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Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge



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10 Jahre DESY Zeuthen


A. WAGNER (DESY Hamburg/D)Begrüßung.

J. WANKA (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kulturdes Landes Brandenburg)Grußwort.

H. SCHUNCK (BMBF, Berlin/D)Transformation oder Urknall – Physik in Deutschland 10 Jahredanach.

V. SOERGEL (Univ. Heidelberg/D)1992 – DESY wird größer: Erinnerung an die Entstehung vonDESY Zeuthen.

U. GENSCH (DESY Zeuthen/D)DESY Zeuthen heute.

C. SPIERING (DESY Zeuthen/D)Neutrinoastrophysik – Vom Baikalsee zum Südpol.

D. ECKSTEIN (CERN Geneva/CH)Struktur des Protons und die starke Kraft.

D. PLEITER (DESY Zeuthen/D)Parallelrechner und Physik auf dem Gitter.

J. ILLANA (Univ. Hamburg/D)Hunting for Precision at High Energies.

S. RIEMANN (DESY Zeuthen/D)Physik bei TESLA – Ursprung der Masse.

Einführung in die Ausstellung: TESLA – Licht der Zukunft

A. WAGNER (DESY Hamburg/D)


A. MARTIN (Univ. of Durham/GB)Structure Functions and Related Topics.28.02.2002

DESY Heinrich-Hertz Lecture on Physics

E. WITTEN (IAS Princeton/USA)Quest for Unification.20.06.2002

Festkolloquium für Günter Wolf

M. DERRICK (ANL Argonne/USA)The Physics Interplay between Hadron and Electron Facilities.

R. PECCEI (UCLA/USA)The Deep Inelastic Trail.3.12.2002

DESY Lecture Series in Memory of Prof. Dr. W. Jentschke

W.K.H. PANOFSKY (Univ. Stanford/USA)The Danger Posed by Nuclear Weapons.5.12.2002

Academic Training

P. SCHMÜSER (Univ. Hamburg/D)Basic Elements of Accelerator Physics.18.–20.02.2002

G. WEIGLEIN (Univ. of Durham/GB)Electroweak Physics: Preparing for TESLA.13.–15.05.2002

V. MÜLLER (Astrophys. Inst. Potsdam/D)Astrophysics and Cosmology.7./8.10.2002

Vorträge –Innerbetriebliche Fortbildung

S. SACK (Hamburg/D)Unternehmensberater – Was tun die eigentlich wirklich?16.1.2002

H.-F. GRAF (Hamburg/D)Natürliche Klimavariabilität, der Treibhauseffekt & das Ozonloch.23.1.2002

B. HOLTZ (Hamburg/D)Möglichkeiten der Finanzierung von Immobilien für VBL-Versi-cherte.30.1.2002

B. HOLZER (DESY Hamburg/D)Die neue HERA: Status der Maschine nach dem Lumi-Upgrade.6.2.2002


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L. HAGGE (DESY Hamburg/D)Informationssysteme im Arbeitsalltag – Wer beeinflusst wen?13.2.2002

P. STRIEBECK, M. HARTMANN, P. SCHRÖDER, K. NISSEN(Ernst-Deutsch Theater, Hamburg/D)Nachbereitung eines Theaterbesuchs des Stücks ,,Kopenhagen“von Michael Frayn.18.02.2002

U. MOSEL (Kiel/D)Sprachforschung für bedrohte Sprachen & Kulturen in der Südsee.20.2.2002

H. ALTENMÜLLER (Hamburg/D)Das Pyramidenrätsel. Konzeption und Bau der altägyptischen Py-ramiden.13.3.2002

R. HEINBOCKEL (Hamburg/D)Geophysikalische Erforschung des Peruanischen Kontinentalrandsmit dem Forschungsschiff ,,Sonne“.20.3.2002

H. RECHENBERG (München/D)Werner Heisenberg und die Elementarteilchenphysik.(Zur Eröffnung der Werner Heisenberg-Jubiläumsausstellung)10.4.2002

J. BECKER (Jülich/D)Die Altersversorgung im öffentlichen Dienst.Individuelle Rentenberatung.17./18.4.2002

T. LOHSE (Berlin/D)Wie symmetrisch ist die Natur?24.4.2002

T. HAMACHER (Garching/D)Ein Spaziergang durch ein Fusionskraftwerk.15.5.2002

B. SCHÖNEICH (DESY Zeuthen/D)E-Mail-Filter – Schutz vor unerwünschten E-Mails.22.5.2002

H. RENSMEYER (Hamburg/D)Rentable Arbeit in einer sich wandelnden Welt.12.6.2002

T. HOFMANN (Berlin/D)Annäherung an Armenien.26.6.2002

J. SÜNDERMANN (Hamburg/D)Die Nordsee – gestern, heute und morgen.10.7.2002

A. BRAUER (Potsdam/D)Natürliche Klimavariationen und das Potential von See-Sedimen-ten in der Klimaforschung.17.7.2002

K. KLETZKA (Hamburg/D)Dialog im Dunkeln – Entdeckung des Unsichtbaren.18.9.2002

A. ÖZOGUZ (Hamburg/D)Die Hamburger Tulpe für deutsch-türkischen Gemeinsinn.23.10.2002

J. EHLERS (Golm/D)Erinnerungen an Pascual Jordan.30.10.2002

F. STEPHAN (DESY Zeuthen/D)Entwicklung von Elektronenquellen für TTF-FEL und TESLA(Photoinjektor Teststand in DESY-Zeuthen).13.11.2002

S. BENJELLOUN (Rabat/MA)Food and Sustainable Agriculture: Human Nutrition in the Devel-oping World.20.11.2002

W. ERTMER (Hannover/D)Bose-Einstein-Kondensation: Atome am Rande des absoluten Null-punkts.27.11.2002

H. ZUSE (Berlin/D)Historie der Computerentwicklung.11.12.2002

A. KARIM (Hamburg/D)Moleküle aus Luft gebaut.18.12.2002

Öffentliche Abendvorträgeam DESY

H. MELDERIS (Hamburg/D)Geheimnis der Gene – die Geschichte ihrer Entschlüsselung.6.6.2002

O. KRÄTZ (München/D)Chemie und Alchemie auf den Jahrmärkten des 18. Jahrhunderts.3.7.2002

V. AFANASIEW (Moskau/RUS)Ohne Sauna im Weltraum: Erfahrungsbericht eines Kosmonauten(MIR und ISS).15.7.2002


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H.-J. WILKE (Dresden/D)Es werde Licht! – Eine experimentelle Zeitreise vom Kienspanbis zur Energiesparlampe.4.9.2002

F.-W. GERSTENGARBE (PIK Potsdam/D)Klimaänderungen im 20. Jahrhundert und ihre Auswirkungen.9.10.2002

A. WAGNER (DESY Hamburg/D)TESLA – Die Welt in neuem Licht.13.11.2002

J. AUDRETSCH (Konstanz/D)Blick in die Quantenwelt – eine Einführung.4.12.2002

Vorträge –Direktorium


DESY’s Future High Energy Programme.10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS2002),Cracow/PL (2002)

DESY’s Teilchenphysikprogramm.HEP-Jamboree, Zeuthen/D (2002)

The Early Days of Silicon Detector Development.Europ. Sympos. on Solid State Detectors, Schloss Elmau/D (2002)

Beyond the LHC: Physics at a High Energy Linear Collider andthe TESLA Project.Institute of Particle Physics, London/GB (2002)


Free-Electron Lasers at DESY: Coherent, Short Pulse X-Rays forStructure Research.Kolloquium, GSI Darmstadt/D (2002)

Science with Advanced X-Ray Sources at DESY.ESRF-ILL, Grenoble/F (2002)

TESLA – Licht der Zukunft: Forschung mit dem Freie-ElektronenLaser.,,Tag der Wissenschaft“ im Automobil Forum Berlin/D (2002)

XFEL at DESY: Properties and Perspectives.Int. Sympos. on Future Trends in Time-Resolved and CoherentX-Ray Physics, MPI Metallforsch. Stuttgart/D (2002)

The Free-Electron Laser at DESY: Coherent, Short Pulse X-Raysfor Structure Research.DPG-Frühjahrstagung AMOP, Osnabrück/D (2002)

Röntgenlaser bei DESY – Der schnelle Blick auf die Atome.10. Jahrestg. der Dt. Ges. für Kristallographie, Kiel/D (2002)Kolloquium, Univ. Bonn/D (2002)

TESLA Free-Electron Laser Programme at DESY.FEL Workshop, MIT Bates Lab., Boston/USA (2002)

Linac Driven Free-Electron X-Ray Lasers Based on Self AmplifiedSpontaneous Emission.China-German Sympos. on High-Intensity Lasers, Shanghai/PRC(2002)

TESLA Test Facility, TESLA XFEL and Activities of the NewCollaboration.Dept. of Energy Workshop on Int. Collab. on XFELs and Sciences,Washington/USA (2002)

Research with Photons at DESY.Kolloquium, Cornell Univ. Ithaca/USA (2002)


TESLA-Beschleuniger.Jahrestr. der Dt. Elementarteilchen-Physik, Bad Honnef/D (2002)

Status and Prospects of the TESLA Project.(Dedicated to Veksler)ISAPAN-02, Dubna/RUS (2002)

Status of the TESLA Project.IHEP Protvino/RUS (2002)

Status of the TESLA Collider.18th Conf. on Charged Particle Accel. (RUPAC 2002), Obninsk/RUS (2002)


New Light into the Darkness of Matter – The TESLA Project atDESY: Laser and Time Machine.TU Harburg/D (2002)

TESLA – From the Origin of Mass to the Structure of Matter andMolecules.Univ. of Boulder/USA (2002)

Status of the TESLA Project.Aspen Winter Conf., Aspen/USA (2002)

A Picture of HEP in the LHC Era.Rencontre de Physique de la Vallee d’Aoste, La Thuile/I (2002)


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ICFA Task Force on a Global Accelerator Network.GAN-Workshop, Cornell Univ. Ithaca/USA (2002)

TESLA – Where Do We Stand, Where Do We Go?ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

TESLA – Vom Ursprung der Materie zur Struktur von Molekülen.Kolloquium, Univ. Wien/A (2002)

TESLA – From the Origin of Mass to the Structure of Molecules.Univ. of Moscow/RUS (2002)

TESLA – A New Tool for Science.Univ. of Ottawa/CAN (2002)Univ. of Toronto/CAN (2002)TRIUMF, Vancouver/CAN (2002)Academia Sinica, Taipei/RC (2002)Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei/RC (2002)SRRC, Hsinchu/PRC (2002)Kolloquium, Univ. Geneva/CH (2002)Workshop on Loops & Legs in Quantum Field Theory, KlosterBanz/D (2002)

TESLA – The Test Bed for SUSY.10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fund. Int.(SUSY02), Hamburg/D (2002)

TESLA – Progress Towards the Linear Collider in Germany.Linear Collider Retreat, Santa Cruz/USA (2002)

Die Welt im neuen Licht oderWarum wir neue Forschungsanlagen brauchen.Kolloquium, PSI Villigen/CH (2002)

TESLA – A Tool For Science ..... Going Global.34. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach/D (2002)

DESY – Today and Tomorrow.Workshop on Structural Biology at PETRA III, Hamburg/D (2002)

DESY.ICFA Seminar, Geneva/CH (2002)

Looking Deep into the Proton and beyond.Univ. Warsaw/PL (2002)

DESY and its International Collaborations.Department of Energy, Washington/USA (2002)

TESLA – ein neues Werkzeug der Wissenschaft.Kolloquium, Univ. Augsburg/D (2002)





Energy Flow and Rapidity Gaps between Jets in Photoproductionat HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 517 und DESY 02-023, hep-ex/0203011

A Measurement of the t Dependence of the Helicity Structure ofDiffractive ρ Meson Electroproduction at HERA.Phys. Lett. B539 (2002) 25 und DESY 02-027, hep-ex/0203022

Inelastic Photoproduction of J/ψ Mesons at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 25 und DESY 02-059, hep-ex/0205064

Inelastic Leptoproduction of J/ψ Mesons at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 41 und DESY 02-060, hep-ex/0205065

Search for QCD Instanton-Induced Processes in Deep-InelasticScattering at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 495 und DESY 02-062, hep-ex/0205078

Diffractive Photoproduction of ψ(2S) Mesons at HERA.Phys. Lett. B541 (2002) 251 und DESY 02-075, hep-ex/0205107

Measurement of Inclusive Jet Cross-Sections in Deep-Inelasticep-Scattering at HERA.Phys. Lett. B542 (2002) 193 und DESY 02-079, hep-ex/0206029

Search for Odderon-Induced Contributions to Exclusive π0 Pho-toproduction at HERA.Phys. Lett. B544 (2002) 35 und DESY 02-087, hep-ex/0206073

Search for Excited Electrons at HERA.Phys. Lett. B548 (2002) 35 und DESY 02-096, hep-ex/0207038

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002))

M. BECKINGHAMRapidity Gaps Between Jets at H1.

O. BEHNKECharm Production and Fc

2 at HERA.


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T. BERNDTInvestigation of Pomeron- and Odderon-Induced Photoproductionof Mesons Decaying to Pure Multiphoton Final States at H1.

J. BÖHMEPolarisation Measurement at HERA.

D. BROWNDiffractive Photoproduction of ψ(2S) Mesons at HERA.

J. DAINTONFuture and Perspectives of DIS.

M. ELLERBROCKHigh Q2 Results in Neutral and Charged Current e+p and e−pScattering.

G. FRISINGDijets in Photoproduction.

J. GAYLERThe Rise of the Proton Structure Function F2 towards Low x.hep-ex/0206062

L. GÖRLICHForward π0 Photoproduction in DIS at HERA.

G. GRINDHAMMERElectroproduction of Dijets at Small Jet Separation.hep-ex/0208031

J. HALLERSupersymmetry at HERA, Results and Prospects.

R. HEREMANSInclusive Diffractive Dissociation in Photoproduction at HERA.

X. JANSSENDiffractive ρ Meson Electroproduction at High Q2 and High |t|.hep-ex/0207011

B. KOBLITZSearch for QCD Instanton Induced Processes at HERA.

K. KRÜGERInelastic J/ψ Photo- and Electroproduction.

T. LASTOVICKAMeasurement of the Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering CrossSection at Q2 ∼ 1 GeV2 with the H1 Experiment.

P. LAYco*ckNew Results on Inclusive Diffraction.

B. LEISSNERMuon Pair Production.

N. MALDENIsolated Leptons, W and Single Top at HERA.

S. MAXFIELDPhoton Structure from HERA.

A. MEHTAHERA Upgrades and Prospects.

P. NEWMANProspects for Diffraction at HERA II.

D. OZEROVProduction of Protons in Photoproduction at HERA.hep-ph/0207048


F.-P. SCHILLINGNLO DGLAP Fit to H1 Diffractive DIS Data.hep-ex/0209001

S. SCHMITTSearches for Contact Interactions at HERA.

C. SCHWANENBERGERThe Jet Calibration in the H1 Liquid Argon Calorimeter.

K. SEDLAKDijet Production at Low Q2.

R. STAMENDeeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA.

P. THOMPSONJets and Et Flow in Diffraction at HERA.

J. TURNAUMeasurement of Single Inclusive High ET Jet Cross Sections inPhotoproduction at HERA.

C. VALLEEHigh PT Multi-Electron Production at HERA.

J. WAGNERD∗µ Correlations and D Meson Production in ep Scattering atHERA.

Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP02),Amsterdam/NL (2002)

T. BERNDTOdderon and Pomeron Physics in Mutli-Photon Final States atHERA.

C. DIACONUMulti-Lepton Production at High Transverse Momentum in epCollisions at HERA.hep-ex/0210017

J. DINGFELDERSearches for Signatures of Physics beyond the Standard Modelwith High-PT Leptons at HERA.


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C. GRABCharm Production at HERA.

G. GRINDHAMMERJets and Prompt Photons in Photoproduction at HERA.

H. JUNGParton Dynamics and Identified Particles at HERA.

D. PITZLThe H1 Detector for HERA II.

J. SCHEINSInclusive Diffraction at HERA.hep-ex/0210027

Z. ZHANGStructure Function Results from H1.hep-ex/0212043

O. BEHNKELow x Physics at HERA.Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

V. BLOBELAn Unfolding Method for High Energy Physics Experiments.Proc. of the Conf. on Adv. Statistical Techniques in Part. Phys.,Durham/GB (2002) und DESY 02-078, hep-ex/0208022

V. BLOBEL, C. KLEINWORTA New Method for the High-Precision Alignment of Track De-tectors.Proc. of the Conf. on Adv. Statistical Techniques in Part. Phys.,Durham/GB (2002) und DESY 02-077, hep-ex/0208021

V. BOUDRYThe Electronics of the New H1 Luminosity System.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP, Pasadena/USA(2002)

D. BROWNDiffractive Vector Meson Production and DVCS at HERA.Proc. of the Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

A. BUNIATIANMeasurements of Inclusive and Exclusive Diffraction at HERA.Proc. of the HEP Int. Conf. on Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD02), Montpellier/F (2002)

S. CARONJet Production at HERA.Proc. of the HEP Int. Conf. on Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD02), Montpellier/F (2002)

C. COLLARDDiffraction at HERA.Proc. of the 17th Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN(2002)

Y. COPPENSMeasurements of Inclusive Diffraction at HERA.Proc. of Hadron Structure ’02, Herlany/SQ (2002)

B. COXPOMWIG Monte Carlo.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)

J. DAINTONEnga(u)ging Matter.Proc. of the Royal Society Colloquium, London/GB (2002)

ep Physics at the Energy Frontier.Proc. of the 26th John Hopkins Workshop on Fundamental Physics,Heidelberg/D (2002)

HERA Physics: Beyond the Beginning.Proc. of the UK Theory Workshop, Institute of Particle Physics,Phenomenology, Durham/GB (2002)

C. DUPRELProton Structure Functions at HERA.Proc. of Hadron Structure ’02, Herlany/SQ (2002)

E. ELSENep Scattering at Large Momentum Transfer and High Luminosity.Proc. of the 10th Mexican School of Particles and Fields(XMSPF2002), Playa del Carmen/MEX (2002)

L. FAVARTDeeply Virtual Compton Scattering at H1 and ZEUS.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCD-N’02), Ferrara/I (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002) 165) undhep-ex/0207030

G. FRISINGProton Structure Function Measurements from HERA.Proc. of the 32nd Int. Sympos. on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD),Alushta/UA (2002)

J. GAYLERProton Structure Function Measurements from HERA.Proc. of the 32nd Int. Sympos. on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD),Alushta/UA (2002) und hep-ex/0211051

Experimental Approaches to Low x at HERA.Proc. of the 32nd Int. Sympos. on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD),Alushta/UA (2002) und hep-ex/0211072

R. GERHARDSOpen Heavy Quark Production at HERA.Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons(BEACH2002), Vancouver/CAN (2002)

D. HOFFMANNH1 Calorimeter DAQ Upgrade for HERA II.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP, Pasadena/USA(2002)


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C. ISSEVERStructure Functions.Proc. of the APS Meeting on HEP & Astronomy, Albuquerque/USA(2002)

L. JOENSSONReal and Virtual Photon Structure.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High EnergyHadronic Interactions, Les Arcs/F (2002)

M. KARLSSONForward Jets and Forward π0 Production at HERA.Proc. of the Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

M. KAPISHINQCD and Diffraction.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High EnergyHadronic Interactions, Les Arcs/F (2002)

M. KLEINStructure Functions at HERA – Status and Future.Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR02), Kloster Banz/D (2002)

B. KOBLITZMultivariate Analysis Techniques for Final State Reconstruction.Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

J. KROSEBERGOpen Heavy Flavour Production at HERA.Proc. of the 17th Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN(2002) und hep-ex/0206042

W. LANGECurrent Status of the H1 Silicon Detectors.Proc. of the 11th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2002) Kailua-Kona/Hawaii/USA (2002)

T. LASTOVICKAH1 Inclusive Measurements and QCD Fits.Proc. of the Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

P. LAYco*ckMeasurement and QCD Analysis of Inclusive Diffraction at HERA.Proc. of the 32nd Int. Sympos. on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD),Alushta/UA

V. LENDERMANNThe Photonic Structure of Protons in ep Collisions.Proc. of Hadron Structure ’02, Herlany/SQ (2002)

HERA Event Generators for Low Mass Domain.Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

S. LEVONIANPolarized and Unpolarized eA Scattering at HERA.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon,Ferrara/I (2002) (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002))

J. MARKSHadronic Calibration in H1.Proc. of the Workshop on Energy Calibration of the ATLASCalorimters (ATLAScal), Ringberg/D (2002)

H.-U. MARTYNSupersymmetry Physics at Linear Colliders.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry and Unificationof Fund. Int. (SUSY02), Hamburg/D (2002)

P. VAN MECHELENA Very Forward Proton Spectrometer for H1.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)

A. MEHTAReview of H1 and ZEUS Structure Function Measurements.Proc. of QCD 2002 in India (IQCD2002), Kanpur/IND (2002)

A.B. MEYERHeavy Quark Production at HERA.Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

Charmonium Production.Proc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Frontier Science (IWFS),Frascati/I (2002)

D. MILSTEADPrecision pQCD at HERA.Proc. of the 22nd Conf. on Physics in Collision, Stanford/USA(2002)

S. MOHRDIECKVector Mesons and pQCD at HERA.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High EnergyHadronic Interactions, Les Arcs/F (2002)

P. NEWMANDiffractive and Inclusive ep Cross Sections.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)

H1 FD2 and Leading Baryon Measurements / QCD Fits.

Proc. of the Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

C. NIEBUHROptions and Implications for ep Experiments at HERA and beyond.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics,Novosibirsk/RUS (2002)

H1 and ZEUS after the Luminosity Upgrade of HERA.Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

J. OLSSONMeson Production and Spectroscopy at HERA.Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on Meson Prod., Properties andInt. (MESON2002), Cracow/PL (2002) und hep-ph/0209101


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B. REISERTNLO QCD Fits in H1.Proc. of the Conf. on Adv. Statistical Techniques in Part. Phys.,Durham/GB (2002)

E. RIZVIHERA Structure Function Measurements.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advanced Topics in QCD, Beijing/VRC(2002)

S. SCHÄTZELDiffractive Final States at HERA.Proc. of the Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

J. SCHEINSSearch for Physics beyond the Standard Model at HERA.Proc. of the 15th Rencontre de Physique de la Vallee d’Aoste, LaThuile/I (2002)

Hard Diffraction at HERA – Recent Results and QCD Interpre-tation.Proc. of the Workshop on the Central Production of Glueballs,Upton/USA (2002)

H.-C. SCHULTZ-COULONElectron-Proton Scattering at High Q2 – Recent Results and FuturePerspectives Testing QCD and Electroweak Theory at HERA.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactionsand Unified Theories, Les Arcs/F (2002) und hep-ex/0205087

C. SCHWANENBERGERThe Jet Calibration in the H1 Liquid Argon Calorimeter.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP, Pasadena/USA(2002) und physics/0209026

F. SEFKOWHeavy Quark Physics at HERA.Proc. of the 30th SLAC Summer Inst. (SSI2002), Stanford/USA(2002)

V. SHEKELYANElectron Calibration in H1.Proc. of the Workshop on Energy Calibration of the ATLASCalorimters (ATLAScal), Ringberg/D (2002)

Y. SIROISSUSY and Exotics at HERA.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry in Physics (SUSY02), Hamburg/D (2002)

Searches and Discovery Prospects at HERA.Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

A. SPECKAThe New H1 Luminosity System for HERA II.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics,Novosibirsk/RUS (2002)

Recent Topics from Structure-Function Measurements at HERA.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC02),Osaka/J (2002)

R. STAMENRecent Topics from Structure Function Measurements at HERA.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC02),Osaka/J (2002)

M. URBANThe CIP2k First Level Trigger System at the H1 Experiment atHERA.Proc. of the IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium, Norfolk/USA (2002)

A. VALKAROVADeep Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA.Proc. of the Adv. Study Inst. on Symmetries and Spin (PRAHA-SPIN), Prague/CZ (2002)

Low Q2 Physics at HERA.Proc. of the 32nd Int. Sympos. on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD),Alushta/UA

D. WEGENERThe Structure of Shadow-Diffraction at HERA.Proc. of the 10th Mexican School of Particles and Fields(XMSPF2002), Playa del Carmen/MEX (2002)

A. WHYATTHigh |t| Gaps between Jets.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)

F. ZOMERParton Distribution Functions and QCD Fitting to F2 at HERA.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High EnergyHadronic Interactions, Les Arcs/F (2002)


DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

S. BAUMGARTNEREine multifunktionale Prozessorkarte für den Fast Track Trigger(FTT) bei H1.

O. BEHRENDTIdentifikation von J/ψ-Vektormesonen mit dem H1 Fast TrackTrigger.

C. VON CUBEUntersuchungen zur exklusiven Photoproduktion von Mesonendurch Odderon- oder Pomeron-Austausch bei HERA.

A. DUBAKHigh Q2 Neutral Current Cross Section Measurement.

C. DUPRELMessung der Protonstrukturfunktion F2 bei kleinen Q2 mit demH1-Detektor.


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G. FRISINGHadronische W-Boson-Suche beim H1-Experiment.

