she clever stutt in reserve which she had did not see fit to use. In a misthis of judgment may have been take but the writer does not think made.
Watched by bitter enemy scouts not showing all she was hadrate, all she will have. at any Note Dame's odense the same old time honored stuff, with the adof spinnere-which never defense, box backfield formation. Same old Notre worked. HEADACHE? Instead of dangerous heart detake safe, mild, purely vegetable NATURE'S REMEDY and getrid of the bewel that cause the tremble. Inc like HR for elek Acts Never gripes, MM.
only Make the test tonight As FEEL LIKE A MILLION, TAKE AR TO- TOMORROW NIGHT ALRIGHT and upward; mile and a sixteenth: Aviator, 113 (M. Harrison), $7.38, $5.36, $5.06 Bobbie 98 (G. Cimerak), $6.72, $5.52. 2 Battle On, 102 (W. Cleverly), $5.52......
3 2-5. Miss Sourire, Billiken, Agnes Wynn, Sweeping Ray, Rocky Way, Double Dare, Parnell, Mollie Dear and Margaret Gaut also ran. SEVENTH RACE -Purse claiming; four-year-olds and upward; mile and 70 yards: Thrace, $4.22 112 (J. Redding), $6.00, $3.94, P4 Finnster, 100 (E. Level), $12.32, $6.08..
09 Ted Healey, 110 (E. Martin), $4.50..... 02 2-5. John J. Jim Bridger, Cano, San Carlos and Azov also ran.
HOLDS FIELDING RECORD Nemo Liebold, present manager of the Columbus Association, established a major league fielding record for outfielders 1924 with the mark of .994. was with Washington then. Tonight Thru Station WLW at 9:30 o'Clock Listen to Brunswick Brevities The best entertainment on the air. ASHEVILLE, N.C. Kenilworth In the FallTo the Southward over the newly routed Ontario to FlorIda.
Highway 0. S. 25-1 with a delightful interlude at Asheville and Inn. From your doorstep to ours this new routing brings the wonderful Autumn days in the Great Smokies and Blue Ridge to within 8 few hours. Write for travel formation.
rates OF reservations. Roscoe Marvel Manager VOTE FOR L. F. MYERS FOR COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC FINANCE ELECTION, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 YOUR SUPPORT AND INFLUENCE WILL BE APPRECIATED See and Drive the NEW BUICK Marshall Featherston Motor Co. (Incorporated) Distributors 168-182 N.
Upper St. Ashland 692 Expert Roofing We Specialize in SLATE, TILE, TIN and COMPOSITION ROOFS Built Up Roofs LET US REPAIR YOUR ROOFS NOW We Also Erect and Repair GUTTERS and SPOUTS J. D. HARPER Ashland 1190 Lexington, Ky. 14.