Guide for Assassin's Creed Origins (2024)

This page will cover all of the story missions in the game. You can find information on side quests and locations for each region on their respective pages of the walkthrough, so it's a good idea to take a look at those to clear things up if you're not at a good enough level for the next quest. All quests come with a suggested level, which is what you should try to get to before attempting the quest properly to increase your attack and defense, but you can always try doing these early if you want to give it a shot.

The Oasis

Suggested: Lv01

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Reward: 1000XP

Upon starting the game for the first time, you'll get to see a bit into the personality of Bayek as he kills a masked man, The Heron. After that, you're plunged into a fight with a massive enemy, one of The Heron's bodyguards. He's not going to surrender to you, so you'll have to fight him to the death. This fight serves as a tutorial for combat controls and the game will show you what to do, so pay attention. Once you fall the giant soldier, look around the walls for a chunk swarmed with beetles. You can push a piece of the wall there to continue into the temple. Keep pushing ahead until you find a large, collapsed pillar to the left. This will be your way up, but feel free to look for goodies before you climb it. Continue moving ahead after you reach the top of the pillar, and you should find a black statue to climb. At the top, jump down to a slightly lower platform and bust the wall open with a few attacks to get back in the fresh air.

You should notice a fight going on down below. Run over there and fight the soldiers that have come to ambush you, and after fighting them off, you'll be introduced to Hepzefa. Call your camel when prompted and you'll ride with him back into town, stopping at Hepzefa's house to meet Rabiah, a woman from Bayek's childhood, who will patch him up and let him rest.

Once Bayek wakes up, Hepzefa will give you a little training with bows. This too is a pretty straight-forward task, and you'll destroy the two dummies in front of you quickly. After this, however, a woman will run up to Hepzefa to warn him about Egyptian soldiers coming to fight him. The two of you will hide in the grass nearby, and then you'll be asked to take them all out. If you can help it, try to be stealthy about it. It's a good idea to clear out the house first, and then run around the perimeter to knock out the rest.

At the end of this little interruption, reunite with Hepzefa so he can tell you about your next target, The Ibis, and where to find him. You'll also meet Senu, Bayek's eagle, who will be able to detect objectives and enemies very easily. The Ibis is going to be pretty hard to kill given your current level, so you should work on the quests on Hepzefa's table and elsewhere to level up. You can also complete locations (undiscovered ones are marked with ?'s) for more experience. And to make travel more convenient, consider synching with the viewpoints around the Siwa region so you can fast travel to them from just about anywhere. It's also important to learn about your equipment and the skill tree, so you should consult the respective page for information on all of these things, found a few pages down from this one.

The False Oracle

Suggested: Lv05

Reward: 1250XP

The Ibis, Medunamun, will be camped out in the Temple of Amun. There are lots of strong soldiers here, and there are also two side quests related to the temple if you want to get those out of the way first. The best way to kill The Ibis is to wait until nighttime, or by changing the time to night if you have the first perk in the Seer tree, and then looking in the buildings to the east of the main entrance. He should be fast asleep, and will be an incredibly easy target to take down.

After he dies, his last words will mention a vault of some kind, and Bayek will see his son for a brief moment before he recalls a memory of him teaching his son a bit of archery. Khemu's friend will come along and ask for him to come to a hyena cave, but he'll be a bit too scared to go. Bayek will suggest that the three of them go to an ibex pack, since he needs to hunt one for the Oracle anyway. Chenzira won't stay for very long, though. Bayek will tell his son that they need to be quiet, like the god Amun, and Khemu will try his best, calling the two of them the Hidden Ones. Shoot the alpha ibex and take its pelt, then head towards the next destination.