T. GREENSHAWQCD and Hadron Structure.

R. LEMRANIAnalysis of Prompt Photon Production at H1.

A. PETRUKHINTowards a Precise Measurement of the Proton Structure FunctionF2 at Very Low Q2 with the H1 Detector.


M. URBANDas Triggersystem der CIP2K Kammer bei H1.

W. BARTELStructure of the Proton.8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosi-birsk/RUS (2002)

T. BERNDTThe Odds for the Odderon.Kolloquium, Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)

V. BLOBELStatistical Data Analysis in High Energy Physics.3 Lectures, Graduiertenkurs, Sasbachwalden/D (2002)

E. ELSENHERA beim Übergang zur hohen Luminosität – Ergebnisse undZiele.TU Dresden/D (2002)

ep-Collider HERA – Präzisionsphysik und Entdeckungspotential.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

ep Streuung bei hoher Intensität – die Aufgabe von HERA II.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

H1 at HERA II – Prospects at the Upgraded ep-Collider.SLAC Stanford/USA (2002)

F.-P. SCHILLINGHard Diffraction at HERA.Precision pQCD at HERA.Meeting of the APS Division of Particles and Fields, Williams-burg/USA (2002)

P. SCHLEPERH1 – Status and Perspectives.53rd Open Session of the DESY PRC, Hamburg/D (2002)

H.-C. SCHULTZ-COULONThe H1 Upgrade Project.Univ. Cathol. Louvain-la-Neuve/B (2002)

Untersuchung der Protonstruktur am ep-Speicherring HERA.Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)

Warum hat das Proton eine so große Masse?Sympos. 25. Lehrstuhljubiläum, Dortmund/D (2002)

F. SEFKOWA Fresh Look at HERA.Kolloquium, Univ. Zürich/CH (2002)

Review of HERA Results.LHC Days, Split/HR (2002)

R. STAMENRecent Results from H1.DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

Vektormeson-Produktion und DVCS bei HERA.Kolloquium, Wuppertal/D (2002)

E. TZAMARIUDAKIRecent Highlights on Heavy Flavour Physics at HERA.Four Season Conf., Thessaloniki/GR (2002)

D. WEGENERHadronische Struktur des Photons und des Protons.Kolloquium, Univ. Leipzig/D (2002)Kolloquium, PTB Braunschweig/D (2002)

Wie funktioniert ein Kalorimeter.Abschiedskolloquium M. Kolander, Dortmund/D (2002)

A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.Summary Talk, Sympos. 25. Lehrstuhljubil., Dormund/D (2002)

Evolution des Kosmos – Fakten und Mutmaßungen.KKV Diözeseverband Nieheim/D (2002)

Modellierung und Simulation in der Teilchen- und Medizinphysik.Workshop des Forschungsverb. Modellbildung und Simulation,Dortmund/D (2002)


A. ASTVATSATOUROVMeasurement of the Elastic ρ0-Meson Photoproduction CrossSection Using the Forward Proton Spectrometer at the H1 Detec-tor at HERA.Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-027

T. BERNDTExclusive Pomeron- and Odderon-Induced Photoproduction ofω- and f2-Mesons at HERA.Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-031, HD-KIP-01-22

S. CARONJets in Photoproduction at HERA.RWTH Aachen/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-035


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C. COLLARDMesure de la structure en helicite de la reaction e+p → e+ρ+Yen fonction de t a HERA.Inter-Univ. Inst. for High Energies ULB-VUB, Brussels/B (2002)

N. DELERUERecherche de leptons excites dans les donnees de l’experience H1aupres du collisionneur HERA.Univ. de la Mediterranee, Aix-Marseille/F (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-017, CPPM-T-2002-01

D. ECKSTEINMessung der Longitudinalen Strukturfunktion FL(x, Q2) mit demHERA-Experiment H1.Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-008

J. GASSNERA Measurement of D-Meson Production at HERA by Decay VertexIdentification.ETH Zürich/CH (2002)

C. JOHNSONA Measurement of the Diffractive Proton Structure Function FD(3)

2at Low Q2 at the H1 Experiment at HERA.Univ. of Birmingham/GB (2002)

B. KOBLITZSearch for Instanton-Induced Processes with the H1 Detector inDeep-Inelastic Electron-Proton Collisions at HERA.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-015, MPI-PHE-2002-07

J. KROSEBERGA Measurement of Beauty Production in High-Energy Positron-Proton Scattering.Univ. Zürich/Ch (2002)

T. KUHRMessung des Wirkungsquerschnittes von b-Quark-Produktion intiefunelastischer Elektron-Proton-Streuung bei H1.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-036

J. RAUSCHENBERGERProzesse des geladenen Stromes in tiefunelastischer Positron-Proton Streuung.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)


O. BEHRENDTEntwicklung von Algorithmen zur Identifikation von Vektormeson-Ereignissen mit dem neuen H1-Spurtrigger.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

N.E. BERGERDevelopment of a z-Vertex Trigger Based on Drift ChamberSignals at H1.ETH Zürich/CH (2002)

M. RÜCKERTDiffraktive Elektroproduktion von J/ψ Mesonen in der objektori-entierten Analyse-Umgebung von H1.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

S. VOLLANDMyonidentifikation mit neuronalen Netzen bei H1.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)




Exclusive Photoproduction of J/psi Mesons at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 345 und DESY 02-008

Measurement of the Q2 and Energy Dependence of DiffractiveInteractions at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 169 und DESY 02-029

Leading Neutron Production in e+p Collisions at HERA.Nucl. Phys. B637 (2002) 3 und DESY 02-039

Measurement of High-Q2 Charged Current Cross Sections in e−pDeep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.Phys. Lett. B539 (2002) 197 und DESY 02-064

Measurement of Proton-Dissociative Diffractive Photoproductionof Vector Mesons at Large Momentum Transfer at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2003) und DESY 02-072

Measurement of Diffractive Production of D∗±(2001) Mesons inDeep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) 244 und DESY 02-082

A ZEUS Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Analysis of Data on DeepInelastic Scattering.Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 012007 und DESY 02-105

Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in the Breit Frame in Neutral CurrentDeep Inelastic Scattering at HERA and Determination of αs.Phys. Lett. B547 (2002) 164 und DESY 02-112

Measurement of High-Q2 e−p Neutral Current Cross Sections atHERA and the Extraction of xF3.DESY 02-113, zur Veröffentl. in Eur. Phys. J. C

Leading Proton Production in e+p Collisions at HERA.Nucl. Phys. B658 (2003) 3 und DESY 02-142

Measurements of Inelastic J/ψ and ψ′ Photoproduction at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 173 und DESY 02-163

Study of the Azimuthal Asymmetry of Jets in Neutral CurrentDeep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.Phys. Lett. B551 (2003) 3 und DESY 02-171


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Observation of the Strange Sea in the Proton via Inclusive φ-MesonProduction in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.Phys. Lett. B553 (2003) 141 und DESY 02-184

Measurement of Event Shapes in Deep Inelastic Scattering atHERA.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 531 und DESY 02-198

Measurement of Subjet Multiplicities in Neutral Current DeepInelastic Scattering at HERA and Determination of αs.Phys. Lett. B558 (2003) 41 und DESY 02-217

Scaling Violations and Determination of αs from Jet Productionin γp Interactions at HERA.Phys. Lett. B560 (2003) 7 und DESY 02-228

S.P. BARANOV, H. JUNG, L. JONSSON, S. PADHI, N.P. ZOTOVAssociated D� and Dijet Production at HERA as a Test of theK(T)-Factorization Approach.Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3257

A Phenomenological Interpretation of Open Charm Production atHERA in Terms of the Semi Hard Approach.Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 425 undDESY 02-017, LUNDFD6-NFFL-7209-2002

L.A.T. BAUERDICK et al.Beam Test of Silicon Strip Sensors for the ZEUS Micro VertexDetector.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A501 (2003) 340 und hep-ex/0212037

G. BRUNI, S. LIMENTANICom’ e fatto il protone? la fisica a HERA.INFN notizie 10 (2002) 5

P.J. BUSSEYHeavy Flavour Physics at HERA – A Survey.Int. J. Mod. Phys. A17 (2002) 1065 und DESY 01-197

J.M. BUTTERWORTH, S. BUTTERWORTHJetWeb: A WWW Interface and Database for Monte Carlo Tuningand Validation.hep-ph/0210404

J.M. BUTTERWORTH et al.KtJet: A C++ Implementation of the KT Clustering Algorithm.hep-ph/0210022, zur Veröffentl. in Comput. Phys. Commun.

D. DANNHEIM, U. KOETZ, C. COLDEWEY, E. FRETWURST,A. GARfa*gNINI, R. KLANNER, J. MARTENS, E. KOFFEMAN,H. TIECKE, R. CARLINDesign and Tests of the Silicon Sensors for the ZEUS MicroVertex Detector.DESY 02-215, zur Veröffentl. in Nucl. Instrum. Methods A

M. KUZE, Y. SIROISSearch for Particles and Forces beyond the Standard Model atHERA ep and Tevatron pp Colliders.DESY-02-165, hep-ex/0211048,zur Veröffentl. in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys.

E. LOHRMANN, T. BUEHRKENeue Fenster zum All.Physik in unserer Zeit 6 (2002) 250

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002))

S. BOOGERTStrange Particle Production at HERA.

K. BORRASLeading Neutron Production and Fπ

2 at HERA.

A. CALDWELLFuture of Small-x and Diffraction after 2006.

M. CAPUAResults on Inclusive Diffraction from ZEUS.

M. DERRICKStudy of Bose-Einstein Correlations in Deep Inelastic Scattering.

C. FOUDASHigh-ET Jet Production at HERA.

C. GENTALepton Flavour Violation at HERA.

S. GRIJPINKCharged Current Interactions in Deep Inelastic Scattering at ZEUS.

C. GWENLANMulti-Jet Production in Photoproduction.

M. HELBICHHigh-x Measurements at HERA-II.

S. HILLERTThe Internal Strucure of Jets at HERA.

K.H. KLIMEKProton-Dissociative Diffractive Photoproduction of Vector Mesonsat High Momentum Transfer at HERA.

A. LEVYVector Mesons Electroproduction in ep Interaction.

M. LIGHTWOODStudy of Virtual Photon Structure in Charm Production.

A. LUPIReal Photon Structure.

F. METLICAPolarization as a Tool at HERA.

M. MORITZResults on High Q2 NC Interactions from ZEUS.


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S. PADHICharm Fragmentation and Dijet Angular Distributions.

S. ROBINSD� Production in DIS at ZEUS.

J. SZTUKLeptoquark Search at HERA.

E. TASSIA ZEUS NLO QCD Analysis of Data on Deep Inelastic Scattering.

M. TURCATOBeauty Photoproduction.

N. VLASOVCharm in Diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering.

A. WEBERSearch for Excited Fermions in ep Collisions at HERA.

J. WHITMOREQCD and Proton and Photon Structure since DIS2001.

Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP02),Amsterdam/NL (2002)

L. BELLAGAMBAExited Fermions and other Searches at HERA.

A. BRUNIProduction of Vector Mesons at HERA.

V. CHIOCHIALatest Results of Beauty Quark Production at HERA.

A. KAPPESStructure Function Results from ZEUS.

K. LONGQCD at High Energy

S. SAVINDiffractive Charm and Jet Production at HERA.

W. SCHMIDKELeading Baryons at HERA.

B. STRAUBMinireview on Leptoquarks at HERA, LEP and Tevatron.

M. SUTTONJet Production in DIS at HERA.

Proc. of the 14th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

S. CHEKANOVJet Reconstruction Algorithms.

E. GALLOIsolated Lepton Signatures at HERA.

O. GONZALEZJet Production at HERA.

A. LEVYMeasurement of Diffractive Processes at HERA.

H. SCHNURBUSCHThe Proton Structure as Measured at HERA.

H. ABRAMOWICZDiffraction at Medium Energies.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCD-N’02), Ferrara/I (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002))

G. AGHUZUMTSYANCharm Production at HERA using the ZEUS Detector.Proc. of the 10th Spin Workshop, Nor Amberd/ARM (2002)

M. BARBICalibration and Monitoring of the ZEUS UCAL.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP, Pasadena/USA

B. BODMANN, S. GÖB, U. HOLMLET Effects of Neutron Irradiated Plastic Scintillators.Proc. of the 5th Int. Sympos. on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers,St. Adele/CAN (2002) (Nucl. Instrum. Methods B)

D. BOSCHERINIResults on Searches beyond the SM at HERA.Proc. of the 37th Recontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactionsand Unified Theories, Les Arcs/F (2002)

I. BROCKQCD Studies at HERA.Proc. of the 16th Recontre de Physique de la Vallee d’Aoste, LaThuile/I (2002)

R. BRUGNERACharmonium Production at HERA.Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Hyperons, Charm and BeautyHadrons, Vancouver/CAN (2002)

G. BRUNIHeavy Flavour Production at HERA.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on QCD, Montpellier/F (2002)

P. BUSSEYJet Physics at HERA.Heavy Flavour Physics at HERA.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei, Osaka/J

J.M. BUTTERWORTH et al.Jet Energy Flow Project.Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Study on the Future of ParticlePhysics, Snowmass/USA (2001) und hep-ph/0202207

M. CAPUARecent Results on Diffractive Structure Functions.Proc. of the NATO Adv. Research Workshop on Diffraction,Alushta/UA (2002)

J. CHWASTOWSKIPhysics Results and Future Plans of the ZEUS Experiment.Proc. of the 12th Int. Seminar on High Energy Phys. (QUARKS2002), Novgorod/RUS


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J. CIBOROWSKIExclusive Vector Meson Production at HERA.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCD-N’02), Ferrara/I (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002))

R. CIESIELSKIVector Meson Production and DVCS at HERA.Proc. of the 32nd Int. Sympos. on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD),Alushta/UA (2002)

A. COOPER-SARKARThe ZEUS NLO QCD Fit to Determine Parton Distributions andαs.Proc. of the Conf. on Adv. Statistical Techniques in Part. Phys.,Durham/GB (2002)

M. CORRADISearch for New Physics at HERA.Proc. of the 17th Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN(2002)

D. DANNHEIMSearches for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents and Lepton Fla-vour Violation at HERA.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry in Physics (SUSY02), Hamburg/D (2002) und hep-ex/0212004

R. DEVENISHLow-x Physics at HERAProc. of the 22nd Conf. on Physics in Collision, Stanford/USA(2002)

Y. EISENBERGHeavy Quark Production Cross Sections at HERA Compared withpQCD.Proc. of the 3rd Int. Sakharov Conf. on Physics, Moscow/RUS(2002)

J. FIGIELVector Meson Production at HERA.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on High Energy Interactions, Herlany/SK(2002)

G. FLEMING, E. KINNEY, S. LAMMERS, S. MAGILLFuture Possibilities for Lepton Hadron Collider Physics and De-tectors.Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Study on The Future of Part.Phys., Snowmass/USA (2001) und hep-ex/0201045

P. GOETTLICHERThe ZEUS Hadron-Electron-Separator.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP, Pasadena/USA(2002)

I. GRABOWSKA-BOLDPrompt Photons and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and HadronicInteractions, Les Arcs/F (2002)

R. HALL-WILTONCharm and Beauty Production at HERA.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on High Energy Interactions, Herlany/SK(2002)

A. LONGHINHeavy Flavor Production at HERA.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and HadronicInteractions, Les Arcs/F (2002) und hep-ex/0205052

U. KATZHERA Searches for Leptoquarks and Excited Fermions.Proc. of the Conf. on Physics beyond the Standard Model,Oulu/FIN (2002)

A. KREISELExclusive Vector Meson Production at HERA.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)

J. MARTINHigh Q2 Physics at HERA II.Proc. of the 17th Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN(2002)

M.C. PETRUCCIRecent Results on Leading Baryon Production.Proc. of the NATO Adv. Research Workshop on Diffraction,Alushta/UA (2002)

D. NOTZKonzepte für die Experimente bei TESLA.Frühjahrstg. der Studiengr. Elektron. Instrum., GSI Darmstadt/D(2002) HMI-B 586, Juli 2002, ISSN 1438-496

Zuverlässigkeitstheorie.Herbsttg. der Studiengr. Elektron. Instrum., Frankfurt/D (2002)HMI-B 589, Januar 2003, ISSN 1438-496

R. SACCHIZEUS LPS.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)

A. SAVINExclusive Diffractive Reactions – Vector Meson Production andDVCS.Proc. of the NATO Adv. Research Workshop on Diffraction,Alushta/UA (2002)

D. SAXONHeavy Quark ProductionProc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Frontier Science, Frascati/I(2002)

U. SCHNEEKLOTHThe HERA ep Interaction Regions.Rear Detection Systems and Luminosity Measurement at H1and ZEUS.HERA Luminosity Upgrade – Constraints on the InteractionRegions.Proc. of the Workshop on the Electron Ion Collider, BNLUpton/USA (2002)

A. SOLANOHadronic Final States in Diffraction.Proc. of the Workshop on Diffractive Physics (LISHEP2002), Riode Janeiro/BR (2002)


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L. STANCOProton and Photon Structure at HERA.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on QCD, Montpellier/F (2002)

M. WINGDetermination of the Calorimeter Jet Energy Scale Using the ZEUSDetector.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP, Pasadena/USA(2002)

Y. YAMAZAKIQCD Interpretation of DiffractionProc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei, Osaka/J

R. YOSHIDAProton Structure Results from the HERA Collider.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on the Structure of Baryons, NewportNews/USA (2002)

T. ZOUFAL, K. WICK, B. BODMANNThe Damaging Process in Irradiated Light Guides and Scintilla-ting Fibers.Proc. of the 5th Int. Sympos. on Ionizing Radiation and Poly-mers, St. Adele/CAN (2002) (Nucl. Instrum. Methods B)


DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

I. BLOCHErgebnisse des ZEUS Mikro-Vertex-Detektor Systemtests.

K. BORRASEin- und Ausblicke in die harte Diffraktion aus ep und ppStreuungen.

V. CHIOCHIAMeasurement of Bottom Electroproduction at HERA.

D. DANNHEIMSuche nach Ereignissen mit einem isolierten hochenergetischenLepton und fehlendem Transversalimpuls mit dem ZEUS Detektorbei HERA.

O. GUTSCHEDie Client-Server-Struktur für ein neues Event-Display für dasZEUS-Experiment.

S. HILLERTSuche nach QCD-Instantonen.

B. KAHLETomographie der Erde durch Oszillation atmosphärischer Neu-trinos.

D. LELASThe ZEUS C5 Counter and the HERA Test Running.

M. MORITZMessung der NC-Wechselwirkungsquerschnitte bei hohem Impuls-übertrag in e+p Streuung mit dem ZEUS Detektor bei HERA.

C. NGUYENIdentifikation von Tau-Leptonen bei ZEUS.

M. VAZQUEZMeasurement of Jet Cross Sections in Charged Current Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA.

ANDY ZIEGLERMessung der inklusiven Produktion von s-Baryonen in der tief-unelastischen Streuung bei HERA.

ARZU ZIEGLERStrahlenschadenmessungen an Szintillationsfasern.

K. BORRASEin- und Ausblicke in die harte Diffraktion aus ep und pp Streu-ungen.Graduierten-Kolleg, Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

Kalorimetrie am Lehrstuhl Exp. Physik V.Festkolloquium, Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

N. BRUMMERHERA Physics.PHENO 2002 Symposium, Madison/USA (2002)

J.M. BUTTERWORTHHERA (P)REVIEW.IPPP Workshop on TeV-Scale Physics, Cambridge/GB (2002)

J. COLEGaps between Jets at HERAWorkshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

M. COOPER-SARKARInclusive Measurements and QCD Fits at HERA.Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

A. GARfa*gNINIInclusive Diffraction and Leading Baryon Production at HERA.Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

A. GEISERNeutrino-Oszillationen und Long-Baseline-Experimente.Univ. Siegen/D (2002)

Neutrino Oscillation Experiments.Lectures, Int. Summer School on CP Violation, Baryogenesis, andNeutrinos, Prerow/D (2002)

L. GLADILINProduction of Heavy Flavours in ee, ep and pp Scattering.6th Int. Workshop on Heavy Quarks and Leptons, Salerno/I (2002)

T. HAASHadronic Final States at HERA.Int. Conf. on Advanced Topics of QCD, Beijing/VRC


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G. IACOBUCCIHERA Physics.Workshop on Ultra-Peripheral Ion Collisions, CERN Geneva/CH

E. KINNEY, U. STÖSSLEINSummary of Working Group III – Physics at a Polarized e NCollider.1st HERA III Workshop, München/D (2002)

E. LOHRMANNMessage from DESY.Memorial Symposium for Willibald Jentschke, CERN Geneva/CH(2002)

K. LONGQCD at High Energy.IPPP Workshop on TeV-Scale Physics, Cambridge/GB (2002)

Polarisation Measurements on e± Beams.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Coll. Beam Physics,Novosibirsk/RUS (2002)

R. MANKELComputing at DESY.FZK Karlsruhe/D (2002)

Hochleistungsrechnen mit Commodity-Komponenten.One World Camp Prora, Binz/D (2002)

Computing in der Hochenergiephysik – Von der Nord zum Grid.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

A. TAPPERCalibration of the ZEUS Calorimeter for Electrons.Workshop on Energy Calibration of the ATLAS Calorimeters,Ringberg Castle/D (2002)

M. WINGPhysics at HERA – A Review of Recent Results.IoP HEPP Conf., Brighton/GB (2002)

G. WOLFExperimental Highlights from the First Ten Years of the HERACollider.Univ. Warsaw/PL (2001)


A. GEISERNeutrino Physics with Accelerators and beyond.Univ. Hamburg (2002)Rep. Prog. Phys. 63 (2000) 1779


S. BOOGERTPhotoproduction of K0

S Mesons and Λ Baryons in ep Collisionsat ZEUS.Univ. of Oxford/GB (2002)

O. GONZALEZPrecise Determinations of the Strong Coupling Constant.Univ. Autonoma de Madrid/E (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-020

S. HILLERTA Search for QCD-Instantons in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering withthe ZEUS Detector at HERA.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-052

A. KOWALHelicity Analysis for Vector Mesons Produced in Proton-Disso-ciative Diffractive Photoproduction at Large Momentum Transferat HERA.Univ. of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow/PL (2002)

B. MELLADOMeasurement of Diffractive Heavy Vector Meson Photoproductionat HERA with the ZEUS Detector.Columbia Univ. New York/USA (2002)

M. MORITZMeasurement of the High Q2 Neutral Current DIS Cross Sectionat HERA.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-009

E. RODRIGUESMeasurement of Azimuthal Asymmetries in DIS at HERA.Univ. of Bristol/GB (2002)

H. SCHNURBUSCHMeasurement of the Proton Structure from High-Q2 Neutral CurrentEvents in e+p Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)BONN-IR-2002-11

A. WEBERSearch for Excited Leptons in ep Scattering at HERA Using theZEUS Detector.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)BONN-IR-2002-05

H. WESSOLECKMessung der Wirkungsquerschnitte für den tiefinelastischen, in-klusiven Prozess e+p → νeX an der Speicherring-Anlage HERAmit ZEUS-Daten aus den Jahren 1999 und 2000.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)BONN-IR-2002-02

A. ZIEGLERMeasurement of Inclusive Ξ− and Σ(1385)± Baryon Productionin Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-050

T. ZOUFALBeeinträchtigung der optischen Eigenschaften und Veränderung derFluoreszenz von Kunststoffszintillatoren durch Röntgenstrahlung.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-013


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V. ADLERThe System Test of the ZEUS Microvertex Detector: Calibrationand Digitisation of the Detector Signals.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-032

I. BLOCHThe ZEUS Micro-Vertex Detector System Test – Triggering andData Analysis.Univ. Hamburg/DDESY-THESIS 2002-001

D. BÖTTGERKombinierte Spurrekonstruktion im Vorwärtsbereich des ZEUS-Detektors.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)BONN-IB-2002-08

L. CARONEImpulsrekonstruktion mit Hilfe der Vorwärtsdriftkammern desZEUS-Detektors.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)BONN-IB-2002-05

S. GÖBVergleich von optischen Strahlenschäden durch Neutronen- undγ-Strahlung an Szintillatoren und Wellenlängenschiebern.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

U. MEYERAlignment des Straw-Tube-Detektors im ZEUS-Experiment.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)BONN-IB-2002-14

C.N. NGUYENIdentification of τ Leptons from Single W→ τντ Production withthe ZEUS Detector.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

M. ROSSIDIS con produzione di beauty nell’esperimento ZEUS a HERA.Univ. Padova/I (2002)

A. SALVESTRINRicerca del decadimento D∗ → µ+µ− con il rivelatore ZEUS aHERA.Univ. Padova/I (2002)



C. BAUMGARTEN et al.Measurements of Atomic Recombination at the HERMES Hydro-gen/Deuterium Storage Cell Target.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A496 (2003) 263

The Polarized H/D Internal Target Storage Cell for the HERMESExperiment at HERA.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A496 (2003) 277

M.G. VAN BEUZEKOM et al.The HERMES Silicon Project – the Radiation Protection System.Zur Veröffentl. in Nucl. Instrum. Methods A

Recoil Detection at Future QCD Facilities.Zur Veröffentl. in Nucl. Instrum. Methods A

H. JACKSONHERMES and the Spin of the Proton.Int. J. Mod. Phys. A17 (2002) 3551

K. RITHSpin Asymmetries in Deep-Inelastic Electron-Nucleon Scattering– Selected HERMES Results.Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 49 (2002) 245

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of theNucleon (QCD-N2002), Ferrara/I (2002)

A. BORISSOVExclusive Vector Meson Production on Nuclei at HERMES.

F. ELLINGHAUSBeam-Charge Asymmetry Associated with DVCS at HERMES.hep-ex/0207029

D. HASCHHERMES Results and Future on DVCS and DVE.

N.C.R. MAKINSTransverse Spin: HERMES Results and Future Plans.

