How To Easily Care for an 8 Week Old Kitten (2024)


Bringing home a new 8-week-old kitten is an exciting time for any cat parent. As your adorable furball explores its new surroundings, it’s essential to provide the right care to ensure a healthy and happy start in life. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover all the crucial aspects of caring for your 8-week-old kitten, including nutrition, grooming, litter training, socialization, and more. Let’s dive into the world of feline parenthood!

How to Tell a Kitten is Eight Weeks Old

First, let’s talk about how to tell if a kitten is eight weeks old. At eight weeks, they will really are what you expect to see when looking at kitten!

They will be coming into their personality. Their teeth should be a full set of kitten teeth and their size should be close to the size of a normal kitten you see at the shelters.

This is also the age that they will start to climb! They will be jumping and understanding their bodies more and more.

At eight-weeks-old, they will have their own color eyes instead of the baby blues you may have seen around week three.

Their weight at this age should be between 850-950 grams depending on the kitten and should still continue to gain weight each day. If you notice your kitten is not gaining weight for a few days, make sure you are feeding them enough, and speak to your vet about possible other reasons for delayed weight gain.

At eight weeks, they will be able to keep warm on their own. They may still want to cuddle up with you form extra warms, but the extra heating sources should be long gone!

Can 8 Week Old Kittens Be Left Alone?

At about eight weeks, they can start to venture off on their own.

This is also the age in which kittens are adopted out. If you find a kitten and are unsure of their age, here is an easy sign.

If you read the description of a four, six, even seven-week-old kitten, and they seem farther along than those, than excellent! You have at least an eight-week-old kitten in your presence.

They should be weening completely onto wet food and no longer requiring a bottle at all. They should be getting comfortable with the litter box, and having nearly no accidents.

Their weight should be continuing to gain steadily, but the speed will definitely slow down.

They are growth will continue to grow until about a year. A year is when they will really reach their full size so you will see them have growth spurts from now until around a year..

Feeding an 8 Week Old Kitten:

Feeding your 8-week-old kitten a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for its growth and development. Choose high-quality, commercially available kitten food that meets the specific nutritional needs of young cats. Look for formulas with essential nutrients like protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Follow the recommended feeding guidelines on the packaging and establish a regular feeding schedule to ensure consistency.

  • Transitioning from Mother’s Milk:

At 8 weeks old, kittens are typically weaned from their mother’s milk and are ready for solid foods. However, it’s essential to introduce this transition gradually. Start by offering a high-quality kitten formula specifically designed to meet their nutritional needs. Consult your veterinarian to ensure you select the appropriate formula.

  • Choosing the Right Kitten Food:

Selecting the right kitten food is vital for your little one’s health. Look for commercial wet or dry kitten food labeled as “complete and balanced” or “kitten-specific.” These formulas are specifically formulated with the appropriate balance of nutrients to support your kitten’s growth and development.

Opt for a food that includes high-quality animal protein as the primary ingredient. Kittens require a protein-rich diet to promote healthy muscle and tissue development. Additionally, check for essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and taurine, which contribute to healthy brain development, vision, and overall well-being.

  • Feeding Schedule and Portion Control:

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule is crucial for your kitten’s overall routine. At 8 weeks old, they generally require four small meals a day. Ensure that you divide their daily food portion into these multiple meals.

Follow the feeding guidelines on the food packaging as a starting point, but remember that individual needs may vary. Monitor your kitten’s weight and body condition closely. Adjust the portion size as needed to maintain a healthy weight. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, while underfeeding can hinder proper growth.

  • Gradual Introductions and Dietary Changes:

If you decide to switch your kitten’s food or introduce new flavors, do it gradually. Sudden dietary changes can upset their delicate digestive system, leading to diarrhea or refusal to eat. Start by mixing a small amount of the new food with the old one, gradually increasing the proportion of the new food over several days.

  • Treats and Snacks:

Treats can be a part of your kitten’s diet, but they should be given in moderation. Opt for treats specifically formulated for kittens, and avoid offering them human food. Some human foods, such as chocolate, onions, or grapes, can be toxic to cats. Treats should never exceed 10% of their daily caloric intake.