Before you make it, Bayek will instead take Khemu up to Halma Point, where his grandfather once brought him as a child. There, he'll tell Khemu the one word that his grandfather told him: Jump. He will be too scared to do so, however, and they'll hear Chenzira scream. Greek soldiers will come to fight you; you're meant to lose this fight, so you don't have to try if you don't want to. After being captured, Medunamun will express some frustration with not being able to open the vault he's so interested in. Khemu is also here, and is used in an attempt to pry some information out of Bayek, but to no avail. They assume the orb they have is a key in opening the vault, but it seems nobody knows how to use it. And after this, you'll see what became of Khemu that fateful day nearly a year ago.

Hepzefa will congratulate Bayek on his slaying of The Ibis before making his way to Alexandria to see his wife. You'll now have possession of the Oracle's Relic, the strange orb that the masked men once tried to figure out.

May Amun Walk Beside You

Suggested: Lv05

Reward: None

Upon talking with Hepzefa, Bayek will proclaim his next target to be The Snake, and Hepzefa will give him a bit of information to help him find his wife.

  • First Steps

    Complete the Prologue.

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You'll take control of Layla Hassan, Abstergo employee, in the present day. She'll be directed by her medical officer to take some medicine to help with her kidneys, but before you do that, enter the pause menu and graze through all of the information available in these many folders. There are some references to the Assassin's Creed movie, and the stuff here even nonchalantly connects Watch_Dogs to the same universe. There's not much else to do by means of looking around, so grab that cyclosporine when you're ready to continue.

Aya (Pt. 1)

Suggested: Lv10

Reward: 1250XP

When you arrive in Alexandria, look for Aya in the Great Library. Take a look at a statue of Serapis, and a man named Phanos will walk up to talk to you and lead you to Aya. It turns out that Phanos is her cousin. He'll lead you to a well for you to jump down into, which has a cave underneath it. Walk far enough in the cave, and Aya will jump out to surprise you.

In a deeper portion of the cave, Aya will help Bayek shave, and she'll talk about her work in hunting the masked men. She's actually managed to kill two herself, but it was these actions that got her into the problem she's in now. Before you leave to clean things up with The Snake, she'll also give you a hidden blade that she got from Cleopatra herself, the true Pharaoh of Egypt. This old thing was once used to kill the mighty Xerxes.

You can leave the underground with a small gate near where you end up after you regain control of yourself. Then look at these two new quests for you to complete, as well as your hidden blade to see if you can upgrade it.

Gennadios the Phylakitai

Suggested: Lv11

Reward: 500XP

Gennadios is a very, very powerful foe assigned to the Akra Garrison to the southeast. When you manage to kill him, confirm his death when it's safe to do so. He'll tell you that the Phylakes will come after you for what you've done, and it looks like he's right. Take a look at your map after this quest and look for big red horned helmets; these are the Phylakes that he spoke of, and they're all extremely powerful enemies. The plus side to hunting them down is that they drop incredibly strong gear when killed, but due to their high level, you probably won't be able to take them on just yet.

End of The Snake

Suggested: Lv12

Reward: 1000XP, Outfit

The first order of business is investigating the Royal Scribe's office in the Royal Palace, which is on the peninsula to the northeast of the city. By finding a key on top of a bookshelf, you can open the chest by his desk and dig up the contents inside. Now that you know who The Snake is, you can find him at the bathhouse. You're better off fast traveling closer to the bathhouse from here.

Bayek will don a towel inside the bathhouse to blend in. This is an incredibly easy assassination to perform; just find Eudoros and the room he's in, which is protected by guards, and then climb up through the opening to the right of these guards. This will put you in a perfect position to jump down on Eudoros for an assassination. As soon as the cutscenes for his death end, climb back up to the top of the wall you came in from, and then look for a high path near you. You should be able to find a ladder that will take you down very close to the front of the bathhouse, finishing the quest.

Aya (Pt. 2)

Suggested: Lv10

Reward: 1250XP

With both men dead, meet Aya at one of the landmarks in Alexandria to finish the quest.

  • I'm Just Getting Started

    Complete Main Quest "Aya".