V. MUCCIFORAHadron Formation in DIS from Nuclear Targets and NuclearTransparency.

K. RITHFuture Plans at HERMES.

G. VAN DER STEENHOVENConcluding Remarks on QCD-N’02 Workshop in Ferrara.

Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scatteringand QCD (DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002)

A. AIRAPETIANDiffractive Exclusive Electro-Production of ρ Mesons at HERMES.

A. BRÜLLMeasurement of R = σL/σT in Deep Inelastic Scattering on Nuclei.

M. CONTALBRIGONew Precision Results on the Spin Structure Function gd



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M. DÜRENSingle-Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive DIS at HERMES.

A. FANTONIExperimental Evidence for Quark-Hadron Duality in Spin StructureFunction.

E. GARUTTIHadron Formation in Nuclei DIS.

O. GREBENYUKTransverse Polarization of Λ and Λ Produced Inclusively in eNScattering at HERMES.

Y. NARYSHKINStudy of Λ-Hyperon Production in the HERMES Experiment.

R. SHANIDZERecent HERMES Results on DVCS Associated Asymmetries.

M.C. SIMANIRecent Results on the Helicity Structure of the Nucleon fromHERMES.

U. STÖSSLEINStatus and Perspectives of Spin Physics.

Proc. of the 10th NATO Advanced Spin Physics Workshop,Nor Amberd/ARM (2002)

A. AIRAPETIANCoherent ρ Meson Production at HERMES.

N. AKOPOVThe Q2 Dependence of Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral atHERMES.

M. AMARIANElectro-Production of Real Photons via DVCS at HERMES.

N. BIANCHINuclear Attenuation in DIS.

A. BORISSOVSpin Physics of Vector Meson Production at HERMES.

A. BRÜLLProspects on Electron-Ion-Collider (EIC).

O. GREBENYUKTransverse Polarization of Λ and Λ.

H. JACKSONFlavor Structure of the Nucleon as Revealed at HERMES.

W.D. NOWAKFuture Fixed-Target eN-Scattering in Europe.

D.RYCKBOSCHExclusive Meson Production at HERMES.

K.P. SCHULERHERA Transverse Polarimeter Absolute Scale and Error by Rise-Time Calibration.

Proc. of the 15th Int. Spin Physics Sympos. (SPIN2002), Brook-haven/USA (2002)

A. BRÜLLTransverse Polarization ofΛ and Λ-Hyperons in Quasi-Real PhotonNucleon Interactions.Measurements of Polarized Parton Distributions at HERMES.

H.C. CHIANGΛ-Hyperon Production and Longitudinal Polarization at HERMES.

M. CONTALBRIGOA First Measurement of the Tensor-Polarized Structure Functionbd


F. ELLINGHAUSDeeply Virtual Compton Scattering at Deuterium and Neon atHERMES.

R. FABBRIHard Exclusive Electro-Production of 2 Pions on Proton andDeuteron.

D. HASCHAzimuthal Asymmetries in Meson Productions in Electron-Nu-cleon Deep Inelastic Scattering by HERMES.The Physics Program of HERMES Run II.

R. KAISERPerspectives for a Next-Generation Electron-Nucleon ScatteringFacility in Europe.

P. LENISANew Precision Results on the Spin Structure Function gd

1.The HERMES Internal Polarized H/D Target and Nuclear Polar-ization of Recombined Hydrogen Atoms on Drifilm.

A. MILLERSemi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering.

A. NASSThe HERMES Polarized Atomic Beam Source.

W.D. NOWAKQ2 Dependence of the Generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integralon the Deuteron, Proton and Neutron.

D. REGGIANIBeam Induced Depolarizing Resonances in the HERMES Hydro-gen/Deuterium Target.

C. SCHILLExclusive Electro-Production of Vector and Pseudo-Scalar Mesonsat HERMES.

E. STEFFENSPolarized Jets and Storage Cell Targets for Storage Rings.


DESY Zeuthen - [PDF Document] (20)


E.C. ASCHENAUERSpin Physics at HERMESProc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC2002),Osaka/J (2002)

M. BECKMANNRecent Results on the Helicity Structure of the Nucleon fromHERMES.Proc. of the Workshop on Testing QCD through Spin Observablesin Nuclear Targets, Charlottesville/USA (2002)

S. BELOSTOTSKIThe HERMES Experiment and Λ / Λ Production.Proc. of the Adv. Study Inst. on Symmetries and Spin (PRAHA-SPIN2002), Prague/CZ (2002)

N. BIANCHIHERMES Spin Physics.Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on Meson Production, Propertiesand Interaction (MESON2002), Cracow/PL (2002)

A. BORISSOVExclusive Processes at Intermediate Energies: HERMES Resultsand Prospects.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics(DIFF02), Crimea/UA (2002)

Exclusive Electro-Production of Vector Mesons at HERMES:Nuclear Effects.Proc. of the Workshop on Exclusive Processes at High MomentumTransfer, Newport News/USA (2002)

A. BRÜLLThe Spin Structure of the Nucleon.Proc. of the 22nd Conf. on Physics in Collision (PIC2002),Stanford/USA (2002)

P. DINEZZAHadron Formation in Nuclei.Proc. of the Workshop on the Structure of Hadrons and Nucleion the Light Cone, Los Alamos/USA (2002)

Hadron Formation.Proc. of the 40th Int. Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio/I(2002)

J. ELYAzimuthal Asymmetries Associated with Deeply Virtual ComptonScattering.Proc. of the Workshop on Exclusive Processes at High MomentumTransfer, Newport News/USA (2002)

A. FANTONIExperimental Evidence for Quark-Hadron Duality in Spin StructureFunction.Proc. of the 40th Int. Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio/I(2002)

B. FOXDVCS.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS2002), Newport News/USA (2002)

E. GARUTTIHadron Formation in a Nuclear Environment.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS2002), Newport News/USA (2002)

D. GASKELLExclusive Processes at HERMES.Proc. of the Workshop on Exclusive Processes at High MomentumTransfer, Newport News/USA (2002)

D. HASCHSingle-Spin Azimuthal Asymmetries in Pion Electro-Production.Proc. of the 40th Int. Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio/I(2002)

B. HOMMEZRICH Data Analysis.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors(RICH2002), Pylos/GR (2002)

H. JACKSONStructure of the Nucleon and Nuclei Studied by HERMES.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC2002),Osaka/J (2002)

RICH General and Physics Results.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors(RICH2002), Pylos/GR (2002)

R. KAISERMeasurement of Hard Exclusive Reactions with a Recoil Detectorat HERMES.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS2002), Newport News/USA (2002)

E. KINNEYExperimental Exploration of Exclusive Processes at HERMES.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Physics with Antiprotons at GSI,Darmstadt/D (2002)

K. LIPKAVector-Meson Production at Intermediate Energies of HERMES.Proc. of the Adv. Study Inst. on Symmetries and Spin (PRAHA-SPIN), Prague/CZ (2002)

Vector Meson Production at HERMES.Proc. of the Adv. Study Inst. on Symmetries and Spin (PRAHA-SPIN2002), Prague/CZ (2002)

N. MAKINSSpin Physics Overview.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002)

Y. MIYACHIPolarization of Λ and Λ Hyperons.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC2002),Osaka/J (2002)

The HERMES RICH Aerogel Radiator.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors(RICH2002), Pylos/GR (2002)


DESY Zeuthen - [PDF Document] (21)


A. NAGAJTSEVThe Q2-Dependence of the Generalized GDH Sum Rule for Proton,Deuteron and Neutron.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002)

D. RYCKBOSCHExclusive Vector Meson Production at HERMES.Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on Meson Production, Propertiesand Interaction (MESON2002), Cracow/ PL (2002)

G. SCHNELLProbing Quark Distributions in Semi-Inclusive Single Spin Asym-metries.SSA in SiDIS.Proc. of the Workshop on Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei onthe Light Cone, Los Alamos/USA (2002)

K.P. SCHÜLERPolarization Measurements on e± Beams.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrumentation for Colliding BeamPhysics (INSTR2002), Novosibirsk/RUS (2002) (Nucl. Instrum.Methods A494 (2002) 75)

R. SEIDLSingle Spin Azimuthal Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Electro-Production of Pions and Kaons.Proc. of the 17th Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN(2002)

B. SEITZDeeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Hard Exclusive Pion Pro-duction Measured by HERMES.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC2002),Osaka/J (2002)

T.-A. SHIBATAAzimuthal Asymmetry in Meson Productions in Electron-NucleonDeep Inelastic Scattering by HERMES.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC2002),Osaka/J (2002)

J. STEWARTThe HERMES Recoil Silicon Detector.Proc. of the 11th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2002), Kailua-Kona/USA (2002)

Flavor Separation of Polarized Parton Distributions.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Quark Nuclear Physics (QNP2002),Jülich/D (2002)

G. VAN DER STEENHOVENPolarized Structure Functions.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS2002), Newport News/USA (2002)

HERMES (Overview): The Spin Structure of the Nucleon.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Quark Nuclear Physics (QNP2002),Jülich/D (2002)

J. VOLMERSemi-Inclusive and Exclusive Spin Physics.Proc. of the 16th Rencontre de Physique de La Vallee d’Aoste,La Thuile/I (2002)

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002)

J. WENDLANDMeasurements of the Nucleon Spin Structure.Proc. of the Int. School for Sub-Nuclear Physics, Erice/I (2002)

Studies of the Nucleon Spin with HERMES.Proc. of the 17th Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN(2002)


DPG Frühjahrstagung Hadronen und Kerne, Münster/D (2002)


B. HOMMEZExtraction of Polarized Quark Distributions of the Nucleon atHERMES.

A. REISCHLBeam Loss Monitor for HERMES.

C. SCHILLAzimuthal Single-Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering.

B. SEITZSingle Spin Asymmetries in Exclusive Electroproduction atHERMES.

DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

F. ELLINGHAUSUntersuchung der tief-virtuellen Comptonstreuung mit demHERMES-Experiment.

P. LIEBINGDie pT Verteilungen von Hadronen bei HERMES.

K. LIPKADiffractive ρ0 Production at HERMES.

R. SEIDLAzimutale Einzel-Spin-Asymmetrien in semi-inklusiver Elektro-produktion von Pionen und Kaonen.

C. WEISKOPFNeue Resultate vom HERMES-Experiment zur polarisierten Struk-turfunktion g1 und zur Flavour-Separation der polarisierten Quark-Verteilungen.


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M. AMARIANSpontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetry and Hard QCD-Pheno-mena.Physikzentrum Bad Honnef/D (2002)

E.C. ASCHENAUERSpin Physics in DIS.DESY Theory Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics, Ham-burg/D (2002)

Hermes Run II Physics Program.Current and Future Directions at RHIC, BNL Upton/USA (2002)

S. BELOSTOTSKIStrangeness Production at HERMES.16th Int. Baldin Seminar, Dubna/RUS (2002)

N. BIANCHILectures: Medium Effects with Electromagnetic Probes.Int. School of Physics ,,Enrico Fermi“: From Nuclei and TheirConstituents to Stars, Varenna/I (2002)

Nuclear Medium Effects in High Energy Photoabsorption andElectroproduction.Europ. Graduate Coll.: Complex Systems of Hadrons and Nuclei,Rauischholzhausen Castle/D (2002)

Nuclear Medium Effect in Hadron Leptoproduction.CFIF Fall Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics from Quarks to Nuclei,Lisbon/P (2002)

A. BORYSENKOComputer Modeling and Testing of the Pi0-Photon Counter forthe HERMES Recoil Spectrometer.8th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors,Siena/I (2002)

M. BOUWHUISRecent HERMES Results.Int. Conf. on High-Energy Interactions, Herlany/SLO (2002)

P. DI NEZZAThe Spin of the Nucleon at HERMES.1st Int. Workshop on Frontier Science, Frascati/I (2002)

M. DÜRENHERA III as a Facility for External Electron and Photon Beams.1st HERA-III Workshop: The New Frontier in Precision Lepton-Nucleon Physics, München/D (2002)

M. EHRENFRIEDThe HERMES RICH Detector.Europ. Graduate Coll.: Complex Systems of Hadrons and Nuclei,Rauischholzhausen Castle/D (2002)

J. ELYBeam Spin Asymmetry.April Meeting of the APS and the High-Energy Astrophys. Div.(HEAD) of the Am. Astronom. Soc., Albuquerque/USA (2002)

A. FANTONIHERMES Overview.Sympos. on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and the NucleonSpin Structure, Genova/I (2002)

Duality in Spin Structure Functions.Electron-Nucleus Scattering VII, Elba/I (2002)

E. GARUTTIHERMES Results on Nuclear Effects in DIS.Workshop on Low x Physics, Antwerpen/B (2002)

D. GASKELLBeam Charge Asymmetry.April Meeting of the APS and the High-Energy Astrophys. Div.(HEAD) of the Am. Astronom. Soc., Albuquerque/USA (2002)

Hadron Attenuation and Results from HERMES.2nd Int. Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region (NUINT2002), Irvine/USA (2002)

I. GREGORThe HERMES Recoil Detector.Sympos. on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and the NucleonSpin Structure, Genova/I (2002)

H. JACKSONFlavor Decomposition of Polarized Quark Distributions in theNucleon.April Meeting of the APS and the High-Energy Astrophys. Div.(HEAD) of the Am. Astronom. Soc., Albuquerque/USA (2002)

E. KINNEYForward and Off-Forward Nucleon Structure Measurements atHERMES.2002 SLAC Topical Conf., Stanford/USA (2002)

P. LIEBINGExtraction of Polarized Parton Distributions from Semi-InclusiveHERMES Data.Current and Future Directions at RHIC, BNL Upton/USA (2002)

V. MUCCIFORAHadronization Process in DIS on Nuclei.Coherent Effects at RHIC and LHC: Initial Conditions and HardProbes, ETC Trento/I (2002)

Hadron Formation in Nuclei.16th Int. Conf. on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,Nantes/F (2002)

W.D. NOWAKFuture eN in Europe.Int. Workshop on Hadron Structure and Hadron Spectroscopy,Trieste/I (2002)

A.J. REISCHLBeam Loss Monitor: A Protection System for the New SiliconTracker in HERMES.Fall Meeting of the Sections Nucl. and High-Energy Physics ofthe Dutch Phys. Soc., Lunteren/NL (2002)


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K. RITHHERMES: Present Status and Outlook.Int. Workshop on Hadron Structure and Hadron Spectroscopy,Trieste/I (2002)

Recent Results from HERMES.Int. School of Nuclear Physics: 24th Course: Quarks in Hadronsand Nuclei, Erice/I (2002)

Review of Polarized Lepton-Nucleon-Scattering.1st HERA-III Workshop: The New Frontier in Precision Lepton-Nucleon Physics, München/D (2002)

C. SCHILLSSA (d,p).33. Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik, Schleching/D (2002)

G. SCHNELLSpin Physics and More with HERMES.Electron-Nucleus Scattering VII, Elba/I (2002)

R. SEIDLLongitudinal Single Spin Azimuthal Asymmetries from HERMES.ESPO Topical Workshop on Single Spin Asymmetries, Vrije Univ.Amsterdam/NL (2002)

B. SEITZHERMES and the Spin of the Nucleon.Electron-Nucleus Scattering VII, Elba/I (2002)

E. STEFFENSPolarized Gas Targets for Storage Rings.1st HERA-III Workshop: The New Frontier in Precision Lepton-Nucleon Physics, München/D (2002)

M. VETTERLIHERMES and the Spin of the Nucleon.ECT* Conf. on the Structure of the Nucleon, Trento/I (2002)

M. VINCTERHERMES Overview.Gordon Res. Conf. on Photonuclear Reactions, Tilton/USA (2002)

B. ZIHLMANNOverview of Experiments Addressing Issues of Nuclear Effectsin DIS.Gordon Res. Conf. on Photonuclear Reactions, Tilton/USA (2002)


L. DE NARDOMeasurement of the Structure Function gd

1 at HERMES and Ex-traction of Polarized Parton Distributions.Univ. Alberta Edmonton/CAN (2002)

J. ELYMeasurement of the Single Spin Azimuthal Asymmetry in thePredominantly Exclusive Electroproduction of Photons from theProton.Univ. of Colorado Boulder/USA (2002)

M. HENOCHAbsolute Calibration of a Polarized Deuterium Gas Target.Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-026

K. LIPKADouble-Spin Asymmetries in Diffractive Vector-Meson Produc-tion at HERMES.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-018

A. NASSNiederdruck-Überschallexpansionen – Eine Studie zur Formationvon kalten Wasserstoff- und Deuteriumstrahlen.Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-012

S. POTASHOVThe Luminosity Monitor Based on NaBi(WO4)2 Crystals for theHERMES Experiment at DESY.Lebedev Phys. Inst., Moscow/RUS (2002)

C.Y. SCARLETTPhoton-Gluon Fusion as a Way of Accessing the Gluons’ Con-tribution to Nucleon Spin.Univ. Michigan Ann Arbor/USA (2002)

C. SCHILLAzimutale Asymmetrien von Pionen und Kaonen bei der tief-inelastischen Elektron-Deuteron Streuung.Univ. Freiburg/D (2002)

M.C. SIMANIFlavour Decomposition of the Nucleon Spin at HERMES.Univ. Amsterdam/NL (2002)

J. VISSERDeep Inelastic Scattering off Hydrogen and Deuterium.Univ. Groningen/NL (2002)

C. WEISKOPFMeasurement of the Spin-Dependent Structure Function gd

1 of theDeuteron at HERMES.Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-039


H. TANAKALaser-Based Gain Monitoring System for HERMES Experiment.Inst. of Techn., Tokyo/J (2002)

P. VAN DER NATHadronization at 12 GeV.Univ. Amsterdam/NL (2002)


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Measurement of the bb Production Cross Section in 920 GeVFixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2003) 345 und DESY 02-076, hep-ex/0205106

Inclusive V0 Production Cross Sections from 920 GeV Fixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions.DESY 02-213, hep-ex/0212040, zur Veröffentl. in Eur. Phys. J. C

J/ψ Production via χc Decays in 920 GeV pA Interactions.DESY 02-187, hep-ex/0211033, zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Lett. B

I. ABT et al.CATS: A Cellular Automaton for Tracking in Silicon for theHERA-B Vertex Detector.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A489 (2002) 389

Cellular Automaton and Kalman Filter Based Track Search in theHERA-B Pattern Tracker.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A490 (2002) 546

Y. BAGATURIA et al.Studies of Aging and HV Break Down Problems during Develop-ment and Operation of MSGC and GEM Detectors for the InnerTracking System of HERA-B.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A490 (2002) 223 und hep-ex/0204011

F. EISELE et al.Upgrade Activity of the HERA-B Inner Tracker System in 2001.(In Russian)Lebedev Preprint No. 15 (2002)

S. KORPAR, I. BIZJAK, A. GORISEK, P. KRIZAN, R. PESTOT-NIK, M. STARIC, A. STANOVNIKSurface Sensitivity of Multianode Photomultiplier Tubes.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A478 (2002) 391

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

I. ABTThe HERA-B Vertex Detector System: Design and Performance.Proc. of the 11th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2002), Kailua-Kona/Hawaii/USA (2002),(Nucl. Instrum. Methods A)

C. BAUER et al.Radiation Hardness of the HERA-B Double-Sided Silicon StripDetectors.Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Large Scale Appl. and Rad. Hardnessof Semicond. Detectors, Florence/I (2001)(Nucl. Instrum. Methods A485 (2002) 116)

Performance of the HERA-B Vertex Detector System.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Brunnen/CH(2001) (Nucl. Instrum. Methods A501 (2003) 39)

M. DANILOV, I. TIKHOMIROV, M. TITOV, YU. ZAITSEVLaboratory Aging Studies for the HERA-B Muon Chambers.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics,Novosibirsk/RUS (2002)(Nucl. Instrum. Methods A494 (2002) 236)

V. EGORYTCHEV, J. HERNANDEZ, V. RYBNIKOV, F. SAN-CHEZ, S. ESSENOV, A. ZHELEZOVArchitecture of the HERA-B Data Acquisition System.Proc. of the IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium, Norfolk/USA (2002)

B. GIACOBBEFirst Measurement of the bb Production Cross Section withHERA-B.Proc. of the Winter Inst. on Fund. Int., Lake Louise/CAN (2002)

W. GRADL et al.First Results of the HERA-B Experiment.Proc. of the Conf. on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2002)Julich/D (2002) (Eur. Phys. J. A )

U. HUSEMANN et al.A RICH-Multiplicity Veto for the HERA-B Experiment.Proc. of the IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium, Norfolk/USA (2002)

P. KREUZERMeasurement of the bb Production Cross Section in Proton-NucleusCollisions at HERA-B.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP02),Amsterdam/NL (2002)

A. LANYOVMeasurement of the bb Production Cross Section in 920 GeVFixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions at the HERA-B Detector.Proc. of the Int. School on Heavy Quark Physics, Dubna/RUS(2002)

M. MEVIUSFirst Results from HERA-B on Charmonium and b Quark Pro-duction in p N Collisions at

√s = 42.6 GeV.

Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Hyperons, Charm and BeautyHadrons, Vancouver/CAN (2002)

R. MIZUKCharmonium Production in 920 GeV Proton-Nucleus Interactions.Proc. of the Int. School on Heavy Quark Physics, Dubna/RUS(2002)

V. RYBNIKOVProcess Management and Run Control System in the HERA-BExperiment.Proc. of the IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium, Norfolk/USA (2002)

A. SOMOV et al.The First Level Trigger of the HERA-B Experiment: Performanceand Expectations.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics,Novosibirsk/RUS (2002)(Nucl. Instrum. Methods A494 (2002) 526)

M. VILLA et al.Measurement of the bb Production Cross Section in 920 GeVProton-Nucleus Collisions.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on B Physics at Hadron Machines(BEAUTY2002), Santiago de Compostela/E (2002)


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A. ZOCCOLI et al.First Results from the HERA-B Experiment.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Ultrarel. Nucleus-Nucleus Coll.:Quark Matter 2002 (QM2002), Nantes/F (2002)


DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

M. BÖCKERDie Online-Software des HERA-B Myon-Pretrigger-Systems.

M. BRÜGGEMANNErste Erfahrungen mit einem neuen HERA-B Multiplizitatsveto.

C. CRUSEEin neues Multiplizitatsveto fur das HERA-B Experiment.

U. HUSEMANNCharmonium-Physik bei HERA-B – Ein erster Blick auf die neuenDaten.

B. SCHMIDTEntwicklung und Test von Detektoren für extreme Teilchenraten:Was haben wir bei HERA-B gelernt?

I. ABTComparitive Irradiation Test of an Oxygenated and a Non-Oxy-genated Silicon Microstrip Detector.Univ. Karlsruhe/D (2002)

T. BAUERProduction of J/ψ, χc and B-Mesons at HERA-B.ECT* Int. Workshop on Charm Production: From Threshold viaSPS to RHIC and LHC, Trento/I (2002)

T. BURANReport on the Scientific Activity of HERA-B for the Period Sept.2001 – Aug. 2002.Norwegian Res. Council Meeting, Univ. of Bergen/N (2002)

S. KORPARHERA-B RICH.4th Workshop on RICH Detectors, Pylos/GR (2002)

P. KRIZANRICH Detectors with Vacuum Based Photo-Detectors: Overview.4th Workshop on RICH Detectors, Pylos/GR (2002)

M. MEDINNISHERA-B Status and Physics Programme.ECT* Int. Workshop on Charm Production: From Threshold viaSPS to RHIC and LHC, Trento/I (2002)

M.T. NUNEZ PARDO DE VERAHERA-B Trigger.8th Int. Conf. on B Physics at Hadron Machines (BEAUTY2002),Santiago de Compostela/E (2002)

Y. PYLYPCHENKORecent Results from HERA-B.Norwegian Res. Council Meeting, Univ. of Bergen/N (2002)

B. SCHWINGENHEUERElectronic Commissioning Experience at HERA-B.Kolloquium, MPI Munchen/D (2002)

M. STARICParticle Identification with HERA-B RICH.4th Workshop on RICH Detectors, Pylos/GR (2002)


J. GLÄSSEntwurf und Realisierung des First Level Triggers für das HERA-B Experiment.Univ. Mannheim/D (2002)


M. ADAMSEntwicklung eines Simulationsprogrammes für das Myon-Pretrig-ger-System des HERA-B Experimentes und Untersuchungen zumSystemverhalten.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

J. BASTOSMeasurement of the Luminosity and of the Branching Ratio forthe Muonic Decay of the ω(782) Meson in Fixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions.Univ. of Coimbra/P (2002)

M. BRUINSMAJ/ψ in p A – Perfomance of the First Level Trigger of HERA-Band Nuclear Effects in J/ψ Production.NIKHEF/Univ. Utrecht/NL (2002)

P. CONDEMeasurement of the D+ to D0 Production Cross Section Ratio,Using an Impact Parameter Method.Univ. of Santiago de Compostela/E (2002)

C. CRUSEDas RICH-Multiplizitatsveto-System fur das HERA-B Experiment.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

H. FLECKENSTEINPerformance of the TFU Network of the First Level Trigger ofHERA-B and Determination of Efficiencies for J/ψ → µ+µ−.DESY-Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-011

A. GORISEKCross Section Measurement of D0 and D∗+ Meson Production inInelastic Collisions of 920 GeV Protons with Nuclei.Univerza v Ljubljani/SLO (2002)


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W. HULSBERGENA Study of Track Reconstruction and Massive Dielectron Produc-tion in HERA-B.NIKHEF/Univ. of Amsterdam/NL (2002)

O. IGONKINAA Study of J/ψ and χc Production in p A Collisions at 920 GeV.ITEP Moscow/RUS (2002)

C. KRAUSSInvestigations on the Operational Behavior of the GEM MSGCInner Tracker System and Study on the Reconstruction of χcEvents in the HERA-B Detector.Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)

R. LOKEMessung des inklusiven J/ψ-Wirkungsquerschnittes im hartenProton-Nukleon Stoß bei einer Wechselwirkungsenergie von


= 39 GeV.Humboldt Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

B.A. PETERSENBeauty Production at HERA-B.Performance of the Second Level Trigger and the bb Cross Sectionin 920 GeV p N Collisions.Niels Bohr Inst., Univ. Copenhagen/DK (2002)

M.-A. PLEIERMeasurement of Inclusive Lambda/Antilambda Hyperon Polarisa-tion in Proton Nucleus Collisons at 920 GeV Proton Beam Energy.Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)


M.-O. BOENIGBau und Inbetriebnahme von Szintillationszählern zur Luminosi-tätsbestimmung am HERA-B Experiment.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

M. BRÜGGEMANNUntersuchungen zum RICH-Vetosystem des HERA-B Experi-ments.Univ. Dortmund/D (2002)

A. CHRISTENSENCharmonium Production at HERA-B.Univ. of Oslo/N (2002)




Search for Nearly Mass-Degenerate Charginos and Neutralinos atLEP.CERN-EP-2002-063, hep-ex/0210043,zur Veröffentlichung in Eur. Phys. J

Measurement of Neutral-Current Four-Fermion Production atLEP2.Phys. Lett. B544 (2002) 259 und hep-ex/0210026

Inclusive Analysis of the b Quark Fragmentation Function in ZDecays at LEP.CERN-EP-2002-051, hep-ex/0210031,zur Veröffentlichung in Eur. Phys. J.

Multi-Photon Production in e+e− Collisions at√

s = 181–209GeV.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2003) 331 und hep-ex/0210016

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the OPALDetector at LEP.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2003) 479 und hep-ex/0209078

Measurement of the b Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetryaround the Z0 Peak Using an Inclusive Tag.Phys. Lett. B546 (2002) 29 und hep-ex/0209076

Search for a Low Mass CP-Odd Higgs Boson in e+e− Collisionswith the OPAL Detector at LEP2.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 483 und hep-ex/0209068

Measurement of the Cross-Section for the Process γγ → pp at√s = 183–189 GeV at LEP.

CERN-EP-2002-056, hep-ex/0209052,zur Veröffentlichung in Eur. Phys. J. C

Charged Particle Momentum Spectra in e+e− Annihilation at√s = 192–209 GeV.

Eur. Phys. J. C27 467 (2003) und hep-ex/0209048

Search for Scalar Top and Scalar Bottom Quarks at LEP.Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) 272Phys. Lett. B548 (2002) 258 (Erratum) und hep-ex/0209026

Search for Associated Production of Massive States Decaying intotwo Photons in e+e− Annihilations at

√s = 88–209 GeV.

Phys. Lett. B544 (2002) 44 und hep-ex/0207027

Search for Charged Excited Leptons in e+e− Collisions at√

s =183–209 GeV.Phys. Lett. B 544 (2002) 57 und hep-ex/0206061

Decay-Mode Independent Searches for New Scalar Bosons withthe OPAL Detector at LEP.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 311 und hep-ex/0206022

Measurement of the Charm Structure Function Fγ

2,c of the Photonat LEP.Phys. Lett. B539 (2002) 13 und hep-ex/0206021

Measurement of the Mass of the W Boson in e+e− CollisionsUsing the Fully Leptonic Channel.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2003) 321 und hep-ex/0203026

Measurement of the Hadronic Photon Structure Function Fγ

2,c atLEP2.Phys. Lett. B533 (2002) 207 und hep-ex/0202035

N. GHODBANE et al.The Snowmass Points and Slopes: Benchmarks for SUSY Searches.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 113 und hep-ph/0202233


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Veröffentlichte Vorträge

T. BEHNKELinear Electron Positron Colliders Instrumentation 2002.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics,Novosibirsk/RUS (2002)

J. BÖHMEPolarisation Measurement at HERA II.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3949)

K. BÜSSERImproved TESLA Optics and Backgrounds Update.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), JejuIsland/ROK (2002)

J. CONWAY, K. DESCH, J. F. GUNION, S. MRENNA, D. ZEP-PENFELDThe Precision of Higgs Boson Measurements and their Implica-tions.Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Study on the Future of ParticlePhysics, SnowmassUSA (2001) und hep-ph/0203206

N. GHODBANE et al.Radiation Hardness of CVD Diamonds.Proc. of the 8th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Ra-diation Detectors, Siena/I (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Supl.) undhep-ex/0212018

The TESLA Time Projection Chamber.Proc. of the 8th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Ra-diation Detectors, Siena/I (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Supl.) undhep-ex/0212031

M. HAMANNR&D on the GEM Readout of the TESLA TPC.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), JejuIsland/ROK (2002) und hep-ex/0301006

K. HARDERb Fragmentation and Energy Correlation in Z → bb Decays (LEP-1 and SLD Results).Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

V. KORBELThe HCAL Calorimeter for the TESLA Detector at DESY.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry and High EnergyPhysics, Pasadena/USA (2002)

Progress Report on TESLA Tile-HCAL.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), JejuIsland/ROK (2002)


DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

P. BECHTLESuche nach Higgs-Bosonen in Supersymmetrie mit CP-Verletzungbei OPAL.

T. BEHNKE, M. DOUCET, N. GHODBANE, M. HAMANN, T.KUHL, T. LUXStudien zur Entwicklung einer Zeit-Projektions-Kammer mit GEMAuslese für den zukünftigen Linearbeschleuniger TESLA.

T. BEHNKE, K. BÜSSER, R. HEUER, R. SELLESimulation des TESLA Detektors.

G. GAYCKENSuche nach Higgs Bosonen mit dem OPAL Detektor.

M. HAMANN, M. HAUSCHILD, C. REMBSERSuche nach schweren langlebigen geladenen Teilchen mittels Mes-sung des spezifischen Energieverlustes mit dem OPAL-Detektoram LEP-Speicherring.

K. HARDERUntersuchungen zur b-Fragmentation bei OPAL.

J. HAUSCHILDTElastische Streuprozesse zwischen Eichbosonen.

C. HENSELSuche nach Charginos und Neutralinos mit dem TESLA Detektor.

A. IMHOFMessungen zum Signalverhalten von CVD-Diamant.

T. KRÄMERMessung der Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Asymmetrien mit semilepto-nischen Zerfällen schwerer Quarks bei OPAL.

T. LUXBau einer Prototyp-TPC für Messungen in einem 4 Tesla Magnet-feld.

W. MENGESMessung der Drei-Eichboson-Kopplungen im vier Jet-Kanal beiOPAL.

N. MEYER, K. DESCH, R.-D. HEUERResonanzparameter eines schweren SM Higgs Bosons bei TESLA.

R. SELLESimulation des TESLA Detektors.

ECFA/DESY Study on Physics and Detectors for a 90 GeV to800 GeV Linear Collider

Workshop St. Malo/F (2002)

T. BEHNKEBRAHMS: A GEANT3 Based Full Simulation for TESLA.

K. BÜSSER, G. WAGNERUpdate on Neutron Background.

K. DESCHProfile of 240 GeV Higgs Boson.Summary of Higgs Session.MSSM Tests via Higgs Sector Observables Measured at LHCand LC.


DESY Zeuthen - [PDF Document] (28)


N. GHODBANEThe Snowmass Points and Slopes: Comparison of Spectrums andBranching Ratios.

V. KORBELStatus of the Tile-HCAL for the Detector at TESLA.

T. KUHLZVTOP-B-Hadron-Tagger for SIMDET.

T. LUXTPC R&D at DESY Hamburg.

V.L. MORGUNOVNew Vision of Energy-Flow, Imaging Detector.

Workshop Prague/CZ (2002)

K. BÜSSERNew Mask Design and Background Studies for L* = 5 m.

K. DESCHNeutralino Production Involving Tau Decays.

R.-D. HEUERStatus of the TESLA Proposal.

T. KLIMKOVICHExperimental Study of Higgs Bosons in CP-Violating MSSMScenario at TESLA.

V. KORBELNew Results and Further Plans for the TESLA Tile-HCAL.

T. LUXTPC R&D at DESY Hamburg.

V.L. MORGUNOV, S.V. CHEKANOVA Method of Top Quark Reconstruction at Future Linear Colli-der.

P. BECHTLEInterpretation of the Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons at OPALin a CP Violation MSSM Scenario.Int. School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice/I (2002)

T. BEHNKEThe Simulation Effort in the ECFA/DESY Study.Am. Linear Collider Physics Meeting, Chicago/USA (2002) Teil-chenphysik bei TESLA: Ein Weg zur Weltformel?,,Tag der Physik“ im Rahmen der Ausstellung: TESLA – Lichtder Zukunft, Berlin/D (2002)

Status of Simulation in the ECFA/DESY Study.The TESLA Tracking Concept.Am. Linear Collider Physics Meeting, St. Cruz/USA (2002)Workshop on Energy Flow and Simulation for Linear ColliderStudies, Northwest. Univ. Evanston/USA (2002)

Linear Colliders: A Straight New Tool to Investigate Questionsin Fundamental Physics.Kolloquium, Utah Univ. Salt Lake City/USA (2002)

Simulation and Reconstruction for a LC Detector: The EuropeanFramework.SLAC Linear Collider Seminar, Stanford/USA (2002)

K. BÜSSERHerausforderung TESLA.Fachforum Physik, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Wildbad Kreuth/D(2002)

Improved TESLA Optics.Mask Functions.Workshop on Forward Calorimetry and Luminosity Measurementin the TESLA Detector, DESY Zeuthen/D (2002)

K. DESCHDer Elektron-Positron Linear-Collider TESLA.Symposium: Teilchenphysik in Deutschland, Bonn/D (2002)

Relationship between Hadron- and Lepton-Collider Physics Pro-grams. (Plenary Talk)Physics Benefits of Positron and Transverse Polarisation.Mini-Review on Higgs Studies in the ECFA/DESY Study.Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), Jeju Island/ROK(2002)

Physics at TESLA.10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS2002),Cracow/PL (2002)

Physics at a Linear Collider. (Plenary Talk)Winter Conf. of Particle Physics, Aspen/USA (2002)

Higgs Physics at Future Colliders.Univ. Zürich/CH (2002)

N. GHODBANEThe Snowmass Points and Slopes. (Invited Talk)Susygen Update. (Invited Talk)GDR Supersymmetry, Montpellier/F (2002)

Des diamants pour TESLA.IPNL Lyon/F (2002)IReS Strasbourg F (2002)LPNHE, Paris VI-VII Univ., Paris/F (2002)

K. HARDERInvestigation of b Hadronisation at OPAL and beyond.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

Inclusive Investigation of the b Quark Fragmentation Function inZ Decays at LEP.Geneva/CH (2002)

Studies of QCD-Related Aspects of Event Evolution.Manhattan/USA (2002)

C. HENSELNearly Mass Degenerate Charginos and Neutralinos at a LinearCollider.10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry in Physics (SUSY 02), Ham-burg/D (2002)Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), Jeju Island/ROK(2002)


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R.-D. HEUERReport from International Detector R&D Panel.Workshop on the Physics and Detectors of Future Linear e+e−Colliders (LC 2002), Chicago/USA (2002)

The Electron Positron Linear Collider TESLA – Physics Perspec-tives.LLNL, Livermore/USA (2002)

TESLA – Mit einem Teilchenbeschleuniger auf der Suche nachdem Bauplan des Universums.Lessing Gymnasium Norderstedt/D (2002)

DESY – eine Großforschungseinrichtung von Weltrang in Ham-burg.TÜV Nord, Hamburg/D (2002)

Der Linearbeschleuniger TESLA – Vom Ursprung der Masse zurWeltformel?Kolloquium, Stuttgart/D (2002)

Grid Computing Centre Karlsruhe.KET Jahrestreffen, Bad Homburg/D (2002)

T. KLIMKOVICHExperimental Study of Higgs Bosons in CP-Violating MSSMScenario at TESLA.INTAS Workshop, Lake Baikal/RUS (2002)

V. KORBELThe Tile-HCAL Calorimeter for the TESLA Detector.DESY PRC, Hamburg/D (2002)

T. KRÄMERMeasurement of Heavy Quark Forward-Backward AsymmetriesUsing Leptons in Multihadronic Events (Status Report).OPAL-Plenarwoche, Geneva/CH (2002)

T. KUHLTESLA TPC.8th Int. Conf. on Instrum. for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosi-birsk/RUS (2002)

The TESLA Vertex Detector as a Physics Tool.11th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX 2002), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii/USA (2002)

T. LUXEine TPC als zentrale Spurkammer des TESLA-Detektors.Graduiertenkolleg, Zeuthen/D (2002)

W. MENGESMeasurement of Charged Triple Gauge Couplings in the 4 JetChannel at OPAL.Adv. Study Inst. on Techniques and Concepts of High EnergyPhysics, St.Croix/USA (2002)

N. MEYERProperties of a 240 GeV SM Higgs.Workshop on the Physics and Detectors of Future Linear e+e−Colliders (LC 2002), Chicago/USA (2002)

V.L. MORGUNOVCalorimery Design with Energy-Flow Concept.10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Pasa-dena/USA (2002)


K. HARDERStudies of QCD-Related Aspects of Event Evolution at e+e− Col-liders.Univ. Hamburg/DDESY-THESIS-2002-030

C. HENSELSearch for Nearly Mass Degenerate Charginos and Neutralinos ine+e− Collisions.Univ. Hamburg/DDESY-THESIS-2002-047


A. IMHOFUntersuchungen zum Signalverhalten von CVD-Diamant.Univ. Würzburg/D (2002)

Linear-Collider Notes

N. GHODBANE et al.Radiation Hardness and Linearity Studies for a Diamond Lumi-nosity Calorimeter.LC-DET-2002-001

N. GHODBANE, H.U. MARTYNCompilation of SUSY Particle Spectra from Snowmass 2001Benchmark Models.LC-TH-2001-79, hep-ph/0201233



S. ALBINO, M. KLASEN, S. SÖLDNER-REMBOLDStrong Coupling Constant from the Photon Structure Function.Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 122004 undDESY 02-052, hep-ph/0205069

A. ALI, E. LUNGHIImplications of B → ργ Measurements in the Standard Model andSupersymmetric Theories.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2002) 195 und DESY 02-089, hep-ph/0206242


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A. ALI, A.S. SAFIRHelicity Analysis of the Decays B → K∗�+�− and B → ρ�ν� inthe Large Energy Effective Theory.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 583 und DESY 02-005, hep-ph/0205254

B.C. ALLANACH, G.A. BLAIR, G. MOORTGAT-PICK, P.M.ZERWAS et al.The Snowmass Points and Slopes: Benchmarks for SUSY Searches.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 113 und DESY 02-022, hep-ph/0202233

C.R. ALLTON et al.The QCD Thermal Phase Transition in the Presence of a SmallChemical Potential.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 074507 und hep-lat/0204010

B. ANDERSON et al.Small-x Phenomenology: Summary and Status.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 77 und DESY 02-041, hep-ph/0204115

S. ANTUSCH, J. KERSTEN, M. LINDNER, M. RATZDynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking by a Neutrino Con-densate.DESY 02-208, hep-ph/0211385

T. ASAKA, W. BUCHMÜLLER, L. COVIExceptional Coset Spaces and Unification in Six-Dimensions.Phys. Lett. B540 (2002) 295 und DESY 02-046, hep-ph/0204358

Bulk and Brane Anomalies in Six-Dimensions.Nucl. Phys. B648 (2003) 231 und DESY 02-115, hep-ph/0209144

T. ASAKA, H.B. NIELSEN, Y. TAKANISHINon-Thermal Leptogenesis from the Heavier Majorana Neutrinos.Nucl. Phys. B647 (2002) 252 und DESY 02-084, NBI-HE-02-08,hep-ph/0207023

D. BAHNS, S. DOPLICHER, K. FREDENHAGEN, G. PIACI-TELLIOn the Unitarity Problem in Space/Time Noncommutative Theo-ries.Phys. Lett. B533 (2002) 178 und DESY 02-028, hep-th/0201222

V. BARGER, T. HAN, P. LANGACKER, B. MC ELRATH, P.M.ZERWASEffects of Genuine Dimension-Six Higgs Operators.DESY 02-222, hep-ph/0301097

J. BARTELS, D. COLFERAI, S. GIESEKE, A. KYRIELEISNLO Corrections to the Photon Impact Factor: Combining Realand Virtual Corrections.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 094017 undDESY 02-114, Cavendish-HEP-02-04, hep-ph/0208130

J. BARTELS, D. COLFERAI, G.P. VACCAThe NLO Jet Vertex for Mueller-Navelet and Forward Jets: TheGluon Part.DESY 02-090, hep-ph/0206290

J. BARTELS, K. GOLEC-BIERNAT, H. KOWALSKIA Modification of the Saturation Model: DGLAP Evolution.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 014001 undDESY 02-037, hep-ph/0203258

J. BARTELS, E. GOTSMAN, E. LEVIN, M. LUBLINSKY, U.MAORThe Dipole Picture and Saturation in Soft Processes.Phys. Lett. B556 (2003) 114 undDESY 02-219, TAUP-2729-2002, hep-ph/0212284

J. BARTELS, H. JUNG, A. KYRIELEISMassive ccg: Calculation in Diffractive DIS and Diffractive D∗Production at HERA.Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 555 undDESY 01-116, LUNFD6-NFFL-7204-2001, hep-ph/0204269

J. BARTELS, M.G. RYSKIN, G.P. VACCAOn the Triple Pomeron Vertex in Perturbative QCD.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 101 und DESY 02-120, hep-ph/0207173

U. BAUR, T. PLEHN, D. RAINWATERDetermining the Higgs Boson Self Coupling at Hadron Colliders.Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 033003 und hep-ph/0211224

W. BEENAKKER, S. DITTMAIER, M. KRÄMER, B. PLÜM-PER, M. SPIRA, P.M. ZERWASNLO QCD Corrections to ttH Production in Hadron Collisions.Nucl. Phys. B653 (2003) 151 und DESY 02-177, hep-ph/0211352

T. BEHNKE, J.D. WELLS, P.M. ZERWASPhysics with e+e− Linear Colliders.Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 48 (2002) 363

S. BERGE, M. KLASENGluino Pair Production at Linear e+e− Colliders.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 115014 undDESY 02-119, hep-ph/0208212

G.A. BLAIR, W. POROD, P.M. ZERWASThe Reconstruction of Supersymmetric Theories at High-EnergyScales.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 263 und DESY 02-166, hep-ph/0210058

E. BOOS, A. DJOUADI, M. MÜHLLEITNER, A. VOLOGDINThe MSSM Higgs Bosons in the Intense Coupling Regime.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 055004 und hep-ph/0205160

E. BOOS, Y. KUBYSHIN, M. SMOLYAKOV, I. VOLOBUEVEffective Lagrangians for Physical Degrees of Freedom in theRandall-Sundrum Model.Class. Quantum. Grav. 19 (2002) 4591 und hep-th/0202009

E. BOOS, A. SHERSTNEVSpin Effects in Processes of Single Top Quark Production atHadron Colliders.Phys. Lett. B534 (2002) 97 und hep-ph/0201271

A. BRANDENBURG, M. MANIATISImpact of SUSY-QCD Corrections on Top Quark Decay Distri-butions.Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) 139 und DESY 02-095, hep-ph/0207154

A. BRANDENBURG, Z.G. SI, P. UWERQCD-Corrected Spin Analysing Power of Jets in Decays of Po-larized Top Quarks.Phys. Lett. B539 (2002) 235 und DESY 02-055, hep-ph/0205023


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C. BRENNER MARIOTTO, M.B. GAY DUCATI, G. INGELMANSoft and Hard QCD Dynamics in Hadroproduction of Charmonium.Eur. Phys. J. C23 (2002) 527

R. BRUNETTI, K. FREDENHAGENRemarks on Time-Energy Uncertainty Relations.Rev. Math. Phys. 14 (2002) 897 und quant-ph/0207048

R. BRUNETTI, K. FREDENHAGEN, R. VERCHThe Generally Covariant Locality Principle – A New Paradigmfor Local Quantum Physics.DESY 02-063, math-ph/0112041,zur Veröffentl. in Commun. Math. Phys.