  • Veterinary Guidance:

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for monitoring your kitten’s growth and overall health. Your veterinarian can provide specific dietary recommendations based on your kitten’s individual needs. They can also advise on vaccinations, deworming, and other preventive measures to ensure your kitten grows into a healthy adult cat.

Hydrating an Eight Week Old Kitten:

Along with proper nutrition, providing fresh and clean water is vital for your kitten’s well-being. Ensure a constant supply of water is available to keep your little one hydrated. Consider using shallow bowls or pet fountains that are easily accessible to your kitten, promoting regular water intake.

How Often Do 8 Week Old Kittens Poop?

Kittens are going to be having more solid poops. If your cat is eating 2-3 times a day, you should expect your kitten to go to the bathroom around the same time.

I would stress if it is more or less every few days, because bodies are weird. But if you cat has either extreme, you want to consult your vet as there could be other issues.

At eight weeks, I still recommend using non-clumping litter. You can start to add a mixture of clumping litter, and non-clumping litter.

That is also dependent on if you plan on using clumping litter when your kitten is grown up. If you don’t, then you can stick with non-clumping litter.

If you plan to use clumping litter, I would start with a mixture similar to how you did the slurry.

Grooming Your Eight Week Old Kitten:

Start by introducing your kitten to the grooming process in a gentle and positive manner. Begin with short sessions, allowing them to become familiar with being touched and handled. Use treats and praise as rewards to create a positive association with grooming.

  • Brushing their Coat:

Brushing your kitten’s coat helps remove loose fur, prevents matting, and promotes healthy skin. Use a soft-bristle brush or a comb specifically designed for kittens. Start with gentle strokes, gradually increasing the intensity as they become more comfortable. Focus on areas prone to matting, such as behind the ears, under the arms, and around the tail.

  • Bathing Basics:

While most kittens are naturally skilled at grooming themselves, an occasional bath may be necessary, especially if they get dirty or have fleas. Use a mild, kitten-specific shampoo and warm water. Fill a sink or basin with a few inches of water, ensuring it is not too deep. Gently wet your kitten’s fur, avoiding their face, and apply a small amount of shampoo. Rinse thoroughly, ensuring no shampoo residue remains. Towel-dry your kitten and provide a warm, comfortable space to dry completely.

  • Nail Trimming:

Regular nail trimming is important to prevent painful ingrown nails and scratches. Start by acclimating your kitten to having their paws touched. Use a pair of kitten-specific nail clippers and trim only the tip of the nails, avoiding the quick (a pink area inside the nail). If you’re unsure, consult your veterinarian or a professional groomer for guidance.

  • Dental Care:

Good oral hygiene is vital for your kitten’s dental health. Introduce them to tooth brushing early to make it a routine habit. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and kitten-specific toothpaste. Begin by gently massaging their gums, then gradually introduce brushing. Aim for daily brushing, but even a few times a week can make a significant difference.

  • Ear Cleaning:

Check your kitten’s ears regularly for any signs of wax buildup, redness, or discharge. Use a gentle, cat-specific ear cleaner and a cotton ball or pad to clean the visible part of the ear. Never insert anything deep into the ear canal, as it may cause damage. If you notice any abnormalities or suspect an ear infection, consult your veterinarian.

  • Eye Care:

Keep your kitten’s eyes clean and free from discharge. Dampen a clean, soft cloth with warm water and gently wipe away any debris from the corners of their eyes. If you notice excessive tearing, redness, or swelling, seek veterinary advice, as it may indicate an underlying issue.

  • Professional Grooming:

Consider taking your kitten to a professional groomer for a comprehensive grooming session. Professional groomers can trim their fur, clean their anal glands, and perform other specialized grooming tasks that may be challenging to do at home. This can be particularly helpful if your kitten has long hair or requires specific grooming needs.

Litter Training an 8 Week Old Kitten:

  • Choosing the Right Litter Box:

Select a litter box that is appropriate for your kitten’s size. A shallow box with low sides is ideal for easy entry and exit. Consider a litter box with low litter guards to prevent litter scatter. As your kitten grows, you can transition to a larger litter box to accommodate their size.

