How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (2024)


Netflix’s The Last Kingdom gives the TV show a satisfying finale while paving the way for a fresh story in new feature film Seven Kings Must Die. Major spoilers.

How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (1)By Louisa Mellor | |

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How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (2)

Warning: contains spoilers for The Last Kingdom’s season 5 finale.

After five seasons, Uhtred’s cry of “To Bebbanburg!” is finally a toast and not a direction of travel. He’s made it back. Every twist of fate over the years that took him further from his childhood fortress was leading to this moment – when his destiny and that of the Wessex throne would become one and the same. Now he has a home for his children, a stronghold for his people, and a future. He also has the blessing of the gods in the thunderous rainstorm that put out the fire started by King Constantin’s army – both an act of Thor and another holy baptism for this Saxon-Dane.

That future isn’t going to be all peace and ale though, as The Last Kingdom’s ending showed. Uhtred’s quest for Bebbanburg may have been resolved, but it’s resulted in fresh conflict with the King, and put a barrier in the way of Edward fulfilling his father’s dream of a united England. The villains may have been slain, but threats remain. And Uhtred’s family is about to grow, with the return of his youngest son, Osbert. Here’s how the show’s ending paves the way for the forthcoming feature-length movie Seven Kings Must Die.

Uhtred vs Edward

When Uhtred proposed the Bebbanburg mission to Edward, the original pitch was to ambush King Constantine’s army on the road, while Uhtred’s band infiltrated the castle to capture the treacherous Lord Aethelhelm and rescue the King’s niece, Aelfwynn. Uhtred would then be installed as leader of the Northumbrian castle, and hold the lands in Edward’s name. (Uhtred’s cousin Whitgar had sworn allegiance to King Constantin of Scotia, making Bebbanburg a threat to Edward’s rule and site of potential Scottish rebellion.) With Uhtred in power and sworn to him there, Edward could finally complete the jigsaw and unite England as one kingdom.


Edward took some convincing but reluctantly agreed to the plan and then publicly took credit for it – as is the way of Wessex kings benefitting from Uhtred’s military expertise. When Constantin surprised them by arriving at the fortress early, the strategy was redesigned, but Edward’s impatience and pride came close to ruining everything. He stormed the castle early, unaware that Constantin’s army was in close pursuit, and suffered a terrible push back. It was only the arrival of Stiorra’s Danish troops – recruited by Lady Aelswith – that turned the tide and defeated Constantin’s men.

How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (3)

When it came to the exchange of prisoners, Constantin promised Uhtred that he would always fight for his claim on Northumbrian lands. In order to establish a longer peace and make Bebbanburg a Saxon land where Danes could thrive, Uhtred bargained with him. Constantin would give up his claim on Bebbanburg in exchange for Uhtred not swearing the fortress to King Edward. “We will remain between the two, sworn to neither, to ensure peace.”

Uhtred keeping Northumbria independent – though acknowledging Edward as overlord and paying Wessex tribute – enraged the King because it stopped him from fulfilling his father’s dream. Uhtred told Edward that the discord the King had sown between Saxon and Dane in the matter of Sigtryggr meant that he was not the right man to unite all of England, but that it would happen eventually, telling him “The future will come, wait for it.” Waiting isn’t Edward’s strong point, as we saw in season five. The Wessex king was last seen plotting military strategy.

Rognvaldr in Eoforwic

South of Bebbanburg, the city of York/Eoforwic was left under the rule of Sigtryggr’s brother Rognvaldr. When Stiorra refused to bend the knee to King Edward and rule the city in his name, Edward looked to the next available puppet he could put on the throne. Rognvaldr readily accepted, and was last seen lording it up and demanding ale from his subjects. What we know of Rognvaldr doesn’t augur well for the city. He used to be a drunken womaniser who was radicalised by Brida’s cult and betrayed his brother to let her attack the city. Selfish and disloyal, there’s no chance he’ll be a wise leader, which is sure to lead to trouble.

Osbert returns

How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (4)

Fans have been asking after Uhtred’s youngest son ever since he went without a mention when Young Uhtred and Stiorra arrived in season four. Now we know where he’s been: with Hild on the holy island of Lindisfarne. A scene in the finale showed Hild leading the young Osbert (Uhtred’s first name before he was re-christened with the name of his dead older brother) along the beach. They’re off to meet the new Lord of Bebbanburg, whom Hild says can teach the boy about his origins. “You think he may once have met my father?” asks Osbert, to which Hild smiles and replies “Something like that.”