W. BUCHMÜLLER, P. DI BARI, M. PLÜMACHERCosmic Microwave Background, Matter-Antimatter Asymmetryand Neutrino Masses.Nucl. Phys. B643 (2002) 367 und DESY 02-058, hep-ph/0205349

A Bound on Neutrino Masses from Baryogenesis.Phys. Lett. B547 (2002) 128 und DESY 02-107, hep-ph/0209301

S.Y. CHOI, J. KALINOWSKI, G. MOORTGAT-PICK, P.M. ZER-WASAnalysis of the Neutralino System in Supersymmetric Theories:Addendum.Eur. Phys. J. C23 (2002) 769 und DESY 02-020, hep-ph/0202039

S.Y. CHOI, D.J. MILLER, M.M. MÜHLLEITNER, P.M. ZERWASIdentifying the Higgs Spin and Parity in Decays to Z Pairs.Phys. Lett. B553 (2003) 61 und DESY 02-150

L. COVI, D.H. LYTH, A. MELCHIORRINew Constraints on the Running Mass Inflation Model.Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 043507 undDESY 02-136, hep-ph/0210395

L. COVI, L. ROSZKOWSKI, M. SMALLEffects of Squark Processes on the Axino CDM Abundance.JHEP 0207 (2002) 023 und DESY 02-080, hep-ph/0206119

J. DAMET, G. INGELMAN, C.B. MARIOTTOPrompt J/ψ Production at the LHC.JHEP 0209 (2002) 014

M. DÜTSCH, K. FREDENHAGENThe Master Ward Identity and Generalized Schwinger-Dyson Equa-tion in Classical Field Theory.DESY 02-211, hep-th/0211242

R. ENBERG, G. INGELMAN, A. KISSAVOS, N. TIMNEANUDiffractive Higgs Boson Production at the Tevatron and LHC.Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 081801

R. ENBERG, G. INGELMAN, N. TIMNEANUDiffractive Higgs and Prompt Photons at Hadron Colliders.Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 011301 und hep-ph/0210408

F. FARCHIONI, C. GEBERT, I. MONTVAY, L. SCORZATONumerical Simulation Tests with Light Dynamical Quarks.Eur. Phys. J. C26 (2002) 237 und DESY 02-083, hep-lat/0206008

R. FLEISCHERCP Violation in the B System and Relations to K→ πνν Decays.(Habilitationsschrift)Phys. Rep. 370 (2002) 537 undDESY-THESIS-2002-022, hep-ph/0207108

R. FLEISCHER, J. MATIASExploring CP Violation through Correlations in B → πK, Bd →π+π−, Bs → K+K− Observable Space.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 054009 undDESY 02-040, hep-ph/0204101

Z. FODOR, S.D. KATZ, G. PAPPBetter than $1/Mflops Sustained: A Scalable PC-Based ParallelComputer for Lattice QCD.DESY 02-018, ITP-BUDAPEST-580, hep-lat/0202030,zur Veröffentl. in Comput. Phys. Commun.

Z. FODOR, S.D. KATZ, A. RINGWALDRelic Neutrino Masses and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays.JHEP 0206 (2002) 046 und DESY 02-014, hep-ph/0203198

Z. FODOR, S.D. KATZ, K.K. SZABOThe QCD Equation of State at Nonzero Densities: Lattice Result.DESY 02-126, ITP-BUDAPEST-584, hep-lat/0208078,zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Lett. B

A. FREITAS, W. HOLLIK, W. WALTER, G. WEIGLEINElectroweak Two-Loop Corrections to the MW −MZ Mass Cor-relation in the Standard Model.Nucl. Phys. B632 (2002) 189 und DESY 02-015, hep-ph/0202131

A. FREITAS, D. STÖCKINGERGauge Dependence and Renormalization of tan β in the MSSM.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 095014 undDESY 02-068, hep-ph/0205281

C.D. FROGGATT, H.B. NIELSEN, Y. TAKANISHIFamily Replicated Gauge Groups and Large Mixing Angle SolarNeutrino Solution.Nucl. Phys. B631 (2002) 285 und DESY 02-006,GUTPA-01-12-01, NBI-HE-01-12, hep-ph/0201152

L. GIUSTI, C. HOELBLING, M. LÜSCHER, H. WITTIGNumerical Techniques for Lattice QCD in the ε Regime.DESY 02-212, hep-lat/0212012,zur Veröffentl. in Comput. Phys. Commun.

S. GODFREY, P. KALYNIAK, N. ROMANENKODiscovery Potential for Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons in e+e−Collisions at LEP.Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) 361 und DESY 02-034, hep-ph/0207240

E. GOTSMAN, E. LEVIN, M. LUBLINSKY, U. MAORTowards a New Global QCD Analysis: Low x DIS Data fromNon-Linear Evolution.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 411 und DESY 02-133, hep-ph/0209074

K. HAGIWARA, S. KANEMURA, M. KLASEN, Y. UMEDAOne-Loop Contributions of Charginos and Neutralinos to W-PairProduction in e+e− Collisions.DESY 02-205, hep-ph/0212135, zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Rev. D,


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K. HAMAGUCHI, M. KAKIZAKI, M. YAMAGUCHIDemocratic (S)fermions and Lepton Flavor Violation.DESY 02-221, TU-677, hep-ph/0212172

R.V. HARLANDER, M. STEINHAUSERrhad.f: A Program for the Evaluation of the Hadronic R-Ratioin the Perturbative Regime of QCD.DESY 02-223, hep-ph/0212294

A. HEBECKER, A. WESTPHALPower-Like Threshold Corrections to Gauge Unification in ExtraDimensions.DESY 02-218, hep-ph/0212175,zur Veröffentl. in Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)

W. HOLLIK, E. KRAUS, M. ROTH, C. RUPP, K. SIBOLD, D.STÖCKINGERRenormalization of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Nucl. Phys. B639 (2002) 3 und DESY 02-054, hep-ph/0204350

S.J. HUBER, Q. SHAFIMajorana Neutrinos in a Warped 5-D Standard Model.Phys. Lett. B544 (2002) 295 und DESY 02-045, hep-ph/0205327

Cosmological Constant, Gauge Hierarchy and Warped Geometry.DESY 02-098, hep-ph/0207232, zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Rev. D

M. KLASENTheory of Hard Photoproduction.Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 (2002) 1221 undDESY 02-086, hep-ph/0206169

Calculating Two and Three Body Decays with FeynArts andFormCalc.DESY 02-179, hep-ph/0210426,zur Veröffentl. in Comput. Phys. Commun.

B.A. KNIEHLTheoretical Aspects of Inclusive Light-Hadron Production.J. Phys. G29 (2003) 111

B.A. KNIEHL, F. MADRICARDO, M. STEINHAUSERQCD Corrections to tbH− Associated Production in e+e− Anni-hilation.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 054016 undDESY 02-057, hep-ph/0205312

B.A. KNIEHL, C.P. PALISOC, A. SIRLINElimination of Threshold Singularities in the Relation betweenOn-Shell and Pole Width.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 057902 undDESY 02-073, hep-ph/0205304

B.A. KNIEHL, C.P. PALISOC, L. ZWIRNERAssociated Production of Heavy Quarkonia and Electroweak Bo-sons at Present and Future Colliders.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 114002 undDESY 02-101, hep-ph/0208104

B.A. KNIEHL, A.A. PENIN, V.A. SMIRNOV, M. STEINHAUSERHeavy Quarkonium Creation and Annihilation with O(α3

s ln(αs))

Accuracy.DESY 02-134, hep-ph/0210161

Potential NRQCD and Heavy Quarkonium Spectrum at Next-to-Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order.Nucl. Phys. B635 (2002) 357 und DESY 02-012, hep-ph/0203166

B.A. KNIEHL, L. ZWIRNERJ/ψ Inclusive Production in νN Neutral-Current Deep-InelasticScattering.Nucl. Phys. B637 (2002) 311 und DESY 02-009, hep-ph/0201234

P. KO, J. PARK, G. KRAMERB0 −B0 Mixing, B → J/ψKs and B → Xd γ in General MSSM.Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 615 und DESY 02-085, hep-ph/0206297

M. KOWALSKI, A. RINGWALD, H. TUBlack Holes at Neutrino Telescopes.Phys. Lett. B529 (2002) 1 und DESY 02-001, hep-ph/0201139

M. KOZLOV, E. LEVINQCD Saturation and γ∗ −γ∗ Scattering.DESY 02-206, hep-ph/0211348, zur Veröffentl. in Eur. Phys. J.

E. KRAUS, D. STÖCKINGERSoftly Broken Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories: Renormali-zation and Non-Renormalization Theorems.Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 105014 undDESY 02-010, hep-ph/0201247

B. KUCKERTSpin & Statistics in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics.quant-ph/0208151

E. LUNGHI, D. PIRJOL, D. WYLERFactorization in Leptonic Radiative B → γeν Decays.Nucl. Phys. B649 (2003) 349 und hep-ph/0210091

P. MARECKIApplication of Quantum Inequalities to Quantum Optics.quant-ph/0203027

A.D. MARTIN, M.G. RYSKIN, A.M. STASTOPrompt Neutrinos from Atmospheric cc and bb Production andthe Gluon at Very Small x.DESY 02-227, hep-ph/0302140

I. MONTVAYUnquenched Domain Wall Quarks with Multi-Bosons.Phys. Lett. B537 (2002) 69 und DESY 02-044, hep-lat/0204019

H.B. NIELSEN, Y. TAKANISHIBaryogenesis via Lepton Number Violation and Family ReplicatedGauge Group.Nucl. Phys. B636 (2002) 305 und DESY 02-033, NBI-HE-02-02,hep-ph/0204027

Five Adjustable Parameter Fit of Quark and Lepton Masses andMixings.Phys. Lett. B543 (2002) 249 und DESY 02-066, NBI-HE-02-07,hep-ph/0205180

A.A. PENIN, M. STEINHAUSERHeavy Quarkonium Spectrum at O(α5

s mq) and Bottom/Top QuarkMass Determination.Phys. Lett. B538 (2002) 335 und DESY 02-043, hep-ph/0204290


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S. POMP, G. INGELMAN, T. JOHANSSON, S. OHLSSONString Model Description of Polarisation and Angular Distributionsin pp → ΛΛ.Eur. Phys. J. A15 (2002) 517

M. PORRMANNParticle Weights and their Disintegration I + II.hep-th/0208230 und hep-th/0211046

A. RINGWALDElectroweak Instantons/Sphalerons at VLHC?Phys. Lett. B 555 (2003) 227 und DESY 02-157, hep-ph/0212099

F. SCHREMPP, A. UTERMANNQCD Instantons and High-Energy Diffractive Scattering.Phys. Lett. B543 (2002) 197 und DESY 02-094, hep-ph/0207300

M. STEINHAUSERResults and Techniques of Multi-Loop Calculations.Phys. Rep. 364 (2002) 247 und DESY 02-004, hep-ph/0201075

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

Proc. of the 20th Int. Sympos. on Lattice Field Theory (LAT-TICE2002), Boston/USA (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

D. BECIREVIC, P. BOUCAUD, V. GIMENEZ, C.-J.D. LIN, V.LUBICZ, G. MARTINELLI, M. PAPINUTTO, C.T. SACHRAJDAKaon Weak Matrix Elements with Wilson Fermions.hep-lat/0209136

D. BECIREVIC, V. GIMENEZ, V. LUBICZ, G. MARTINELLI,M. PAPINUTTO, J. REYESNon-Perturbative Renormalization of Four Fermion Operators andB0 −B0 Mixing with Wilson Fermions.hep-lat/0209131

D. BECIREVIC, V. GIMENEZ, V. LUBICZ, G. MARTINELLI,M. PAPINUTTO, J. REYES, C. TARANTINONon-Perturbative Renormalization Constants and Light QuarkMasses.hep-lat/0209168

C. BERNARD et al.Panel Discussion on the Cost of Dynamical Quark Simulations.

C. BERNARD, S. HASHIMOTO, D.B. LEINWEBER, P. LEPAGE,E. PALLANTE, S.R. SHARPE, H. WITTIGPanel Discussion on Chiral Extrapolation of Physical Observables.hep-lat/0209086

F. CSIKOR, G. I. EGRI, Z. FODOR, S. D. KATZ, K. K. SZABO,A. I. TOTHThe QCD Equation of State at Finite T and µ.DESY 02-140, ITP-BUDAPEST-587, hep-lat/0209114

F. DI RENZO, V. MICCIO, L. SCORZATOUnquenched Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory.hep-lat/0209018

F. FARCHIONI, C. GEBERT, I. MONTVAY, L. SCORZATOUnquenched Domain Wall Quarks with TSMB.DESY 02-122, hep-lat/0208064

Lattice QCD with Light Dynamical Quarks.DESY 02-123, hep-lat/0209038

Z. FODOR, S.D. KATZ, G. PAPPA Scalable PC-Based Parallel Computer for Lattice QCD.DESY 02-141, ITP-BUDAPEST-588, hep-lat/0209115

S.J. HANDS, J.B. KOGUT, L. SCORZATO, C.G. STROUTHOSThe Chiral Limit of Non-Compact QED(3).hep-lat/0209133

R. PEETZ, F. FARCHIONI, C. GEBERT, I. MONTVAYSpectrum of SU(2) SUSY Yang-Mills Theory with a Light Gluino.MS-TP-02-8

H. WITTIGChiral Effective Lagrangian and Quark Masses.DESY 02-164, hep-lat/0210025

Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry and Unificationof Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2002), Hamburg/D (2002)

S. BERGE, M. KLASENThe Production of Gluino Pairs in High-Energy e+e− Collisions.hep-ph/0210420

E. BOOS et al.Impact of Tau Polarization for the Determination of High tanβ

and Aτ.hep-ph/0211040

A. BRANDENBURG, M. MANIATIS, M.M. WEBERTesting Coupling Relations in SUSY-QCD at a Linear Collider.DESY 02-097, hep-ph/0207278

A. FREITAS, D. STÖCKINGERGauge Dependence and Renormalization of tan β.DESY 02-181, hep-ph/0210372

A. FREITAS, A. VON MANTEUFFELPrecise Predictions for Slepton Pair Production.DESY 02-182, hep-ph/0211105

M. FUJII, K. HAMAGUCHINon-Thermal Dark Matter from Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis.DESY 02-192, UT-02-59, hep-ph/0211115

S. GODFREY, M.A. DONCHESKIPhenomenology of Non-Commutative Field Theories.DESY 02-195, hep-ph/0211247

S.J. HUBERFlavor Physics and Warped Extra Dimensions.DESY 02-186, hep-ph/0211056

E. LUNGHIImproved Model Independent Analysis of Semileptonic and Ra-diative Rare B Decays.hep-ph/0210379


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A.S. SAFIRB → K∗�+�−(ρ�ν�) Helicity Analysis in the LEET.DESY 02-143

H. TUMini Black Holes from Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Neutrinos.DESY 02-197, hep-ph/0211159

H. ABRAMOVICZ, J. BARTELSReport on the Diffraction Physics Working Group.Proc. of the 9th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering andQCD (DIS2001), Bologna/I (2001)

S. ALBINO, M. KLASEN, S. SÖLDNER-REMBOLDStrong Coupling Constant from the Photon Structure Function.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 2939)

A. ALINext-to-Leading Order Calculations of the Radiative and Semi-leptonic Rare B Decays in the Standard Model and Comparisonwith Data.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undCERN-TH-2002-284, hep-ph/0210183

C.R. ALLTON et al.QCD at Nonzero Chemical Potential and Temperature from theLattice,Proc. of the Joint CCSM/JHF/NITP Workshop on Physics at theJapan Hadron Facility, Adelaide/AUS (2002) und hep-ph/0206200

B. ANANTHANARAYAN et al.SUSY Precision Measurements at a Linear Collider.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

G. AZUELOS, E. BOOS et al.The Beyond the Standard Model Working Group: Summary Report.Proc. of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Collider, Les Houches/F(2001) und hep-ph/0204031

D. BAHNSUnitary Quantum Field Theory on the Noncommutative MinkowskiSpace.Proc. of the 35th Int. Sympos. Ahrenshoop on the Theory ofElementary Particles: Recent Developments in String/M Theoryand Field Theory, Berlin/D (2002) und hep-th/0212266

J. BARTELS, K. GOLEC-BIERNAT, H. KOWALSKIDGLAP Evolution in the Saturation Model.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 2853)und hep-ph/0207031

W. BERNREUTHER, A. BRANDENBURG, Z.G. SI, P. UWERTop Quark Pair Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders:Predictions at NLO QCD Including Spin Correlations.

Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undDESY 02-144, hep-ph/0209202

G. BLAIR, et al.Sleptons at e+e− Linear Colliders.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), JejuIsland/ROK (2002) und DESY 02-176

S. BLUDMANBad News for Tracking Quintessence.Proc. of the 4th Int. Heidelberg Conf. on Dark Matter in Astroand Particle Physics (DARK2002), Cape Town/ZA (2002)

Quintessence Cosmology.Proc. of the Workshop on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2002), Heidelberg/D (2002)

C. BRENNER MARIOTTO, M.B. GAY DUCATI, G. INGEL-MANImproved Mapping of cc onto Charmonium States.Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Hadron Physics, Bento Gon-calves/BR (2002) und hep-ph/0206256

Soft and Hard QCD in Charmonium Production.Proc. of the Pan Am. Adv. Study Inst. on New States of Matter inHadronic Interactions (PASI2002), Campos do Jordao/BR (2002)und hep-ph/0206254

W. BUCHMÜLLERNeutrinos, Grand Unification and Leptogenesis.Proc. of the Europ. School of High-Energy Physics, Beatenberg/CH(2001) (CERN 2002-002) und DESY 02-032

M. CARENA, D.W. GERDES, H.E. HABER, A.S. TURCOT,P.M. ZERWASExecutive Summary of the Snowmass 2001 Working Group (P1):Electroweak Symmetry Breaking.Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Stud. on the Future of ParticleParticle Physics, Snowmass/USA (2001) undDESY 02-050, hep-ph/0203229

F. FARCHIONI, C. GEBERT, I. MONTVAY, L. SCORZATOOn the Price of Light Quarks.12th Int. Seminar on High-Energy Physics (QUARKS 2002),Novgorod/RUS (2002) und DESY 02-146, hep-lat/0209142

R. FLEISCHERStatus and Prospects of CKM Phase Determinations.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, San-tiago de Compostela/E (2002) und DESY 02-110, hep-ph/0208083

Extracting γ through Flavour-Symmetry Strategies.Proc. of the Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, Geneva/CH(2002) und DESY 02-102, hep-ph/0207324

Z. FODOR, S.D. KATZFinite Temperature and Chemical Potential in Lattice QCD andits Critical Point.Proc. of the 30th Int. Workshop on Gross Properties of Nucleiand Nuclear Excitation: Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions,Hirschegg/A (2002) und nucl-th/0201071


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Lattice QCD Results at Finite T and µ.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Quark and Hadron Dynamics inRelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (BP2002), Budapest/H (2002)und hep-lat/0204029

Z. FODOR, S.D. KATZ, A. RINGWALDZ-Burst Scenario for the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays.Proc. of the Conf. on Physics beyond the Standard Model, Oulu/FIN(2002) und DESY 02-145, hep-ph/0210123

A. FREITAS, A. VON MANTEUFFEL, G. MOORTGAT-PICK,P.M. ZERWAS et al.Sfermion Precision Measurements at a Linear Collider.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undDESY 02-176, hep-ph/0211108

C.D. FROGGATT, L.V. LAPERASHVILI, R.B. NEVZOROV, H.B.NIELSENThe Value of Cosmological Constant in the SUGRA Models withMultiple Critical Point.Proc. of the Nucl. Phys. Dept. of Russ. Acad. Sci. Conf. on Phys.of Fund. Int., Moscow/RUS (2002)

W. GIELE, E. BOOS et al.The QCD/SM Working Group: Summary Report.Proc. of the Workshop on Physics at TeV Collider, Les Houches/F(2001) und hep-ph/0204316

S. GODFREYThe Phenomenology of Glueball and Hybrid Mesons.Proc. of the Workshop on Future Physics with COMPASS, Ge-neva/CH (2002) und DESY 02-194, hep-ph/0211464

Topics in Meson Spectroscopy.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undDESY 02-170, hep-ph/0210400

S. GODFREY, J. ROSNERHow to Find the Missing Heavy Quarkonium States.Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Quark Confinement and the HadronSpectrum, Gargnano/I (2002) undDESY 02-169, EFI 02-55, hep-ph/0210399

A. HEBECKERHigh-Energy Scattering and Diffraction at HERA.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Strong and Electroweak Matter,Heidelberg/D (2002)

S. HESSELBACH, D.J. MILLER, G. MOORTGAT-PICK, R. NEV-ZOROV, M. TRUSOV, P.M. ZERWASThe Lightest Neutralino Mass in the NMSSM.Proc. of the Nucl. Phys. Dept. of Russ. Acad. Sci. Conf. on Phys.of Fund. Int., Moscow/RUS (2002)

W. HOLLIK, E. KRAUS, M. ROTH, C. RUPP, K. SIBOLD, D.STÖCKINGERRenormalization of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2002) and the 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elem. Part. Theory,

Kloster Banz/D (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undDESY 02-162, hep-ph/0210016

M. KLASENJ/ψ Production in Direct and Resolved γγ Collisions.Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2002) and the 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elem. Part. Theory,Kloster Banz/D (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undhep-ph/0210144

B.A. KNIEHLTheoretical Developments in Standard-Model Higgs Physics at aFuture e+e− Linear Collider.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), JejuIsland/ROK (2002)

Hadron Production in Hadron-Hadron and Lepton-Hadron Colli-sions.Proc. of the 4th Topical Conf. on Hadron Collider Physics(HCP2002), Karlsruhe/D (2002)

Quarkonium Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering.Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2002) and the 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elem. Part. Theory,Kloster Banz/D (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

B. KUCKERTMoving Quantum Systems: Particles versus Vacuum.4th Int. Conf. on Operator Algebras and Math. Phys., Constanta/R(2001) und math-ph/0203011

E. LUNGHINNLO Analysis of Semileptonic Rare B Decays.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactionsand Unified Theories, Les Arcs/F (2002) und hep-ph/0205135

D.J. MILLER, R.B. NEVZOROV, P.M. ZERWASHiggs Bosons in the NMSSM with Softly Broken PQ-Symmetry.Proc. of the Nucl. Phys. Dept. of Russ. Acad. Sci. Conf. on Phys.of Fund. Int., Moscow/RUS (2002)

H.B. NIELSEN, Y. TAKANISHIFamily Replicated Fit of all Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings.Proc. of the 8th Adriatic Meeting and Central Europ. Sympos. onParticle Physics in the New Millennium, Dubrovnik/HR (2001)und NBI-HE-02-01, hep-ph/0203147

Family Replicated Calculation of Baryogenesis.Proc. of the 8th Adriatic Meeting and Central Europ. Sympos. onParticle Physics in the New Millennium, Dubrovnik/HR (2001)und NBI-HE-02-03, hep-ph/0204105

A.A. PENINPotential Nonrelativistic QCD and Heavy Quarkonium Spectrumin Next-to-Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order.Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2002) and the 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elem. Part. Theory,Kloster Banz/D (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undhep-ph/0210201


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A. RINGWALDVacuum Structure and High-Energy Scattering.Proc. of the HEP Int. Conf. in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD2002), Montpellier/F (2002) und DESY 02-158, hep-ph/0210209

Production of Black Holes in TeV-Scale Gravity.Proc. of the 35th Int. Sympos. Ahrenshoop on the Theory ofElementary Particles, Berlin/D (2002) undDESY 02-159, hep-ph/0212342