  • Placing the Litter Box:

Find a quiet and easily accessible location for the litter box. Choose an area that your kitten can reach easily and where they feel safe and comfortable. Avoid placing the litter box near their food and water bowls, as cats prefer separate areas for eating and eliminating.

  • Introducing the Litter:

Choose a litter that is safe for kittens and easy for them to dig. Unscented, clumping litter is a popular choice, but I recommend non-clumping to start. Yesterday’s News is a favorite of mine. Fill the litter box with a layer of litter, approximately 2-3 inches deep. Avoid using scented litter or litter with large granules, as some kittens may find them unpleasant or uncomfortable.

>> Read My Full Review of Yesterday News Cat Litter

  • Showcasing the Litter Box:

Bring your kitten to the litter box shortly after meals, naps, or playtime. Gently place them inside the box and let them explore. You can use their front paws to gently scratch the surface of the litter to demonstrate the purpose. If your kitten starts to dig or eliminate in the litter box, praise them calmly and provide positive reinforcement.

  • Establishing a Routine:

Consistency is key when it comes to litter box training. Establish a regular routine by taking your kitten to the litter box at specific times throughout the day. This includes after meals, play sessions, waking up, and before bedtime. Kittens have small bladders, so frequent trips to the litter box are important to avoid accidents.

  • Monitoring and Cleaning:

Keep a close eye on your kitten’s litter box habits. If you notice signs of sniffing, scratching, or circling, it may indicate that they need to use the litter box. Accidents can happen, especially during the initial training phase. If you catch your kitten eliminating outside the box, gently and calmly pick them up and place them in the litter box.

Regularly clean the litter box to maintain hygiene and encourage your kitten to use it consistently. Scoop out solid waste and clumps daily, and replace the litter completely as needed. Avoid using harsh chemicals or strong-smelling cleaners, as they may deter your kitten from using the litter box.

  • Troubleshooting:

If your 8 week old kitten is reluctant to use the litter box or continues to have accidents, consider the following factors:

Ensure the litter box is easily accessible and in a quiet area.
Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, when your kitten uses the litter box correctly.
Check for any medical issues that may be causing urination or defecation problems. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect any health concerns.

Does My 8 Week Old Kitten Need A Safe Space?

Finally, and maybe the most important is you want them to still have a safe space. At this point, they are probably safer to start roaming around on their own, but you want to make sure you have kitten proofed the house.

Loose wires, or things they can chew and eat should be places away from them. They won’t be able to jump high quite yet, so height can always be a safe place for things. For Binx, when she was about 5 weeks old, she was able to climb out of the bin we used for her not too long ago.

We started locking her in the bathroom at night so she could roam and be safe, and eventually just let her roam the apartment.

At 8 weeks she was pretty much free to roam around after we did the necessary cleaning and kitten-proofing. If you need to figure out you need to kitten proof your home, check out ‘How To Easily Pet Proof Your Entire Home‘.

We always gave her a little cat bed near my bed that she could sleep in so she felt like part of the family.

My best advice is if you have a big home, slowly start to let them roam around small areas on their own until you feel comfortable with them out completely on their own. This probably won’t happen until week 5 or 6. So around week seven, they should be getting more and more comfortable on their own. If you are just getting them at 8 weeks, you still want to give them time to get comfortable to you.

A new home is scary, make sure you give them time to adjust and get comfortable at their own speed. It will help form a better bond in the future with the two of you.

The last, and still important thing I want to mention is taking them to the vet.

They can get their first round of shots at around 4 weeks. There is also a good chance that your little kitten will have worms.

Especially if they were orphaned at a young age.

You want to make sure you take them to the vet and get them their needed shots, de-wormer, and anything else they may need medically. If you’ve read Binx’s story, you know that her worms caused a lot of problems for us. So the earlier you can get the de-wormed, the better!