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The high energy of their meeting will convince Deanna to pull Layla out of the Animus. Layla will have a feeling that Aya's been buried in this same cave that Bayek is in; go find her and take a DNA sample before climbing back into the Animus. It'll reject Aya's memories for now, so you'll be sent back to Bayek.

Egypt's Medjay

Suggested: Lv12

Reward: 900XP

You're now to seek out a man named Apollodorus, who will know whether The Snake was the last of the masked ones. His servant will be outside the Hippodrome, so talk to him to arrange a meeting, and wait near the lighthouse nearby at nighttime for Apollodorus. The Dawn and Dusk skill works well here. At night, Apollodorus will ask of you to save a man named Damastes to show your worth. Damastes is being held prisoner in a cage at the heavily guarded Menelaite Trireme location.

Bust him out and follow him to a dock, where he'll tell you that the scroll he's supposed to have is now at the bottom of the lake. Bring it to Apollodorus, and he'll finally tell you a bit about what's been going on. Take a boat over to his place, where Cleopatra is waiting, and he'll give you heaps of instructions on how to properly act in front of her. These will be ignored, and Cleopatra and her associates will tell you all of what's actually been at stake. There are four more masked men who make up the actual Snake, and you can go about them in any order. They'll be listed here in the order in which you'll most easily be prepared for them by level.

The Scarab's Sting

Suggested: Lv15

Reward: 1500XP

To start this quest, head to the city of Sais, which is at the northern end of Sapi-Res Nome. Talk to Harkuf by the brewery and follow him to his house so you can talk more openly about The Scarab. Check his informant table and continue talking to the master brewer to learn about a victim of The Scarab, named Ghupa. Free him from his cell in the camp nearby and take him back home so he can tell you in writing of The Scarab's location, which just so happens to be the buried city of Letopolis.

The Scarab's Lies (Pt. 1)

Suggested: Lv18

Reward: 1500XP

Speak to Taharqa in Letopolis, who will only have a few words to say with you before a bunch of bandits come in to attack some nearby ruins. You'll have to fight five groups of enemies across Letopolis with Taharqa. With the reavers defeated, Taharqa will be put in a killing mood and will ask you to join him in wiping them all out. Follow him and his men to their camp in Ineb-Hedjet Nome and clear the place out. Grateful for your work, Taharqa will invite you over to dinner so he can tell you more about The Scarab.

The Scarab's Lies (Pt. 2)

Over dinner, you'll be a bit surprised to find out who The Scarab is. After a quick turn of events, The Scarab will find you and will have you buried in the sand just like many of his victims before him. You might have to call your horse to help you out after a short while.

Devoid of all of your equipment, ride your horse to Camp Achlys to the north so you can get it all back. Kill anyone that gets in your way and take everything out of the chest before hunting down The Scarab. He'll be heavily guarded, so watch out for as many soldiers as you can see.

  • The Scarab

    Complete Main Quest "The Scarab's Lies".

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Pompeius Magnus

Suggested: Lv12

Reward: ---

After Bayek leaves The Scarab, Layla will switch over to Aya's memories, which will take you to her experiences with some Greek mercenaries aboard a ship. After a little dialogue, it appears that she's on her way to General Pompey to bribe him, which somehow has something to do with Cleopatra. On your way there, you'll be taken into a bout of sailing combat, similar to that of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. If you haven't played that game, don't worry, as you'll be taught the controls when they become relevant. You'll soon have to fight against more enemy ships alongside Pompey, and afterwards Aya will talk with Pompey, convincing him that Cleopatra is a valuable ally.

  • The Sea

    Complete Main Quest "Pompeius Magnus".

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The Hyena

Suggested: Lv20

Reward: 2500XP

For this quest, you'll need to travel to the city/location of Great Sphinx, which is directly east of the large central pyramid in the region of Giza. It's one of three ? locations among three in a group. Talk to Mered in the marketplace, and he'll offer to tell you about The Hyena. And an offer it is, because he's going to ask 100 drachmas of you. The Hyena's name is Khaliset, but that's all he'll tell you before he locks the rest of his knowledge behind his horse. You'll have to take it back to him to learn more about her.