How to Detect the Cosmic Neutrino Background?Proc. of the Workshop on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2002), Heidelberg/D (2002)

A.S. SAFIRExclusive B → K∗∗γ Decays in the QCD LCSR Approach.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactionsand Unified Theories, Les Arcs/F (2002) und DESY 02-047

F. SCHREMPPQCD-Instantons and Small-x Diffraction.Proc. of the Workshop on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2002), Heidelberg/D (2002)

F. SCHREMPP, A. UTERMANNInstantons and Saturation in the Colour Dipole Picture.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3633)und DESY 02-093, hep-ph/0207052

QCD-Instantons and Saturation at Small x.Proc. of the Workshop on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2002), Heidelberg/D (2002) und DESY 02-220, hep-ph/0301177

M. STEINHAUSERR(s) and the Heavy Quark Masses.Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2002) and the 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elem. Part. Theory,Kloster Banz/D (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

N. TIMNEANU, R. ENBERG, G. INGELMANDiffractive Higgs Production: Soft Colour Interactions Perspec-tive.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3479)

H. TUMicroscopic Black Hole Production in TeV-Scale Gravity.Proc. of the 5th Moscow Int. School of Physics and 30th ITEPWinter School of Physics, Moscow/RUS (2002) undDESY 02-053, hep-ph/0205024

H. WITTIGCost of Dynamical Quark Simulations: O(a) Improved WilsonFermions.Proc. of the 19th Int. Sympos. on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2001), Berlin/D (2001) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 106 (2002)197) und hep-lat/0203021

Quark Masses and Low-Energy Constants from Lattice QCD.Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Quark Confinement and the HadronSpectrum, Gargnano/I (2002)

P.M. ZERWAS, A. FREITAS, G.A. BLAIR, G. MOORTGAT-PICKReconstruction of Fundamental SUSY Parameters.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS 2002),Jeju Island/ROK (2002) und DESY 02-175, hep-ph/0211076


A. ALITheoretical Review of Rare B Decays.18th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN2002), Christchurch/NZ (2002)KEK Tsukuba/J (2002)Nat. Cent. Phys., Islamabad/PAK (2002)

Improved Analysis of Semileptonic and Radiative Rare B Decaysin the SM and Supersymmetric Theories.CKM Unitarity Triangle Workshop, CERN Geneva/CH (2002)LAL/LPT und Univ. Paris, Orsay/F (2002)

Radiative Penguin B-Decays: Theory of Exclusive Decays.CKM Unitarity Triangle Workshop, Geneva/CH (2002)

Branching Ratios for B → K∗γ and B → ργ in Next-to-LeadingOrder in the Large Energy Effective Theory.LPT und Univ. Paris, Orsay/F (2002)DPF-2002 Meeting, Williamsburg/USA (2002)

Improved Model-Independent Analysis of Semileptonic and Ra-diative Rare B Decays.Univ. of Nagoya/J (2002)DPF-2002 Meeting, Williamsburg/USA (2002)

Extended Minimal Flavour Violating MSSM and Implications forB Decays.DPF-2002 Meeting, Williamsburg/USA (2002)Nat. Tech. Univ., Taiwan/RC (2002)

CP Violation and CKM Matrix.Acad. Sin., Taiwan/RC (2002)Four Seas Conf., Thessaloniki/GR (2002)

Radiative and Leptonic Rare B Decays in the Standard Model andSupersymmetric Theories.2nd Int. Workshop on B Physics and CP Violation, Taiwan/RC(2002)

CKM Matrix – Theoretical Issues and Perspectives.Int. Workshop on Quark Mixing, CKM Unitarity, Heidelberg/D(2002)

The Current and Impending Theoretical Interest in ElectroweakPenguins in B Decays.CERN Geneva/CH (2002)

Goals of B Physics at LHC.LHC Collab. Meeting, CERN Geneva/CH (2002)

Precison Tests of the SM in the B-Factory Era.Univ. Zürich/CH (2002)


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D. BAHNSUnitary Quantum Field Theory on the Noncommutative MinkowskiSpace.LMU München/D (2002)Univ. Göttingen/D (2002)Erwin-Schrödinger-Inst., Wien/A (2002)MPI Albert-Einstein-Inst., Golm/D (2002)

S. BLUDMANQuintessence Cosmology.Univ. of Oslo/N (2002)Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison/USA (2002)Bartol Res. Inst., Univ. of Delaware, Newark/USA (2002)Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia/USA (2002)

Werner Heisenberg and the German Atomic Bomb.Univ. of Oslo/N (2002)Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison/USA (2002)

Difficulties for SNAP Observing the Evolution of QuintessenceEquation of State.LBL Berkeley/USA (2002)

Quintessence Cosmology, Challenges to the Standard Paradigm:Fundamental Physics and Cosmology.Nat. Acad. Sci. Irvine/USA (2002)

E. BOOS et al.Tau Polarization in Stau Production and Decay.2nd Workshop of the Extended Joint ECFA/DESY Linear ColliderStudy, St. Malo/F (2002)

E. BOOS, A. SHERSTNEVSpin Correlations in Single Top.2nd Workshop of the Extended Joint ECFA/DESY Linear ColliderStudy, St. Malo/F (2002)

A. BRANDENBURGTesting SUSY-QCD Coupling Relations at a Linear Collider.Summary on QCD/Top Physics.2nd Workshop of the Extended Joint ECFA/DESY Linear ColliderStudy, St. Malo/F (2002)

Deep Inelastic Scattering and Neutrinos.Int. School on Astroparticle and Neutrino Physics, Varenna/I (2002)

W. BUCHMÜLLERCP-Violation, Neutrino Mixing and the Baryon Asymmetry.UCLA Los Angeles/USA (2002)

Masses and Mixings of Neutrinos and Leptogenesis.CERN Geneva/CH (2002)

Neutrinomassen und die Baryonasymmetrie.DPG-Frühjahrestagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

Exceptional Coset Spaces and Unification in Six Dimensions.Univ. Lausanne/CH (2002)12th Int. Seminar on High-Energy Physics (QUARKS2002), Nov-gorod/RUSUniv. Oxford/GB (2002)

Baryo- and Leptogenesis.Summer School on Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, Trieste/I(2002)

Theoretical Perspectives of Particle Physics.12th EPS General Conf. on Trends in Physics, Budapest/H (2002)

Neutrinos and Baryogenesis.Fermilab Batavia/USA (2002)

L. COVIInflation and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.Hamburger Sternwarte, Hamburg/D (2002)

SO(10) GUT in 6D.Bad Honnef/D (2002)

A Six-Dimensional SO(10) GUT.Fermilab Batavia/USA (2002)

Bounds on TRH from Axinos CDM.Adler Planetarium, Chicago/USA (2002)

New Constraints on the Running-Mass Models of Inflation.Univ. Roma I ,,La Sapienza“ Rome/I (2002)Univ. Auton. Madrid/E (2002)

R. FLEISCHERNew Developments in the Exploration of CP Violation throughB-Meson Decays.DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

Lectures on B Physics and CP Violation.Univ. Auton. Barcelona/E (2002)Univ. Karslruhe/D (2002)17th Nordic Particle Physics Meeting, Spatind/N (2002)Int. School on Heavy Quark Physics, Dubna/RUS (2002)

Theoretical Summary of the Weak Decay, CKM and CP ViolationSession.Flavour-Symmetry Strategies to Extract γ.18th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN2002), Christchurch/NZ (2002)

A. FREITASPrecision Analysis of Scalar Lepton Pair Production at a LinearCollider.Univ. Barcelona/E (2002)

Determination of Slepton Particle Properties.NLO Corrections to Selectron Pair Production.2nd Workshop of the Extended ECFA/DESY Linear Collider Study,St. Malo/F (2002)

C.D. FROGGATT, L.V. LAPERASHVILI, R.B. NEVZOROV, H.B.NIELSENMultiple Point Principle and Quasi Fixed Point Scenario in the2HDM.Int. Workshop on What Comes beyond the Standard Model,Bled/SLO (2002)


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S. GODFREYOpen Questions in Heavy Quarkonium Spectroscopy.Int. Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium, Geneva/CH (2002)

The Phenomenology of Non-Commutative Field Theories.Univ. Würzburg/D (2002)

Physics with an eγ Collider.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

A. HEBECKEROrbifold Grand Unified Theories.Univ. of Manchester/GB (2002)

Group Theory and Grand Unification.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

S.J. HUBERLepton Flavor Violation from Extra Dimensions.14th Workshop on Physics beyond the Standard Model, BadHonnef/D (2002)

Fermion Masses from Localized Gravity.Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)

Neutrino Masses in Models of Warped Extra Dimensions.3rd Topical Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, SanJuan/Puerto Rico (2002)

G. INGELMANHiggs and other LHC Topics.Nordic LHC Workshop, Uppsala/S (2002)

Soft and Hard Rapidity Gaps in QCD.Univ. Lund/S (2002)

H. KASTRUPThe ,,Hydrogen Problem“ of Quantum Gravity: Quantizing theSchwarzschild Black Hole.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)MPI Golm/D (2002)

How to Quantize Phases and Moduli.Univ. Ulm/D (2002)MPI München/D (2002)MPI Golm/D (2002)Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)24th Int. Colloq. on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics:GROUP-24, Paris/F (2002)

B.A. KNIEHLDecoupling Relations, Effective Lagrangians, and Low-EnergyTheorems.Nat. Univ. Seoul/ROK (2002)

Theoretical Aspects of Standard-Model Higgs-Boson Physics ata Future e+e− Linear Collider.Busan/ROK (2002)KAIST, Daejeon/ROK (2002)

Theoretical Aspects of Inclusive Light-Hadron Production.Quarkonium Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering.CERN Geneva/CH (2002)

Single Charged-Higgs Production.Prague/CZ (2002)

Aktuelle Probleme in der Theoretischen Elementarteilchenphysik.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

M. LUBLINSKYNuclear Shadowing from Nonlinear Evolution in DIS.ECT Trento/I (2002)

F. MADRICARDOQCD Corrections to Charged Higgs Production.DPG-Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

Single Higgs Boson Production at Future Linear Collider.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

M. MANIATISSUSY QCD Corrections to Top Pair Production and Decay.ECFA DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

L. MIHAILAQuarkonium Production in γγ Collisions at NLO.DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

J/ψ Production in Photon-Photon Collisions as an Example ofAutomatized FeynGraph Calculations.GrK-Treff, Zeuthen/D (2002)

I. MONTVAYSupersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory on the Lattice.TMR Workshop, Southampton/GB (2002)Niels Bohr Inst., Copenhagen/DK (2002)

On the Price of Light Quarks.Univ. Regensburg/D (2002)

Numerical Simulations with Light Wilson-Quarks.Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)

A. RINGWALDAbsolute Neutrino Masses from the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays.18th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, (WIN2002) Christchurch/NZ (2002)LAL Orsay/F (2002)14th Workshop on Beyond the Standard Model, Bad Honnef/D(2002)

Cosmic Neutrinos and Physics beyond the Standard Model.12th Int. Seminar on High Energy Physics (QUARKS2002),Novgorod/RUS (2002)

From QCD-Instantons at HERA to Electroweak (B+L)-Violationat VLHC.26th Johns Hopkins Workshop, Heidelberg/D (2002)

Non-Perturbative Methods in QCD apart from Lattice Simulations.DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg/D (2002)

Particle Physics at an X-Ray Free Electron Laser.Workshop on Vacuum Pair Creation, Trento/I (2002)

From Big Bang Relic Neutrinos to the Highest Energy CosmicRays.Bonn/D (2002)Aachen/D (2002)


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F. SCHREMPPInstantons in the QCD Vacuum and High-Energy Scattering.14th Workshop on Physics beyond the Standard Model, BadHonnef/D (2002)

L. SCORZATOLattice QCD with Light Dynamical QuarksUniv. of Parma/I (2002)Trinity Coll., Dublin/IRL (2002)

M. STEINHAUSERJ/ψ Production in γγ Collisions.CERN Geneva/CH (2002)

Heavy Quark Masses.Univ. Karlsruhe/D (2002)

The Cross Section e+e− → Hadrons.DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

Y. TAKANISHIFive Adjustable Parameter Fit of Quark and Lepton Masses andMixings.Univ. München/D (2002)

About Lepton and Quark Mass Matrices.Univ. Ritsumeikan/J (2002)

H. TUBlack Holes from Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Neutrinos.14th Workshop on Physics beyond the Standard Model, Bad Hon-nef/D (2002)Euro-GDR General Meeting, Durham/GB (2002)

A. UTERMANN,Instantons and Saturation in the Colour Dipole Picture.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

H. WITTIGResults from Simulations Employing Lattice Chiral Symmetry.DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg/D (2002)

P. M. ZERWASElectroweak Symmetry Breaking.Lectures, Dutch School of Part. Phys., Nijmegen/NL (2002)

Teilchenphysik.Kolloquium, Univ. Göttingen/D (2002)

Particle Physics: Status and Perspectives.Kolloquien,Univ. Heidelberg/D (2002)Univ. Karlsruhe/D (2002)Univ. Zürich/CH (2002)DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Leipzig/D (2002)Schule für Theoretische Physik, Bad Honnef/D (2002)

Physics with TeV e+e− Colliders.Lectures, Acad. Training Progr., CERN Geneva/CH (2002)

Physics with e+e− Colliders.Kolloquium, Univ. Milan/I (2002)LBL Berkeley/USA (2002)

The Physics Program of TeV e+e− Colliders.ICFA Seminar, CERN Geneva/CH (2002)


A. FREITASProduction of Scalar Leptons at Linear Colliders.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-023

C. GEBERTLight Quark Fields in Lattice Gauge Theories.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-044

H. KIMInclusive Semi-Leptonic B-Meson Decay in the QCD-ImprovedParton Model.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-048

K. KRATZERTSupersymmetry Breaking at Finite Temperature.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-045

F. MADRICARDOSingle Higgs Boson Production at Future Linear Collider.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-053

M. MANIATISGauge and Yukawa Interactions in SUSY QCD.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-007

L.N. MIHAILATheoretical Investigations of Heavy Quarkonium Production inPhoton-Photon Collisions.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-054

A.S. SAFIRTheoretical Studies of Exclusive Rare B Decays in the StandardModel and Supersymmetric Theories.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-040, hep-ph/0211103

Y. TAKANISHIFermion Masses and Mixings, and Leptogenesis.Niels Bohr Inst., Copenhagen/DK (2002)

N. TIMNEANUThe Colour of Gluon Interactions – Studies of QCD in Soft andHard Processes.Univ. Uppsala/S (2002)


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Interner Bericht

H. WITTIGAn Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.Lecture Notes, Summer School for Young High Energy Physi-cists, Chilton/GB (2002)DESY T-02-01



S. ADAM, C. MC GINLEY, T. MÖLLER, D.V. TALAPIN, H.BORCHERT, M. HAASE, H. WELLERPhotoemission Study of Size Selected InP Nanocrystals: The Re-lationship between Luminescence Yield and Surface Structure.Zur Veröffentl. in Eur. Phys. J. D

S. AGNELLO, R. BOSCAINO, M. CANNAS, F.M. GELARDI,M. LEONEUV and Vacuum UV Properties of Ge Related Centers in GammaIrradiated Silica.Zur Veröffentl. in Rad. Eff. Defects Solids

S. AGNELLO, R. BOSCAINO, M. CANNAS, F.M. GELARDI,M. LEONE, B. BOIZOTCompetitive Relaxation Processes of Oxygen Deficient Centers inSilica.Zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Rev. B

B. ALBERT, J. JANEKChemie und Licht.In: Chemie und Licht, A. Müller (ed.), P.U.S.-Buch, Gießen/D(2002)

M. AMAMI, S. VAN SMAALEN, A. BEN SALAHBis(trimethylammonium)tetrachloromercurate(II) at 343 K.Acta Crystallogr. E58 (2002) 416

J.W. ANDREASEN, O. RASMUSSEN, R. FEIDENHANS’L, F.BERG RASMUSSEN, R. CHRISTENSEN, R.C. EGEBERG, M.MOLENBROEK, G. GOERIGKAn in situ Cell for ASAXS Investigations of Nano StructuredCatalysts.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Appl. Cryst.

R. ANDROSCH, N. STRIBECK, T. LÜPKE, S.S. FUNARIInvestigation of the Deformation of hom*ogeneous Poly(ethylene-co-1-octene) by Wide- and Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering UsingSynchrotron Radiation.J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 401 (2002) 1919

F. ANIA, A. FLORES, F.J. BALTA-CALLEJADensity Fluctuations as Precursors of Crystallization in Polyamide6,6 Using Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering Techniques.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Macromol. Sci.-Phys.

I. ARCON, A. KODRE, R.M. ABRA, A. HUANG, J.J. VALLNER,D.D. LASICEXAFS Study of Liposome Encapsulated Cisplatin.Zur Veröffentl. in Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces

I. ARCON, M. MOZETIC, A. ZALAR, A. KODRE, J. JAGIELSKIEXAFS Study of Ion Beam Mixed Fe/Al Multilayers.Zur Veröffentl. in Nucl. Instrum. Methods B

J. ARRANZ-ANDRES, R. BENAVENTE, B. PENA, E. PEREZ,M.L. CERRADAToughening of a Propylene-b-(Ethylene-Copropylene) Copolymerby a Plastomer.J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 40 (2002) 1869

T. ASTHALTER, H. FRANZ, U. VAN BÜRCK, K. MESSEL, E.SCHREIER, R. DINNEBIERStructures and Dynamics of Octamethyl-Ethinyl-Ferrocene: AnOrganometallic Rotator Phase.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Chem. Phys.

T. ASTHALTER, I. SERGUEEV, H. FRANZ, W. PETRY, K.MESSEL, R. VERBENIGlass Dynamics and Scaling Behaviour under Pressure UsingQuasielastic Nuclear Forward Scattering.Zur Veröffentl. in Hyperfine Interact.

M. AY, A. NEFEDOV, H. ZABELGrowth Properties and Structural Analysis of ZnO Films and AuClusters on ZnO.Zur Veröffentl. in Appl. Surf. Sci.

V. AYVAZYAN et al.A New Powerful Source for Coherent VUV Radiation: Demon-stration of Exponential Growth and Saturation at the TTF Free-Electron Laser .Eur. Phys. J. D20 (2002) 149

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P. BALAZ, E. GODOCIKOVA, Z. BASTL, J.Z. JIANG, E. BOL-DIZAROVA, M. LUXOVACharacterization of Nanocrystalline Products Prepared by Mecha-nochemical Reduction of Copper Sulphide.Zur Veröffentl. in Czech J. Phys.

P. BALGAVY, L. VOJCIKOVA, E. SVAJDLENKAMicrocalorimetric Study of the DNA Melting in the Presence ofPhosphatidylcholine Liposomes and Magnesium Ions.Acta Facult. Pharm. Univ. Comen. 49 (2002) 17

I.O. BASHKIN, V.K. FEDOTOV, H.-J. HESSE, A. SCHIWEK,W.B. HOLZAPFEL, E.G. PONYATOVSKYAn in situ Structural Study of the High-Pressure Transformationsin TiH0.74.J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (2002) 955

A. BECKER, U. BISMAYER, M. EPPLE, H. FABRITIUS, B.HASSE, J. SHI, A. ZIEGLERStructural Characterisation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate(ACC) in Sternal Deposits of the Crustacea Porcellio Scaber.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.


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H.S. BENGAARD, J.K. NØRSKOV, J. SEHESTED, B.S. CLAU-SEN, L.P. NIELSEN, A.M. MOLENBROEK, J. ROSTRUP-NIELSENSteam Reforming and Graphite Formation on Ni Catalysts.J. Catalysis 209 (2002) 363

R. BENAVENTE, E. PEREZ, M. YAZDANI, R. QUIJADAViscoelastic Relaxations in Poly(Ethylene-Co-1-Octadecene) Syn-thesized by a Metallocene Catalyst.Zur Veröffentl. in Polymer

C. BENMORE, B. TOMBERLI, J. NEUEFEIND, P. EGELSTAFFIsotopic Quantum Correction to Liquid Methanol at -30◦C.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Appl. Phys. A

R. BERNHARDT, S. RAMMELT, R. BEUTNER, F. BECK-MANN, B. JESCHKE, C. DAHMEN, H. KESSLER, D. SCHARN-WEBER, H. WORCHBio Surface-Engineering von Titanimplantaten durch elektroche-misch gestützte Immobilisierung von RGD-Peptid: Erste Tierex-perimentelle Befunde an einem Rattenmodell.BIOmaterialien 3 (2002) 150

U. BISMAYER, W.T. LEE, J. NOVAK, E.K.H. SALJEFerroelastic Minerals: Transformation, Dom Walls and AtomicDiffusion.Zur Veröffentl. in Mineralog. Mag.

G. BLANCO, J.M. PINTADO, S. BERNAL, M.A. CAUQUI, M.P.CORCHADO, A. GALTAYRIES, J. GHIJSEN, R. SPORKEN, T.EICKHOFF, W. DRUBEInfluence of the Nature of the Noble Metal (Rh,Pt) on the Low-Temperature Reducibility of a Ce/Tb Mixed Oxide with Applicationas TWC Component.Surf. Interface Anal. 34 (2002) 120

J. BÖHM, A. WANNER, R. KAMPMANN, H. FRANZ, K.D.LISS, A. SCHREYER, H. CLEMENSInternal Stress Measurements by High-Energy Synchrotron X-RayDiffraction at Increased Specimen-Detector Distance.Zur Veröffentl. in Nucl. Instrum. Methods B

T. BÖTTGER, D.C. MEYER, P. PAUFLER, S. BRAUN, M. MOSS,H. MAI, E. BEYERThermal Stability of Mo/Si Multilayers with Boron Carbide In-terlayers.Zur Veröffentl. in Thin Solid Films

C. BOSTEDT, T. VON BUREN, N. FRANCO, T. WILLEY, L.J.TERMINELLO, T. MÖLLERElectronic Structure of Germanium Nanocluster Films.J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 126 (2002) 117

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J. BRANDT, L. KIPP, M. SKIBOWSKI, E.E. KRASOVSKII, W.SCHATTKE, E. SPIECKER, C. DIEKER, W. JÄGERCharge Transfer in Misfit Layered Compounds.Zur Veröffentl. in Surf. Sci.

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G. BRUNAUER, H. BOYSEN, F. FREY, H. EHRENBERGDomain-Structure and Phase Transition in Sc-Doped Zirconia.J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (2002) 135

G. BUSSE, T. TSCHENTSCHER, A. PLECH, M. WULFF, B.FREDERICHS, S. TECHERTFirst Investigations of the Kinetics of the Topochemical Reactionof P-Formyl-Trans-Cinnamic Acid by Time-Resolved X-Ray Dif-fraction.Faraday Discuss. 122 (2002) 105

M.E. CAGIAO, R.K. BAYER, D.R. RUEDA, F.J. BALTA-CAL-LEJAAn X-Ray Scattering Study of Water-Conditioned Injection-Molded Starch during Isothermal Heating.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Appl. Polymer Sci.

M. CANNAS, S. AGNELLO, R. BOSCAINO, F.M. GELARDI,M. LEONE, B. BOIZOTOptical Properties of Oxygen-Deficiency Related Centers in Amor-phous SiO2 Investigated by Synchrotron Radiation.Zur Veröffentl. in Rad. Eff. Defects Solids

L.X. CAO, T.L. LEE, F. RENNER, Y.X. SU, R.L. JOHNSON, J.ZEGENHAGENStrain Release and Twin Structure in Ultra-Thin GdBa2Cu3O7−δ

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M.B. CASU, P. IMPERIA, J.E. WONG, S. SCHRADERInterface Properties of Organic Materials Investigated by UsingUltraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy.Zur Veröffentl. in Synth. Met.

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C. CASTELLANO, A. PAOLONE, F. CORDERO, R. CANTELLI,M. FERRETTIRelation between Charge Ordering and Local Lattice Disorder inManganites Studied by EXAFS.Zur Veröffentl. in Solid State Commun.