Osbert is Young Uhtred and Stiorra’s little brother, and the youngest child of Uhtred and Gisela, who died giving birth to him in season three. He’s grown up as a (reluctant and unscholarly, by the sounds of his complaints about Hild’s attempts to teach him scripture) Christian with no knowledge of his roots, so his introduction to the family should provide plenty of drama.


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Love in the air for Eadith and Uhtred

Any woman who falls for Uhtred should consider her days numbered; the man seems cursed to lose lovers. Skipping over Mildrith (an arranged marriage to a woman he didn’t love), every one of Uhtred’s women has died: Iseult, Gisela, Aethelflaed and Brida. Now, it seems as though Eadith is moving into position as Uhtred’s next bedfellow, perhaps the healer shouldn’t start any long books.

When Eadith returned from her travels in Francia, Uhtred greeted her warmly, and the pair exchanged a bit of flirtation when he mistakenly lay naked in her bed, thinking he was waiting for ‘the tall girl from Frisia’ (who’d swapped rooms with Eadith). At the end of the finale, Uhtred invites Eadith to remain in Bebbanburg, an offer she accepts. And she’s not the only one…

Lady Aelswith lives on!

The longevity of Lady Aelswith has been one of The Last Kingdom’s biggest surprises in a show where characters drop like flies. (It’s also resulted in the strangeness of actor Eliza Butterworth playing the mother of Millie Brady, who’s the exact same age as her, and the grandmother of Phia Saban, who’s only five years her junior.) At the end of season five, Aelswith’s still standing, and planning to move into Bebbanburg along with Eadith, demanding a room with sea views.

How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (5)

Den of Geek spoke to Eliza Butterworth about Aelswith’s long life. “It actually was a bit of a surprise!” Everybody assumed that Aelswith had met her end after being poisoned by Lord Aethelhelm at the end of season four, but back she popped. “It was quite lovely that this woman keeps coming back again and again. She found her redemption finally in season four where she saw her wrongdoing and is trying to make amends. In a way, it’s nice to give that character another breath and try and help actually rather than be a pessimistic scowler.”

Eadith and Aelswith become “the dynamic duo that nobody knew that they needed!” laughs Butterworth, describing her character as having a comedy factor in her old age, “almost like the Maggie Smith of Downton Abbey character, this old lady that’s always making these ridiculous comments but you can’t help but giggle at them and sometimes see where she is right.”

Aethelstan, Eadgifu and Edward’s successor

It’s no spoiler to anyone familiar with English history that Aethelstan succeeds Edward as King, and season five saw the boy in training for leadership and a career on the battlefield, as trained by Uhtred. Aethelstan proved loyal, brave, wise and a true ‘son’ of Uhtred in season five. He’ll likely remain in Bebbanburg where his preparation for ruling will continue.


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Edward’s third wife Eadgifu of Kent had four surviving children with Edward, two of whom went on to become King after the rule of Aethelstan, who died without his own heir.

How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (6)

Who died in season five?

In rough order of their demises, the following characters won’t be in the Netflix movie (ghostly visitations and flashbacks notwithstanding): Brida’s daughter Vibeke, Aethelflaed of Mercia, King Alfred’s bastard son ‘baby monk’ Osferth, Edward’s second wife Queen Aelflaed, Stiorra’s husband Sigtryggr, Brida, the treacherous Bresal, Sigtryggr’s man Wolland, Danish mercenary Haesten, Whitgar’s guard Yahya, Uhtred’s cousin Whitgar, and the scheming Lord Aethelhelm.

Who survived for the film?

The main characters who remain intact for the next part of the story are: Uhtred (obviously), his children Young Uhtred, Stiorra and Osbert, his men Finan and Sihtric and their families, Father Pyrlig, Lady Eadith and Abbess Hild. In the Wessex royal family, there’s King Edward, his new wife Eadgifu, his sons Aethelstan and Aelfweard, mother Aelswith and niece Aelfwynn, and her mother’s advisor Lord Aldhelm. On the Danish side, there’s Rognvaldr. Father Benedict survived too, as did Aelfwynn’s betrothed Cynlaef. And finally, there’s King Constantin and his nephew. No doubt they’ll all be joined by some new threats and allies. We’ll bring you more on Seven Kings Must Die as it arrives.