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How To Easily Care for an 8 Week Old Kitten (1)

How To Socialize Your 8 Week Old Kitten:

At 8 weeks old, your kitten is ready for socialization with other animals and humans. Introduce positive experiences with gentle handling, playtime, and exposure to various sights and sounds. This helps build their confidence and establishes a well-rounded, sociable adult cat. Monitor interactions and ensure a safe environment for your kitten to explore and interact with others.

Why Socialization Matters:

Early socialization is essential to help your kitten adapt to new situations and build positive relationships with humans and other animals. When kittens are exposed to different stimuli during their critical developmental period, usually between 2 and 7 weeks of age, they are more likely to grow into friendly, confident cats. Socialization helps reduce fear, anxiety, and aggression while promoting curiosity, resilience, and adaptability.

  • Gentle Handling and Positive Touch:

Begin socializing your kitten by gently handling and touching them. Gradually introduce them to being petted, picked up, and held. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration. Use soft and reassuring tones to create a positive association with touch. Offer treats and praise to reinforce positive behavior.

  • Exposure to Various People:

Expose your kitten to a variety of people, including family members, friends, and visitors. Encourage gentle interactions and playtime with different individuals. This exposure helps your kitten become comfortable around different people and prevents fear or anxiety in the presence of strangers.

  • Introduce Other Pets:

If you have other pets in your household, introduce them to your new kitten gradually and under controlled circ*mstances. Allow supervised interactions, ensuring the safety and comfort of all animals involved. Positive experiences with other pets at an early age can help your kitten develop social skills and foster harmonious relationships.

  • Encourage Playtime:

Playtime is not only fun but also an excellent opportunity for socialization. Provide a variety of toys that stimulate your kitten’s natural instincts, such as chasing, pouncing, and climbing. Engage in interactive play sessions, using toys like feather wands or small balls. These activities promote bonding and help your kitten associate positive experiences with human interaction.

  • Exposure to Different Environments:

Introduce your kitten to various environments within the safety of your home. Allow them to explore different rooms, surfaces, and objects. Gradually expose them to new experiences such as different floor textures, household sounds, and household appliances. This exposure helps build their confidence and adaptability, making them more resilient in unfamiliar settings.

  • Controlled Outings:

Once your kitten has completed their vaccination series and is ready for supervised outdoor experiences, take them on controlled outings. Begin with short trips to safe and quiet areas, such as a securely enclosed backyard or patio. Use a secure harness and leash to prevent them from running off. Controlled outings provide exposure to new sights, sounds, and smells, further enhancing their socialization.

  • Positive Reinforcement:

Consistently use positive reinforcement techniques during socialization. Reward your kitten with treats, praise, and affection whenever they exhibit calm, confident, and sociable behavior. Positive reinforcement helps them associate pleasant experiences with various situations, encouraging them to repeat those behaviors.

  • Gradual Exposure to New Experiences:

Introduce your kitten to new experiences gradually, allowing them to explore at their own pace. Avoid overwhelming them with too many stimuli or unfamiliar situations all at once. Provide a safe retreat space where they can retreat and feel secure if they become overwhelmed.

Can I Care For An 8 Week Old Kitten?

Eight week old kittens are the youngest age kittens can be left from their mothers.

If you find one, I would still recommend they stay with their mothers as long as possible to prevent any issues. If you find a kitten, fear not! This is not a scary process. Educate yourself, get the supplies you need, and become the kitty mother of the world!

Remember to have patience throughout this whole process, especially if this is your first time handling orphaned kittens.

Everything will come with time and getting frustrated won’t help anyone. The most important things for them right now are warmth, shelter, and food. If they have that and are starting to gain weight as they should then you doing good!

You have made it through all eight weeks of raising a kitten. Relax!

The hard part is over! Have some fun and enjoy your little bundle of joy!


Congratulations on welcoming your 8-week-old kitten into your home! By following these essential care guidelines, you’ll be well-prepared to provide a nurturing and loving environment for your furry bundle of joy. Remember, each kitten is unique, so observe their behavior and adapt your care accordingly. With the right nutrition, grooming, litter training, and socialization, your kitten will grow into a healthy, happy adult cat. Enjoy the wonderful journey of feline parenthood.

How To Easily Care for an 8 Week Old Kitten (2024)


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