M.L. CERRADA, R. BENAVENTE, E. PEREZCrystalline Structure and Viscoelastic Behavior in Composites ofa Metallocenic Ethylene-1-Octene Copolymer and Glass Fiber.Macromol. Chem. Phys. 203 (2002) 718

M.L. CERRADA, R. BENAVENTE, G. ZAMFIROVA, E. PEREZInfluence of the Type of Fiber on the Structure and ViscoelasticRelaxations in Composites Based on a Metallocenic Ethylene-1-Octene Copolymer.Polymer J. 34 (2002) 175

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J. DANGER, P. LEFEVRE, H. MAGNAN, D. CHANDESRIS, S.BOURGEOIS, J. JUPILLE, T. EICKHOFF, W. DRUBEQuadrupolar Character of the Ti K-Edge Prepeaks in TiO2 byResonant Auger.Surf. Rev. Lett. 9 (2002) 949

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G. DEHLINGER et al.Si/SiGe Quantum Cascade Structures Emitting in the 10 Micro-meter Range.Mater. Sci. Eng. B89 (2002) 30

A. DEL CAMPO, A. BELLO, E. PEREZ, A. MEYERThermal Properties of Non-symmetric Bibenzoate Liquid Crystal-line Dimers.Zur Veröffentl. in Macromol. Chem. Phys.

R. DINNEBIER, R. IBBERSON, H. EHRENBERG, M. JANSENThe Crystal Structure of the Binary Mixed Valence CompoundBiIII3 BiVO7 and Isotypic Bi3SbO7 as Seen by High ResolutionX-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction.J. Solid State Chem. 163 (2002) 332

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H. DÖLLEFELD, C. MCGINLEY, S. AL MOUSSALAMI, T.MÖLLER, H. WELLER, A. EYCHMÜLLERRadiation Induced Damage in X-Ray Spectroscopy of CdS Na-noclusters.J. Chem. Phys. 117 (2002) 8953

P. DORENBOS, L. PIERRON, L. DINCA, C.W.E. VAN EIJK,A. KAHN-HARARI, B. VIANA4f-5d Spectroscopy of Ce3+ in CaBPO5, LiCaPO4, and Li2CaSiO4.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter

V. DOTSENKO, N. EFRYUSHINA, I. BEREZOVSKAYA, A.VOLOSHINOVSKIILuminescence Properties of Ce3+ Ions in Magnesium Fluorobo-rate Mg3BO3F3.Mat. Chem. Phys. 77 (2002) 141

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A.C.D. DÜRR, F. SCHREIBER, M. KELSCH, H.D. CARSTAN-JEN, H. DOSCH, O.H. SEECKMorphology and Interdiffusion Behavior of Evaporated MetalFilms on Crystalline DIP Organic Thin Films.Zur Veröffentl. in J. Appl. Phys.

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F. EBERL, S. FOREST, T. WROBLEWSKI, G. CAILLETAUD,J.L. LEBRUNFinite-Element Calculations of the Lattice Rotation Field of aTensile-Loaded Nickel-Based Alloy Multicrystal and Comparisonwith Topographical X-Ray Diffraction Measurements.Metall. Mater. Trans. A33 (2002) 2825

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E. WECKERT, R. MÜLLER, J. ZELLNER, I. ZEGERS, R. LORISPhysical Measurement of Triplet Invariants: Present State of theExperiment, Data Evaluation and Future Perspectives.Z. Kristallogr. 217 (2002) 651

W. WEIGAND, C. KUMPF, A. BADER, C. SCHUMACHER, A.MÖGINGER, W. FASCHINGER, L.W. MOLENKAMP, E. UM-BACHDiscret Mosaic ,,Spread“ at the Surface of ZnSe Layers onGaAs(001).phys. stat. sol. (b) 229 (2002) 117

I. WEISSBUCH, G. BOLBACH, H. ZEPIK, E. SHAVIT, M.TANG, J. FREY, T.R. JENSEN, K. KJAER, L. LEISEROWITZ,M. LAHAVOligopeptides with hom*ochiral Sequences Generated from Race-mic Precursors That Spontaneously Separate into EnantiomorphousTwo-Dimensional Crystalline Domains on Water Surface.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124 (2002) 9093


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I. WEISSBUCH, R. BULLER, K. KJÆR, J. ALS-NIELSEN, L.LEISEROWITZ, M. LAHAVCrystalline Self-Assembly of Organic Molecules with Metal Ionsat the Air-Aqueous Solution Interface. A Grazing Incidence X-RayScattering Study.Colloids Surf. A208 (2002) 3

P. WERNET, A. VERWEYEN, J. SCHULZ, B. SONNTAG, K.GODEHUSEN, R. MÜLLER, P. ZIMMERMANN, M. MARTINSCombining High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy and LaserPolarization for a Study of the 4f and 5p Photoionization of AtomicThulium.J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 (2002) 3887

M. WEYGAND, K. KJAER, P.B. HOWES, B. WETZER, D. PUM,U.B. SLEYTR, M. LÖSCHEStructural Reorganization of Phospholipid Headgroups upon Re-crystallization of an S-Layer Lattice.J. Phys. Chem. B106 (2002) 5793

J. WIENOLD, R.E. JENTOFT, T. RESSLERStructural Investigation of the Thermal Decomposition of Ammo-nium Heptamolybdate by in situ XAFS and XRD.Zur Veröffentl. in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.

J. WIENOLD, O. TIMPE, T. RESSLERIn Situ Observation of Autosalification in Molybdenum HeteropolyAcid.Zur Veröffentl. in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

W. WIERZCHOWSKI, K. WIETESKA, W. GRAEFF, A. BRZO-ZOWSKI, E. NOSSARZEWSKA-ORLOWSKAInvestigation of Lattice Strains in Layered Structures ContainingPorous Silicon.Acta Phys. Pol. A102 (2002) 283

K. WIETESKA, W. WIERZCHOWSKI, W. GRAEFF, M. LE-FELD-SOSNOWSKA, M. REGULSKAInterference Fringes in the Plane Wave Topographic Images ofGrowth Bands in Si:Ge Crystals.Acta Phys. Pol. A101 (2002) 729

Studies of Growth Bands in Si:Ge Crystals.Mater. Sci. Eng. B91-92 (2002) 462

K. WIETESKA, W. WIERZCHOWSKI, W. GRAEFF, A. MISIUK,A. BARCZ, L. BRYJA, V.P. POPOVX-Ray Synchrotron Studies of Nanostructure Formation in HighTemperature – Pressure Treated Silicon Implanted with Hydrogen.Acta Phys. Pol. A102 (2002) 239

E. WILD, L. WANG, B. HASSE, T. WROBLEWSKI, G. GOE-RIGK, A. PYZALLAMicrostructure Alterations at the Surface of a Heavily Corruga-ted Rail with Strong Ripple Formation Wear.Zur Veröffentl. in Wear

M. WILKE, R. BERNHARDT, G. PARTZSCHFe in Synthetic Basaltic Glass: Effect of Phosphorus – An X-RayAbsorption Spectroscopic Study.Eur. J. Mineral. Beiheft 14 (2002) 174

M. WILKE, R. SCHMID, R. OBERHÄNSLI, K. JANSSENS, G.FALKENBERGMicro-XANES Determination of Ferric Iron in Phases of Ultra-High Pressure Rocks.Eur. J. Mineral. Beiheft 14 (2002) 175

S.B. WILKINS, P.D. SPENCER, T.A.W. BEALE, P.D. HATTON,M. VON ZIMMERMANN, S.D. BROWN, D. PRABHAKARAN,A.T. BOOTHROYDCharge Ordering and Structural Distortions at Low Temperaturein La2−2xSr1+2xMn2O7 with x = 0.475 and 0.5.Zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Rev. B

H.-C. WILLE, YU.V. SHVYD’KO, E. GERDAU, M. LERCHE,M. LUCHT, H.D. RÜTER, J. ZEGENHAGENAnomalous Isotopic Effect on the Lattice Parameter of Silicon.Zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Rev. Lett.

H. WINKLERMyoglobin and Related Biomolecular Systems Studied with Möß-bauer Spectroscopy and Nuclear Forward Scattering.Zur Veröffentl. in Hyperfine Interact.

M. WINTERERNanocrystalline Ceramics – Synthesis and Structure.In: Nanocrystalline Ceramics – Synthesis and Structure, R.M.Osgood et al. (Eds.), Springer, Materials Science 53 (2002) 260

M. WINTERER, B. DELAPLANE, R. MC GREEVYX-Ray Diffraction, Neutron Scattering and EXAFS Spectroscopyof Monoclinic Zirconia: Analysis by Rietveld Refinement andReverse Monte Carlo Simulations.J. Appl. Cryst. 35 (2002) 434

G. WIRNSBERGER, B. PILLEP, A. POPITSCH, P. KNOLL, P.BEHRENSProbing the Limit of Weak Host-Guest Interactions: InsertionCompounds of Mercury(II) Halides with Microporous SiO2 Hosts.Chem. Eur. J. 8 (2002) 3927

M. WISNIEWSKA, D. WISNIEWSKI, A.J. WOJTOWICZ, S.TAVERNIER, T. LUKASIEWICZ, Z. FRUKACZ, Z. GALAZKA,M. MALINOWSKILuminescence and Scintillation Properties of YAG:Pr.Trans. Nucl. Sci. 49 (2002) 926


D. WISNIEWSKI, S. TAVERNIER, A.J. WOJTOWICZ, M. WIS-NIEWSKA, P. BRUYNDONCKX, P. DORENBOS, E. VAN LOEF,C.W.E. VAN EIJK, L.A. BOATNERLuPO3Nd and YPO3Nd – New Promising VUV Scintillation Ma-terials.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A486 (2002) 239


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P. WOBRAUSCHEK, G. PEPPONI, C. STRELI, C. JOKUBONIS,G. FALKENBERG, W. OSTERODESR-XRF Investigation of Human Bone.Adv. X-Ray Anal. 45 (2002) 478

A.J. WOJTOWICZRare-Earth-Activated Wide Bandgap Materials for Scintillators.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A486 (2002) 201


T. WROBLEWSKIMAXIM – A Novel Method for the X-Ray Imaging of Strain.Mater. Sci. Forum, 404-407 (2002) 121

Self-Organized Criticality – A Model for Recrystallization?Zur Veröffentl. in Z. Metallkd.

D. WRUCK, R. BOYN, M. WIENECKE, F. HENNEBERGER,U. TROPPENZ, B. HÜTTL, W. BOHNE, B. REINHOLD, H.-E.MAHNKEThe Configuration of Cu Centers in Electroluminescent SrS:CuPhosphors: An X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure and Optical Study.J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 2847

P.F. XING, Y.X. ZHUANG, W.H. WANG, L. GERWARD, J.Z.JIANGCrystallization Kinetics and Pressure Effect on Crystallization ofZrNbCuNiBe Bulk Metallic Glass.J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 4956

G. YALOVEGA, A.V. SOLDATOV, M. RIEDLER, A. KOLMA-KOV, C. NOWAK, T. MÖLLERGeometric Structure of (NaCl)4 Clusters Studied with XANES atthe Chlorine L-Edge and at the Sodium K-Edge.Chem. Phys. Lett. 356 (2002) 23

X. YANG, F.C. JENTOFT, R.E. JENTOFT, F. GIRGSDIES, T.RESSLERSulfated Zirconia with Ordered Mesopores as an Active Catalystfor N-Butane Isomerization.Catal. Lett. 81 (2002) 25

R. ZAEPER, M. RICHWIN, D. LÜTZENKIRCHEN-HECHT, R.FRAHMA Novel Crystal Bender for X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Mo-nochromators.Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 (2002) 1564

S. ZAZUBOVICH, A. VOLOSHINOVSKII, G. STRYGANYUKLuminescence of CsCl:Tl Crystal under Synchrotron Excitation.phys. stat. sol.(b) 233 (2002) 238

H. ZEPIK, E. SHAVIT, M. TANG, T.R. JENSEN, K. KJAER, G.BOLBACH, L. LEISEROWITZ, I. WEISSBUCH, M. LAHAVChiral Amplification of Oligopeptides in Two-Dimensional Crys-talline Self-Assemblies on Water.Science 295 (2002) 1266

M. ZHANG, E.K.H. SALJE, U. BISMAYERMetamiczization and Recrystallization of Titanite: An InfraredSpectroscopic Study.Am. Mineralogist 87 (2002) 882

G.B. ZHANG, H.J. ZHOU, C.S. SHI, J.Y. SHI, Y.X. ZHOU, X.Y.ZHANG, Z.X. FU, M. KIRM, G. ZIMMERERTemperature and Time Dependence of Emission Properties of ZnOFilms Deposited on Si Substrates.Surf. Rev. Lett. 9 (2002) 699

Z. ZHONG, O. AMBACHER, A. LINK, V. HOLY, J. STANGL,R.T. LECHNER, T. ROCH, G. BAUERInfluence of GaN Domain Size on the Electron Mobility of Two-Dimensional Electron Gases in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures De-termined by X-Ray Reflectivity and Diffraction.Zur Veröffentl. in Appl. Phys. Lett.

M. ZUPANCIC, I. ARCON, P. BUKOVEC, A. KODREA Physico-Chemical Study of the Interaction of Cobalt(II) Ionwith Ciprofloxacin.Acta Croatica Chem. 75 (2002) 1

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

F. BECKMANNMicrotomography Using Synchrotron Radiation as a User Expe-riment at Beamlines BW2 and BW5 of HASYLAB at DESY.Proc. of SPIE 4503 ,,Developments in X-Ray Tomography III“(2002) 34

M.B. CASU, P. IMPERIA, B. SCHULZ, S. SCHRADERBand Mapping and Frontier Orbitals at the Interface Thin NativeSiO2/Organics.Proc. of SPIE 4800 ,,Organic Light-Emitting Materials and De-vices“ (2002)

Electronic Structure of Aromatic 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles.Proc. of the Int. School of Physics ,,Enrico Fermi“, Bologna/I(2002)

W.M. CHEN, P.J. MC NALLY, K. JACOBS, T. TUOMI, A.N.DANILEWSKY, D. LOWNEY, J. KANATHARANA, L. KNU-UTTILA, J. RIIKONENWhite Beam Synchrotron X-Ray Topography and X-Ray Diffrac-tion Measurements of Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of GaN.Proc. Sympos. Mat. Res. Soc. 693 (2002) 141

W.M. CHEN, P.J. MC NALLY, J. KANATHARANA, D. LOWNEY,K. JACOBS, T. TUOMI, L. KNUUTTILA, J. RIIKONEN, J.TOIVONENTilted Wing Induced Stress Distribution in Epitaxial OvergrownGaN.Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Materials for Microelectronics andNanoengin. (MFMN), Espoo/FIN (2002) 33


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W.M. CHEN, P.J. MC NALLY, A.F.W. WILLOUGHBY, T. TUOMIStress Characterization of Device Layers and the UnderlyingSi1−xGex Virtual Substrate with High Resolution Micro-RamanSpectroscopy.Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Materials for Microelectronics andNanoengin. (MFMN), Espoo/FIN (2002) 307

F. DUBUS, U. BONSE, T. BIERMANN, M. BARON, F. BECK-MANN, M. ZAWISKYTomography Using Monochromatic Thermal Neutrons with Atte-nuation and Phase Contrast.Proc. of SPIE 4503 ,,Developments in X-Ray Tomography III“(2002) 359

E. FIEDLER, S. THORELL, T. SANDALOVA, R. GOLBIK, S.KÖNIG, G. SCHNEIDERSnapshot of a Key Intermediate in Enzymatic Thiamin Cata-lysis: Crystal Structure of the alpha-Carbanion of alpha/beta-Dihydroxyethyl-Thiamin Diphosphate in the Active Site of Trans-ketolase from Saccharomyces Cerevisae.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002) 591

P.J. GRIFFITHS, M.A. BAGNI, B. COLOMBINI, H. AME-RITSCH, S. BERNSTORFF, C.C. ASHLEY, G. CECCHIChanges in Myosin S1 Orientation and Force Induced by a Tem-perature Increase.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002) 5384

J. GROCHOWSKI, W. PASZKOWICZ (Eds.)Synchrotron Crystallography – From Source to Application.Proc. of the Int. Sympos. on Synchrotron Crystallography, Kry-nica-Czarny Potok/PL (2001) (Acta Phys. Pol. A101 (2002) 565)

S. JACOBI, B. STEEG, J. WIESMANN, M. STÖRMER, F. FELD-HAUS, C. MICHAELSENCharacterization of Amorphous Carbon Films as Total-ReflectionMirrors for XUV Free Electron Lasers.Proc. of the SPIE Int. Sympos. on Optical Science and Technology,Seattle/USA (2002)

L.I. JOHANSSON, C. VIROJANADARA, T. EICKHOFF, W.DRUBEAngle Resolved Photoemission Studies of SiO2/SiC Samples.Angle Resolved Studies of SiO2/SiC Samples.Proc. of the Eur. Conf. on Silicon Carbide and Related Mater.(ECSCRM 2002), Linköping/S (2002)

L. JUHA et al.Ablation of Organic Polymers and Elemental Solids Induced byIntense XUV Radiation.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. XRl, Aspen/USA (2002), J.J. Roccaet al. (Eds.) (AIP Conf. Proc. 641 (2002) 504)

N.M. KHAIDUKOV, N.YU. KIRIKOVA, M. KIRM, J.C. KRUPA,V.N. MAKHOV, E. NEGODIN, G. ZIMMERERInter- and Intraconfigurational Luminescence of LiYF4:Er3+ underSelective VUV Excitation.Proc. of SPIE 4766 (2002) 154

N. KOCH, J. GHIJSEN, R. RUIZ, J. PFLAUM, R.L. JOHNSON,J.-J. PIREAUX, J. SCHWARZ, A. KAHNInteraction and Energy Level Alignment at Interfaces betweenPentacene and Low Work Function Metals.Proc. of the Mater. Res. Soc. Sympos. 708 (2002) BB2.4.1

J. KÖHLER, G. WINKLER, I. SCHULTE, T. SCHOLZ, W.MC KENNA, B. BRENNER, T. KRAFTMutation of the Myosin Converter Domain Alters Cross-BridgeElasticity.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002) 3557

B. MÜLLER et al.Non-Destructive Three-Dimensional Evaluation of BiocompatibleMaterials by Microtomography Using Synchrotron Radiation.Proc. of SPIE 4503 ,,Developments in X-Ray Tomography III“(2002) 178

C. PIETZKER, E. RUDIGIER, D. BRÄUNIG, R. SCHEERLaser Light Scattering and Real-Time XRD-Studies on the Se-quential Formation of CuInS2 Films: Towards a Simple and StableProcess Control.Proc. of the EPSEC, München/D, NcNelis et al. (Eds.), WIP Publ.München/D (2002) 1031

D. POSPIECH, L. HÄUSSLER, D. JEHNICHEN, W. KOLLIG,K. ECKSTEIN, K. GRUNDKEBulk and Surface Properties of Blends with Semifluorinated Po-lymers and Block Copolymers.Synthesis and Characterization of Semifluorinated Polymers andBlock Polymers.Proc. of the Macromol. Sympos., Hamburg/D (2002)

V. PUSTOVAROVVacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Advanced Optical and De-tector Materials.Proc. of the 3rd Urals Workshop on Advanced Scintillation andStorage Optical Materials, Ekaterinburg/RUS (2002)

J. RÖHLERC-Axis Intra-Layer Couplings in the CuO2 Planes of High-TcCuprates.Proc. of the NATO Adv. Res. Workshop on Concepts in ElectronCorrelation, Hvar/HR (2002)

S. SCHRADER, M.B. CASU, P. IMPERIA, M. JANDKE, P.STROHRIEGLElectronic Structure and Localised States in Starburst Trisphenyl-quinoxaline.Proc. of SPIE (2002)

O.H. SEECKCapillary Waves on Polymer Thin Films.In: Soft Matter: Complex Materials on Mesoscopic Scales, J. Dhontet al. (Eds.) FZ Jülich/D, 10 (2002) 7

B.V. SHULGIN, V.A. PUSTOVAROV, V.I. ARBUZOV, D.V. RAI-KOVThe Time-Resolved VUV-Spectroscopy of Li2O-MgO-SiO2-Ce3+Glasses Composition.Proc. of the 3rd Urals Workshop on Advanced Scintillation andStorage Optical Materials, Ekaterinburg/RUS (2002)


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K. TIEDTKEGigawatt, Femtosecond VUV Pulses from a SASE FEL: PhotonBeam Characterisation and First Applications.Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. XRl, Aspen/USA (2002), J.J. Roccaet al. (Eds.) (AIP Conf. Proc. 641 (2002) 379)

U. VOGEL, F. BECKMANN, T. ZAHNERT, U. BONSEMicrotomography of the Human Middle and Inner Ear.Proc. of SPIE 4503 ,,Developments in X-Ray Tomography III“(2002) 146

S. WARREN, J. ZEGENHAGEN, T.L. LEE, A. KAZIMIROV, A.REITZLE, D.-M. KOLB, F. MAROUN, P. ALLONGUEX-Ray Structural Analysis of Semiconductor Electrolyte Interfaces.Proc. of the Int. Conf. of the Physics at Surfaces and Interfaces,Puri/IND, World Sci. Press (2002)

V. WEISS, R. MIENTUS, K. ELLMERTexture of Polycrystalline MoSx Thin Films Magnetron Sputteredfrom a Metallic Target in Ar-H2S Atmospheres.In: Magnetic and Electronic Films – Microstructure, Texture andApplication to Data Storage, P.W. DeHaven et. al. (Eds.) (MRSSympos. Proc. 721 (2002) 131)

D. WISNIEWSKI, A.J. WOJTOWICZ, W. DROZDOWSKI, J.M.FARMER, L.A. BOATNERRb3Lu(PO4)2Ce and Cs3Lu(PO4)2Ce: New Promising ScintillatorMaterials.Proc. of ICSSC 2002, Zakopane/PL (2002)

A.J. WOJTOWICZ, K. NEYTS, W. DROZDOWSKI, P. SZUPRY-CZYNSKIVacuum Ultraviolet Studies of Luminescent Centers in SrS LayersDoped with Cerium and Yttrium.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Sci. Technol. Emissive Displays andLighting, K. Neyts et al. (Eds.), Academia Press & Ghent Univ.(2002) 69

A.J. WOJTOWICZ, D. WISNIEWSKI, W. DROZDOWSKI, J.M.FARMER, L.A. BOATNERVacuum Ultraviolet Studies of New Phosphor Material,Rb3Lu(PO4)2:Ce.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Sci. Technol. Emissive Displays andLighting, K. Neyts et al. (Eds.), Academia Press & Ghent Univ.(2002) 73

Weitere Vorträge wurden von HASYLAB-Mitarbeitern auffolgenden Konferenzen und Tagungen gehalten:

24th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. & 9th FEL Users Workshop,Argonne/USA (2002)

X-Top, Aussois/F (2002)

Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar on Highly Correlated Statesin Molecules, Atoms and Nuclei, Bad Honnef/D (2002)

Bioprocessing Workshop Merck KGaA: Neue Methoden undAnwendungen, Berlin/D (2002)

Eur. Conf. on Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, Berlin/D(2002)

Jahrestg. der Dt. Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Berlin/D (2002)

Tag der Wissenschaft im Automobil Forum, Berlin/D (2002)

FEL Workshop, MIT Bates Lab., Boston/USA (2002)

The Physics Congress, Brighton/GB (2002)

5th Int. Congress on Cosmetics and Household Chemicals, Bu-dapest/H (2002)

14th Int. Biophysics Congress, Buenos Aires/RA (2002)

34th Polish-Wide Sympos. on Catalysis, Cracow/PL (2002)

9th Int. Conf. on Multiphoton Processes, Crete/GR (2002)

Experiment and Theory in Polymer Science, Dresden/D (2002)

Int. Workshop on Nanostructures for Electronics and Optics,Dresden/D (2002)

Jahrestg. der Dt. Ges. für Biophysik, Dresden/D (2002)

53rd Ann. Meeting of the Int. Soc. of Electrochemistry, Düssel-dorf/D (2002)

40th Europ. High-Pressure Research Group Meeting, Edinburgh/GB (2002)

26th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS26),Edinburgh/GB (2002)