When you the horse back, he'll tell you where The Hyena's den is. Investigate the den to find out that she's been planning something with Khufu's tomb. Travel there and head to the bottom to find out what she's been up to. Her plans seem to be a lot more intriguing than simply taxing people. Investigate these things and open the sarcophagus to find out who she's trying to resurrect.

After you've interrupted the sarcophagus, Khaliset will attack you before fleeing, then calling you a coward. You'll have to then fight The Hyena as she fires arrows at you from afar. Try to avoid any hyenas she summons towards you, because they're about Lv26 and you'll probably be unable to take them on at this stage of the game unless you've purposely overleveled before this point. Once you kill her, confirm the kill and witness her last words.

  • The Hyena

    Complete Main Quest "The Hyena".

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The Lizard's Mask

Suggested: Lv21

Reward: 2700XP

Upon meeting Pasherenptah in Memphis, he'll break down as he explains a curse laid unto the city by The Lizard. Speak with his wife's seer to the southwest and help him with his ceremony. When you arrive in a new place, look for a light in the distance and run towards it to enter a tomb. At the end of it, you'll see a man offer Silica to one of the gods as part of a ritual. After the god accepts it, you'll receive a bow made of light that you'll have to use to fight the beast. Keep firing arrows into it (charging it won't add to your damage output) and drain it of all its health.

After this illusion has faded, swim towards a glowing box so Bayek can pick up what's inside. Then continue through the field of reeds for a brief moment. After you return to the seer's house, he'll somehow figure out that someone has been poisoning the temple's food with body parts. Leave the house to meet up with Aya.

  • Wake Up!

    Complete Main Quest Dream Sequence.

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Ride a canoe to the palace with Aya and investigate the area to figure out what's been poisoning the Apis Bull. Punch a door open to get to one of the more important clues. Once you find out what's been going on, speak with Aya and the priestesses to learn what's really been going on. The priestesses' brother has been taken, and you'll have to get him back to get rid of any leeway the bandits have over the girls. Take him back home and he'll tell you that The Lizard is one of the temple priests.

The Lizard's Face

Suggested: Lv23

Reward: 2250XP

Follow Aya to the horses she's prepared to get to the palace. She'll suggest a race towards Cleopatra's speech, which you can win or lose. After talking with Cleopatra, you'll learn what to look for in the priest you're after. Only attack the correct priest using the hints in the top left corner of your screen, or else the entire soldier population in the temple will come after you as the other priests run away.

When you've successfully killed The Lizard, meet with Pasherenptah in the temple to the north. After reporting the death, the Apis festival will be able to take place, with Cleopatra riding the main carriage.

  • The Lizard

    Complete Main Quest "The Lizard's Face".

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The Crocodile's Scales

Suggested: Lv25

Reward: 3000XP

Upon finding Hotephres' house in the Faiyum, investigate what happened to him and find a letter on top of his pigeon coop to find that his servant (who would know where Hotephres is) has been taken prisoner in a nearby military camp. Take the servant out of the camp and learn that Hotephres is aboard one of his ships. The papers detailing The Crocodile's identity are with his wife in Euhemeria, to the south, who will then tell you that the paper is in her villa. Hotephres' daughter will show you where the house is; find the papers and learn what happened to the papers you're looking for.

Surprise surprise, you still don't have the papers, Shadya has them. And to make things even worse, she and her mother have been taken to the top of the lighthouse. Fight your way to Hotephres' wife and find Shadya to end the quest.