The Last Kingdom season five is available to stream now on Netflix.

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Tags: DramaNetflixStreamingThe Last Kingdom

How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (7)

Written by

Louisa Mellor|@Louisa_Mellor

Louisa Mellor is the Den of Geek UK TV Editor. She has written about TV, film and books for Den of Geek since 2010, and for…

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How The Last Kingdom Season 5 Ending Sets Up the Movie (2024)


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In the end, it takes a rousing speech from Uhtred to convince her of the plan and she allows her father to lead a squad of Dane warriors that turn the tide of the battle – but victory comes at a grave price, as dozens of men are slaughtered in the blood-soaked clash.

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Although seemingly a mystery character at first, Osbert (Olly Rhodes) is quickly revealed to be Uhtred's third living child, who was separated from his father as an infant when Uhtred fled to Northumbria in exile from Wessex. He was also sadly to blame for the death of Uhtred's wife.

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Uhtred Is Still Alive At The End Of The Last Kingdom Books

After helping Aethelstan defeat Anlaf and the other kings, Uhtred returned to his home in Bebbanburg with his son, also named Uhtred. There he grew old and lived peacefully, becoming known as the Lord of the North.

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There's both good and bad news for the loyal fans of the series. The Last Kingdom will not have a sixth season as the show concluded with the fifth season. However, to fans' respite, Netflix gave closure to Uhtred's story by releasing a movie called The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die in April 2023.

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Stiorra Reconciles With Uhtred

Overcome with anguish following the execution of her husband Sigtrygger, Stiorra shockingly killed Brida moments after Uhtred promised to forgive her instead of choosing vengeance.

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When Stiorra attempts to fight back, Skoll kills her. Since Sigtryggr died in The Last Kingdom season 5, the screenwriters would've needed to alter the story. Skoll wouldn't have a reason to attack Stiorra without Sigtyggr alive.

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Eadith becomes Uhtred's lover, and she reveals to him that she knows the location of Ice-Spite.

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Mildrith is Uhtred's first wife, and though she does give him a son, the child dies in infancy. Uhtred's marriage to Mildrith was arranged by Alfred in The Last Kingdom season 1, and though their marriage gets off to a rocky start, they develop a real affection for one another.

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Lord Uhtred Uthredson of Bebbanburg (Stabbed through the throat by Earl Ragnar.) King Osbert (Hacked in the head by a Dane.) Sigrid (Stabbed in the back by Ragnar.) Ravn (Shot in the stomach with an arrow and burned alive by Kjartan and his men.)

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But all good things must come to an end. It was announced in 2021 that the series would end with its fifth season. Marchant: The decision was made between all of collaborators. We felt that five seasons in this day and age is good going for all of us.

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Young Uhtred had been castrated by Brida (Emily Cox) and Uhtred feared the rest of his bloodline would be targeted.

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The boy's existence was the sad reason for the death of Uhtred's second wife Gisela, who died in childbirth in the opening episode of season three.

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It might not surprise viewers to learn that much of Uhtred's on-screen character is largely fictitious. First created by author Bernard Cornwell for his Saxon Stories series, Uhtred Ragnarsson is purely fictional, but inspired by a very real historical figure.

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Uhtred is in his sixties. Aethelflaed dies in Uhtred's arms in season 5 of the show.

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Utred's Battle In The First Season Was Based On A Real Event

Unfortunately, there isn't much other accuracy to be found in The Last Kingdom's characterization of Uhtred the Bold, but the show and the movie are enjoyable historical fiction nonetheless.

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cnu*t's forces were too strong for Uhtred to fight, and so Uhtred did homage to him as King of England. Uhtred was summoned to a peace meeting with cnu*t, and on the way there, he and forty of his men were murdered by Thurbrand the Hold at Wighill with the connivance of cnu*t.

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Years later, Uhtred is a valiant warrior who is dealt another tragic blow when his home is deliberately set on fire, killing his surrogate family, including Ragnar. Now exiled -- alone except for Brida by his side -- he vows to avenge Ragnar's death and reclaim his homeland.

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Young Uhtred had been castrated by Brida (Emily Cox) and Uhtred feared the rest of his bloodline would be targeted.


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