The Crocodile's Jaws

Suggested: Lv28

Reward: 3500XP, Rare Light Bow

Investigate the Krokodilopolis Arena to learn that you're after the Gallic Brothers. A fellow Siwan, Kensa, is fighting here too, and she's eager to welcome you to the arena. Go through the arena tour and fight through an entire match to prove yourself to Felix. The next fight includes lions, but it shouldn't be too much of a step up. The third match will not involve Kensa, as she's out doing something else. After the fight, she won't tell you what it is, and will instead suggest you talk to Felix to start the next match against the Gallic Brothers.

The fight against the brothers is, not-jokingly, the Dark Souls fight of the quest. One brother has a massive scythe and the other is a brutal melee fighter, both of which are fighting styles you'll never get to use. When one brother dies, the other will become far more aggressive, similar to a fight in Dark Souls. It'd make sense to take them both to the lowest health possible before making an actual final blow on one of them.

After the fight, the brothers will swear that they didn't kill Shadya, and you'll finally learn who The Crocodile is: a random lady. After this fight, you'll leave the arena in search of her. She'll be within the region; make your way over to where she is and hunt her down the old fashioned way. Upon killing The Crocodile, you'll finish the quest.

  • The Crocodile

    Complete Main Quest "The Crocodile's Jaws".

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Back in the present day, Deanna and Layla will be attacked by Abstergo men with bows. A single shot will kill you, so make sure you're as stealthy as possible. Wait for the first guy to pass and then get behind all four enemies. After that, you'll hear the men on Deanna's side get to her, and Layla will angrily get back into the Animus.

Way of the Gabiniani

Suggested: Lv31

Reward: 7500XP

Time to meet up with Cleopatra to go over the current situation with The Order. She'll inform you of The Jackal and The Scorpion, two more names to add to your list. Her gift to you is a man who will finally tell you who it was exactly that killed Bayek's son. Talk with the owner of a brothel in the area so you can speak with twins that know more about one of The Jackal's men, Venator. You'll have to pay her some money to see them first, though. Investigate Venator's place once you learn its location to figure out what he's up to.

A trio of men are prepared to kill Cleopatra; kill them and return to her palace, where she'll be attacked by archers and other soldiers. After they fall, Venator himself will appear. He's a ridiculously strong enemy compared to his dead allies. Kill him, and then Cleopatra will order you and Aya to meet Pompey. The quest will end when Cleopatra meets up with him.

Aya: Blade of the Goddess

Suggested: Lv31

Reward: ---

After finding Pompey, talk to Aya and sail to Alexandria. You'll be in control of Bayek on the open sea against some of Ptolemy's ships. It's just more ship combat, nothing you haven't seen before. One addition to your set of moves is a catapult that's far too overpowered for what it should be, useful against any ship you toss the flare for it towards. Once you sink the fleet, anyone deemed a main character will get on a small boat and sail towards Alexandria.

Playing as Aya, you, Bayek and Apollodorus will take a hidden Cleopatra into the palace to meet Julius Caesar and Ptolemy, where she will converse with the former about making an alliance. Flavius, one of Caesar's men, will initially be hostile, but Caesar will call him off. Afterwards, she'll ask Aya to help clear a path towards Alexander's Tomb so she can take Caesar. Head into the palace and cut open an unstable part of the wall to get into the underground tunnels. Dive underwater with Bayek to get to the tomb.

At the tomb itself, Bayek will read some writing about the strange sphere he found way at the beginning of the story. Aya will remark that she gave it to Apollorus. Open the door so you can let everyone in. Shortly after the couple start to admire the tomb, Flavius will come in with news that his emissaries have been taken prisoner, likely a result of Ptolemy's anger. Once you find him, he'll tell you what happened to him, which includes talk of another masked man known as The Lion.

Take the surviving emissary back to the palace and leave with Bayek towards the lighthouse of Alexandria. You and Bayek will switch roles; he'll hand you the powder that needs to be placed into the brazier. Make your way up to the top and fight off a terribly strong, hammer-wielding foe, then get the job done. Back in control of Bayek, you'll accompany Caesar on his chariot towards the harbor. Just keep firing your light bow constantly; there's no worry for ammo consumption here.

The Battle of the Nile

Suggested: Lv31

Reward: ---

After a presumably short amount of time, Bayek will set course towards The Scorpion. He won't be too far away, but he'll be riding another elephant. This one isn't as strong as those found around Egypt, but it still may pose a challenge if you're underleveled. If you've got the DLC and are nearly at Lv55, then the elephant will be a joke, which shows how much a single level matters.

After The Scorpion is laid to rest, run to a nearby village and jump into a closed-off arena to fight The Jackal. He's got a long, whip-like weapon that he probably won't stop swinging until you put a few arrows into his head. To make matters worse, he also immediately dodges just about any standard overpower attack (swords, unarmed, etc) that consists of a powerful lunge. After the fight are some pretty important cutscenes, showing what comes of The Jackal after Bayek beats him down.

The Aftermath

Suggested: Lv31

Reward: 6000XP

Since Cleopatra and her allies were last seen with Alexander's staff, it's come to Bayek and Aya's attention that they should figure why exactly they took it. Kill the men attacking Apollodorus and listen to what he has to say.

  • The Siege

    Complete Main Quest "The Aftermath".

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The Final Weighing

Suggested: Lv32

Reward: 3000XP

Ride with Aya to the vault, where Bayek first met The Order. If you recall, they were unable to open the vault with just the orb alone. But what did they take from Alexander's tomb? If you've played Assassin's Creed II, you might understand how exactly this vault is meant to be opened. Reach the vault underneath the Temple of Amun and take a look at what's inside. Carry out the one thing you can. Afterwards, you'll receive a sword that used to belong to someone else.

Aya will tell you what a captured soldier told her. Flavius should be somewhere around Kyrenaika, so stop by a farm he must've gone past. Meet with a survivor in a nearby building after meeting a woman named Praxilla, who will describe Flavius' attack on the farm. Take her and Praxilla to safety, then head to Cyrene, where a man named Diocles will be willing to help you out. He'll tell you that Flavius is in the Roman Akropolis, which is on the west side of the city.

Upon climbing through a window to the building Flavius is inside of, he'll use the Apple of Eden in his possession to fight you off. He can use it to slow you down if you're caught in its blast, create masked illusions, and turn himself invisible. It'll take a long time, but he'll eventually fall to you given enough time against him.

  • Almost There

    Complete Main Quest "The Final Weighing".

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Last of the Medjay

Suggested: Lv35

Reward: 3000XP

With Flavius dead, meet with Aya in Alexandria, who's met with other Romans plotting against Caesar. You'll probably recognize them. Once the conspirators set out, Bayek will put the Apple in a chest, and then will say that it should remain well-hidden. He probably should've put it somewhere else. Catch up with Aya before she sets sail for Rome.

Back in the present day, a familiar face will wake Layla Hassan up to make her a deal, which she accepts.

Fall Of An Empire, Rise Of Another

Suggested: Lv35

Reward: ---

Back on the open waters, you'll have to fend off quite a few normal-sized ships, along with small fireboats designed to cause heavy damage to you. Just a single arrow shot will destroy one, and they should be your first priority when they appear. At the end of this, you'll fight two much larger ships; don't forget about your catapult ability, as it's incredibly useful here.

When Aya gets to Rome, she'll face off with The Jackal for good this time. An important thing to note here is not just The Jackal's shining weaponry, but the fact that he calls Caesar the Father of Understanding. The fight plays out mostly the same as before, but his new equipment will naturally grant him a new move or two.

There are lots of enemies on the way to Caesar and the Senate. It's best to just sneak past as many as you can. After this are a few more cutscenes after you do the deed.

Birth of the Creed

Suggested: ---

Reward: 9600XP

This mission is just the final set of endgame cutscenes.

  • The End

    Complete the last Main Quest.

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4. Story Quests (The Hidden Ones)

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Guide for Assassin's Creed Origins (2024)


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