Int. Workshop on Scientific Applications of Energy-Recovery-Linac-Driven Synchrotron Light Sources, Erlangen/D (2002)

5th Int. Sympos. on Biomaterials: Fundamentals and ClinicalApplications, Essen/D (2002)

8th Int. Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Parten-kirchen/D (2002)

2nd Conf. on the Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems,Gdansk/PL (2002)

19th Congress and General Assembly of the Int. Union of Cry-stallography, Geneva/CH (2002)

Int. Conf. on Superconductivity, Giens/F (2002)

15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society,Glasgow/GB (2002)

Int. Workshop on Lipid-Peptide/Lipid-Protein Interactions, Goma-dingen/D (2002)

Fibers and Polymers, Grenoble/F (2002)

REFILL, Grenoble/F (2002)

Jahrestg. der Ges. für Biochemie und Molekuarbiologie, Halle/D(2002)


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GdCH-Workshop, Hamburg/D (2002)

Materialwissenschaften, Hamburg/D (2002)

Workshop on Application of Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry,Hamburg/D (2002)

Int. Workshop on Photoionization, Hyogo/J (2002)

7th Int. Otto Schott Colloquium, Jena/D (2002)

9th Int. Conf. on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules(ICCBM-9), Jena/D (2002)

11th Annual Fibre Diffraction and Non-Crystalline DiffractionWorkshop, Keele/GB (2002)

10. Jahrestg. der Dt. Ges. für Kristallographie (DGK), Kiel/D(2002)

3rd Int. Conf. on Inorganic Materials, Konstanz/D (2002)

Conf. of the Physiological Soc., Liverpool/GB (2002)

1st Workshop of Young European Scientists (YES), Lodz/PL (2002)

ESF Workshop on Atomic Physics with High-Frequency Short-Pulse Sources, Lund/S (2002)

8th Int. Conf. on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds,Lviv/UA (2002)

NANO-7 / Ecoss 21, Malmö/S (2002)

11th Int. Conf. on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS11), Marseille/F(2002)

Gordon Res. Conf. on Res. at High Pressure, Meriden/USA (2002)

Int. Conf. on Electron and Photon Impact Ionisation and RelatedTopics, Metz/F (2002)

AGICHEM, München/D (2002)

Workshop on New Opportunities in Ultrafast Science Using X-Rays, Napa/USA (2002)

Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conf. III (NCCCIII), Noord-wijkerhout/NL (2002)

13th Int. Sympos. on Non-Oxide Glasses and New Optical Glasses(ISNOG13), Pardubice/CZ (2002)

NEDO Europe-Japan Meeting on Intelligent CT Materials,Rennes/F (2002)

19th Int. Conf. on X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes, Rome/I (2002)

Decimo Convegno SILS, Rome/I (2002)

Electroceramics VIII, Rome/I (2002)

Workshop INFM on Fisica Atomica e Moleculare e Luce diSincrotrone, Rome/I (2002)

1st Int. Workshop on Spinel Nitrides and Related Materials,Rüdesheim/D (2002)

Joint Working Session on Residual Stress, Saarbrücken/D (2002)

46th Ann. Meeting of the Biophys. Soc., San Francisco/USA(2002)

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco/USA (2002)

Int. Sympos. on Optical Sci. and Technol., Seattle/USA (2002)

China-German Sympos. on High-Intensity Lasers, Shanghai/PRC(2002)

Europ. Conf. ESS, Sheffield/GB (2002)

Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science II, Sheffield/GB (2002)

78th Congr. of the Europ. Orthodontic Soc. (EOS), Sorrento/I(2002)

104th Ann. Meeting of the Am. Ceramic Soc., St. Louis/USA(2002)

14th Int. Sympos. on Boron, Borides and Related Compounds,St. Petersburg/RUS (2002)

Europ. Mater. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, Strasbourg/F (2002)

Int. Sympos. on Future Trends in Time-Resolved and CoherentX-Ray Physics, Stuttgart/D (2002)

Structural Biology Network, 6th Ann. Conf., Taellberg/S (2002)

7th Int. Conf. on Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering, TahoeCity/USA (2002)

Frontiers for Synchrotron Research on Soft Matter and BiomaterialsWorkshop, Tarrytown, New York/USA (2002)

MATERIAUX, Tours/F (2002)

8th Europ. Powder Diffraction Conf. (EPDIC-8), Uppsala/S (2002)

30th Int. School on Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,Ustron-Jaszowiec/PL (2002)

31st Int. School on Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, Ustron-Jaszowiec/PL (2002)

6th Int. School and Sympos. on Synchrotron Radiation in NaturalScience, Ustron-Jaszowiec/PL (2002)

12th Int. Conf. on Small Angle Scattering, Venice/I (2002)

Dept. of Energy Workshop on Int. Collab. on XFELs and Sciences,Washington/USA (2002)

36. Jahrestr. Dt. Katalytiker, Weimar/D (2002)

Int. Sympos. ,,Knochenersatzstoffe“, Wien/A (2002)


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13th Conf. of the Europ. Soc. of Biomechanics (ESB), Wroclaw/PL(2002)

Europhys. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Materials, Wroclaw/PL(2002)

2nd Int. Conf. on Physics and Applications of Spin RelatedPhenomena in Semiconductors, Würzburg/D (2002)

Conf. on Electron Density: Measurement, Calculation, Application,Würzburg/D (2002)

E-MRS Fall Meeting, Sympos. on Solid Solutions of the II-VI Com-pounds – Growth, Characterisation and Application, Zakopane/PL(2002)

9th Int. Sympos. on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geo-chemistry, Zürich/CH (2002)


R. RÖHLSBERGERNuclear Condensed Matter Physics Using Synchrotron Radiation.Univ. Rostock/D (2002)

YU. SHVYD’KOX-Ray Resonators and other Applications of Bragg Backscattering.Univ. Hamburg/D (2001)

S.B. WILKINSCharge and Spin Correlations in Transition Metal Oxides.Univ. of Durham/GB (2002)


K. ANDULEITKonzeptionelle und Experimentelle Entwicklung einer Hologra-phischen Methode in der Röntgenstrukturanalyse.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-014

A. BERNHARDUntersuchungen zu martensitischen Phasenübergängen in dünnenSchichten mittels elastischer und unelastischer Kernresonanzstreu-ung.Univ. Rostock/D (2002)

C. BOSTEDTElectronic Structure of Germanium Nanocrystal Films Probed withSynchrotron Radiation.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

M.T. DONATHAufbau und Test eines Fluoreszenzanalysators für die reziprokeRöntgenholographie.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-019

M. DORNHEIMSpannungen, Dehnungen und Lage der Phasengrenzen in dünnenNb- und Y-Schichten bei Wasserstoffbe- und -entladung.Univ. Göttingen/D (2002)

A.C. DÜRRGrowth and Structure of DIP Thin-Films and Au Contacts on DIPThin-Films.Univ. Stuttgart/D (2002)

T. EICKHOFFPhotoemissionsuntersuchungen an vergrabenen GrenzschichtenSiO2/Si, SiO2/SiC und Thiolen auf Gold mit 3.0–5.5 keV Rönt-genstrahlung.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-043

E. FIEDLERKinetische und Strukturelle Untersuchungen zur Donorsubstrat-und Ligandenbindung an Transketolase aus Saccharomyces ce-revsiae.Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg/D (2002)

O. GESSNERUntersuchung der Photoionisationsdynamik räumlich orientierterMoleküle in der Gasphase.TU Berlin/D (2002)

M. HANKEStreuung von Röntgenstrahlen an selbstorganisierten Halbleiter-Inselstrukturen.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

M. HARTLRöntgenadsorptionsspektroskopische Untersuchungen an kleinenanorganischen Bausteinen in komplexen Matrices.Univ. Hannover/D (2002)

A. JOBSTBestimmung der modulierten Strukturen von (LaS)1.13TaS2 und(LaS)1.14NbS2 mittels hochauflösender Röntgenbeugung und Cha-rakterisierung der Bindung zwischen den Teilsystemen.Univ. Bayreuth/D (2002)

K. JOKELAThe Structure of Polymer Based Ion Exchange Membranes andCatalysts by WAXS and SAXS.Univ. of Helsinki/FIN (2002)

P. KAPPENMulti-Element-Silizium-Drift-Detektoren zur Untersuchung vonKatalysatoren sowie Photonen-Interferenz-Absorptionsspektrosko-pie als neue Methode.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-021

M. KNAPPWeiterentwicklung und Anwendung diffraktometrischer Methodenzur Materialcharakterisierung mit Synchrotronstrahlung.TU Darmstadt/D (2002)


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B. KRAUSEGrowth and Structure of the Organic Molecule PTCDA on Ag(111).Univ. Stuttgart/D (2002)

C. KREISHeteroepitaxial Growth and Electronic Structure of TransitionMetal Dichalcogenide Clusters and Ultrathin Films.Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel/D (2002)

T. LAUMagnetische Eigenschaften kleiner massenselektierter Übergangs-metallcluster.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-016

A. LORENCCharakterisierung von Charge-Transfer-Wechselwirkungen inCopoly(ester-imiden).Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

D. LOWNEYAnalysis of the Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Semi-conductor Materials and Devices Using Photoacoustic Spectro-scopy and Synchrotron X-Ray Topography(Master of Engineering Thesis).Univ. of Dublin/IRL (2002)

M. LUKESOVAEffects of Normal Higher Alcohols on Structural Changes of ModelDipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Membranes: A Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction. (In Slovak)Comenius Univ. Bratislava/SLO (2002)

B.I. MOSQUEDA JIMENEZReduction of Nitrogen Oxides over Zeolite Supported Ni Catalysts.Univ. of Twente, Enschede/NL (2002)

F. PFEIFFERX-Ray and Neutron Waveguides.Univ. des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken/D (2002)

J. PLÖGERRandzonenbeeinflussung durch Hochgeschwindigkeitsdrehen.Univ. Hannover/D (2002)

L. PLUCINSKIBulk and Surface Electronic Structure of Gallium Nitride and ZincSelenide.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-046

K. QUASTDer experimentelle Nachweis des nuklearen Leuchtturmeffektsund erste Anwendungen.Univ. Rostock/D (2002)

C. ROTHStructural and Electrochemical Characterization of Carbon-Supported Pt-Ru and Pt-Ru-W Catalysts for PEM Fuel Cell Ap-plications.TU Darmstadt/D (2002)

A. SCHLEYDevelopment of New Methods of Measurement in Atomic Re-solution Holography and the Influence of the Crystalline SampleStructure on the Holographic Reconstruction.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-041

P. SERDAStructure Determination of Microcrystalline Compounds of NaturalOrigin Using Classical and Synchrotron Radiation Sources.Jagiellonian Univ. Cracow/PL (2002)

M. SIKORAX-MCD Study of La2/3−yREyCa1/3MnO3 Magnetic Properties.(In Polish)Univ. of Cracow/PL (2002)

P. SZUPRYCZYNSKIScintillation Mechanism in BaF2:Ce Crystal.N. Copernicus-Univ. Torun/PL (2002)

A. TEGGE-SCHÜRINGCation Diffusion in Silicate Melts.Univ. Hannover/D (2002)

R. WEBEROberflächenempfindliche Röntgenstreuung an Polymer-Metall-Grenzflächen: Strukturelle Eigenschaften und Thermisches Ver-halten.Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel/D (2002)

J. WEGENERMikrostruktur, Textur und Eigenspannungen von stranggepresstenund reibrührgeschweißten aushärtbaren Aluminiumlegierungen.TU Berlin/D (2002)

M. WISNIEWSKARadioluminescence of Wide-Bandgap Materials Activated withPr3+ Ions.N. Copernicus-Univ. Torun/PL (2002)


R. BARTMANNElektronische Eigenschaften von Bi2Sr2−xLaxCuO6 Keramiken.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

M. BOROWIECEXAFS Study of Cd1−yCr2−2x Spinels. (In Polish)Univ. of Cracow/PL (2002)

A. BRAUERUntersuchung von Diffusionsvorgängen in Ag/Ti/Ag Schichtsys-temen.Univ. Rostock/D (2002)

L. DUDY1D Effects in the Electronic Structure of the 2D CuO2-Planes ofBi2Sr2−xLaxCuO6.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)


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S. GLIEMANNAufbau und Inbetriebnahme einer neuen datenverarbeitendenStruktur für Photoelektronenspektroskopie.Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel/D (2002)

I. GROTKOPPUntersuchung von Metall-Polymer-Grenzflächen mit Röntgen-streuung.Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel/D (2002)

M. HAHNSpurenelementdiffusion in peralkalinen rhyolithischen Schmelzen.Univ. Hannover/D (2002)

R. HUDEJDetermination of Cluster Sizes with EXAFS.Univ. of Ljubljana/SLO (2002)

T. IKONENPerunatärkkelyksen Rakenne.Univ. of Helsinki/FIN (2002)

K. SCHLAGEUntersuchung magnetischer Eigenschaften eingebetteter Nanoteil-chen.Univ. Rostock/D (2002)

U. SEIDELBi2Sr2CaW2−xYxCu2O8 Einkristalle: Vom Supraleiter zum Iso-lator.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

F.O. STEHLECharakterisierung der Varianten H481A und H103A des EnzymsTransketolase aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg/D (2002)

K. SZEGEDIEffect of Cholesterol on the Structure of the Fully HydratedDipalmitoyl-Lecitin/Water Liposomes in the Pretransition Range.Univ. of Budapest/H (2002)

R. TASLERCharakterisierung des Wildtyps sowie der Varianten E473D, D27Eund Delta-11 des Enzyms Pyruvatdecarboxylase aus Zymomonasmobilis.Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg/D (2002)

H. THOMASUntersuchung der Spinstruktur von federmagnetischen Schicht-systemen.Univ. Rostock/D (2002)

V. WEITKAMPIn-situ Charakterisierung von Oxidschichten auf Bremsbelägen.TU Berlin/D (2002)

A. WESTPHALENHerstellung und Charakterisierung von spontan gebildeten Nano-strukturen.Univ. Bochum/D (2002)



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S. BERNOCCO et al.Low Resolution Structure Determination Shows Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer to be an Elongated Multi-Domain Glycopro-tein.J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 7199

C. BIRCK, M. MALFOIS, D.I. SVERGUN, J.-P. SAMAMAInsights into Signal Transduction Revealed by the Low ResolutionStructure of the FixJ Response Regulator.J. Mol. Biol. 321 (2002) 447

K. BRANDENBURG, G. JÜRGENS, J. ANDRA, B. LINDNER,M.H.J. KOCH, A. BLUME, P. GARIDELBiophysical Characterization of the Interaction of High-DensityLipoprotein (HDL) with Endotoxins.Eur. J. Biochem. 269 (2002) 5972

K. BRANDENBURG, M. MATSUURA, H. HEINE, M. MUEL-LER, M. KISO, H. ISHIDA, M.H.J. KOCH, U. SEYDELBiophysical Characterization of Triacyl Monosaccharide Lipid APartial Structures in Relation to Bioactivity.Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 322

K. BRANDENBURG, I. MORIYON, M.D. ARRAIZA, LEH-WARK-YVETOT, M.H.J. KOCH, U. SEYDELBiophysical Investigations into the Interactions of Lipopolysac-charide with Polymyxins.Thermochim. Acta 382 (2002) 189

L.M. BRONSTEIN, C. LINTON, R. KARLINSEY, B. STEIN,D.I. SVERGUN, J.W. ZWANZIGER, R.J. SPONTAKSynthesis of Metal-Loaded Poly(aminohexyl)(aminopropyl)silses-quioxane Colloids and their Self-Organization into Dendrites.Nano Letters 2 (2002) 873

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S. COHEN, M. MOULIN, O. SCHILLING, W. MEYER-KLAUCKE, J. SCHREIBER, M. WEGNER, C. MÜLLERThe GCM Domain is a Zn-Coordinating DNA-Binding Domain.FEBS Lett. 528 (2002) 95

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P. D’ANGELO, V. BARONE, G. CHILLEMI, N. SANNA, W.MEYER-KLAUCKE, N.V. PAVELHydrogen and Higher Shell Contributions in Zn2+, Ni2+ andCo2+ Aqueous Solutions: An X-Ray Absorption Fine Structureand Molecular Dynamics Study.J. Am. Chem Soc. 124 (2002) 1958

A.W. DILG, K. GRANTNER, O. IAKOVLEVA, F.G. PARAK, E.BABINI, I. BERTINI, F. CAPOZZI, C. LUCHINAT, W. MEYER-KLAUCKEDynamics of Wild-Type HiPIPs: A Cys77Ser Mutant and a Par-tially Unfolded HiPIP.J. Biol Inorg Chem. 7-8 (2002) 691

C. ENROTH, D. XUHigh Resolution Structure of Phenol Hydroxylase and Correctionof Previous Sequencing Errors.In: Flavins and Flavoproteins XIV, S. Chapman et al. (Eds.), RudolfWeber, Agency for Sci. Publ., Berlin/D (2002) 39

O. FAZIO, M. GNIDA, W. MEYER-KLAUCKE, W. FRANK, W.KLÄUIAn Iron(II) Complex with an N4S Ligand – A Novel ModelCompound to Mimic Cytochrome P450 Activity.Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2002) 2891

A.G. GALKIN et al.Site-Directed Mutagenesis of the Essential Arginine of the FormateDehydrogenase Active Centre.Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1594 (2002) 136

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D.M. GUERIN, M.B. LASCOMBE, M. COSTABEL, H. SOU-CHON, V. LAMZIN, P. BEGUIN, P.M. ALZARIAtomic (0.94 Å) Resolution Structure of an Inverting Glycosidasein Complex with Substrate.J. Mol. Biol. 316 (2002) 1061

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G. JURGENS, M. MULLER, P. GARIDEL, M.H.J. KOCH, H.NAKAKUBO, A. BLUME, K. BRANDENBURGInvestigation into the Interaction of Recombinant Human SerumAlbumin with Re-Lipopolysaccharide and Lipid A.J. Endotoxin Res. 8 (2002) 115

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Veröffentlichter Vortrag

P. GÖTTLICHERThe ZEUS Hadron Electron Separator, Performance and Experi-ence.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in High Energy Phy-sics (CALOR2002), Pasadena/USA (2002)


K. HANSEN, M. REINECKE, C. RECKLEBEN, H. KLÄR, W.O. LANGEA Fast X-Ray Spectroscopy System for Si-Array Drift Detectors.HASYLAB User Meeting, Hamburg/D (2002)

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L.A. VASSILEVSKAYA, A.V. AVERINAn Approach to Automatic Indexing of Scientific Publications inHigh Energy Physics for Database SPIRES-HEP.DESY L-02-02


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Measurement of Genuine Three-Particle Bose-Einstein Correla-tions in Hadronic Z Decay.Phys. Lett. B540 (2002) 185 und CERN-EP/2002-035

Measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+e− → W+W−Events at LEP.Phys. Lett. B547 (2002) 139 und CERN-EP/2002-062

Production of Single W Bosons at LEP and Measurement of WWγ

Gauge Coupling Parameters.Phys. Lett. B547 (2002) 151 und CERN-EP/2002-064

Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons of the Minimal SupersymmetricStandard Model in e+e− Interactions at

√s up to 209 GeV.

Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) 30 und CERN-EP/2002-066

Search for Single Top Production at LEP.Phys. Lett. B549 (2002) 290 und CERN-EP/2002-065

Search for a Higgs Boson Decaying to Weak Boson Pairs at LEP.CERN-EP/2002-080, zur Veröffentl. in Phys. Lett. B

Inclusive Charged Hadron Production in Two-Photon Collisionsat LEP.Phys. Lett. B554 (2003) 105 und CERN-EP/2002-081

A. ABYZOV et al.Efficiency Profile Method to Study the Hit Efficiency of DriftChambers.Zur Veröffentl. in Part. Nucl. Lett.

B. ANANTHANARAYAN, S. RINDANI, A. STAHLCP Violation in the Production of τ Leptons at TESLA with BeamPolarization.Eur. Phys. J. C27 (2003) 33 und hep-ph/0204233

L.S. BARABASCH et al.The IHEP–JINR Neutrino Detector at Neutrino Beams of the U70Accelerator.JINR-P13-2002-152, zur Veröffentl. in Prib. Tekh. Eksp

D. BARDIN et al.Predictions for ννγ Production at LEP.Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 373 und DESY 01-005, hep-ph/0110371

W. BEENAKKER, A. WERTHENBACHElectroweak Two-Loop Sudakov Logarithms for On-Shell Fermi-ons and Bosons.Nucl. Phys. B630 (2002) 2002

A. BELKOV et al.Tracking Performance of the HERA-B Outer Tracker PC Chambers.Part. Nucl. Lett. 111 (2002) No.2 51

F. BERRUTO et al.A Study of the ’t Hooft Model with the Overlap Dirac Operator.Phys. Rev. D 65 (2002) 094516 und hep-lat/0201010

J. BLÜMLEIN, H. BÖTTCHERQCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Data andParton Distributions.Nucl. Phys. B636 (2002) 225 und DESY 01-087, hep-ph/0203155


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DESY Zeuthen

J. BLÜMLEIN, H. KAWAMURAO(α2L) Radiative Corrections to Deep Inelastic ep Scattering.DESY 02-193, hep-ph/0211191

J. BLÜMLEIN, D. ROBASCHIKPolarized Deep Inelastic Diffractive ep Scattering: Operator Ap-proach.Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 096002 undDESY 02-011, hep-ph/0202077

J. BLÜMLEIN et al.On the Structure of the Virtual Compton Amplitude with AdditionalFinal-State Mesons in the Extended Bjorken Region.Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 054029

M. CASELLE, M. HASENBUSCHFinite Temperature Corrections in 2d Integrable Models.Nucl. Phys. B639 (2002) 549 und DESY 02-042, hep-th/0204088

P.H. DAMGAARD et al.Finite-Size Scaling of Vector and Axial Current Correlators.Nucl. Phys. B656 (2003) 226 und DESY 02-178, hep-lat/0211020

Finite-Size Scaling of Meson Propagators.Nucl. Phys. B629 (2002) 445 und hep-lat/0112016

T. DE GRAND, A. HASENFRATZ, T.G. KOVACSImproving the Chiral Properties of Lattice Fermions.hep-lat/0211006


π versus mq: Comparing CP-PACS and UKQCD Data to ChiralPerturbation Theory.DESY 02-121, hep-lat/0208051, zur Veröffentl. in Nucl. Phys. B

S. DÜRR, P. DE FORCRANDModified Iterative versus Laplacian Landau Gauge in CompactU(1) Theory.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 094504 undDESY 02-088, hep-lat/0206022

J. FLEISCHER et al.Complete Electroweak One-Loop Radiative Corrections to Top-Pair Production at TESLA: A Comparison.hep-ph/0202109, LC-TH-2002-002

L. GIUSTI et al.Fermions on Tori in Uniform Abelian Fields.Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 074506 und hep-lat/0112017

M. GÖCKELER et al.A Lattice Study of the Spin Structure of the Lambda Hyperon.Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) 112

Lattice Evaluation of Four-Quark Operators in the Nucleon.Nucl. Phys. B623 (2002) 287

Baryon Masses Using an O(A) Improved Fermion Action.Phys. Lett. B532 (2002) 63

The Particle Data Group, K. HAGIWARA et al.Review of Particle Physics.Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 010001

M. HASENBUSCH, K. JANSENSpeeding up Lattice QCD Simulations with Clover-Improved Wil-son Fermions.DESY 02-200, hep-lat/0211042

A. HOEFER, J. GLUZA, F. JEGERLEHNERPion Pair Production with Higher Order Radiative Corrections inLow Energy e+e− Collisions.Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 51

G. JORJADZE, G. WEIGTZero Mode Problem of Liouville Field Theory.hep-th/0207041

H. KAWAMURA et al.Transverse Momentum Distribution in B Mesons in the HeavyQuark Limit: Wandzura-Wilczek Limit.Mod. Phys. Lett. A18 (2003) 799 und DESY 01-212

T.G. KOVACSLocality and Topology with Fat Link Overlap Actions.hep-lat/0209125

L. KUZMICHEV, B. LUBSANDORZHIEV, C. SPIERINGEnhancement of the Sensitivity of Neutrino-Telescope OpticalModules to Cherenkov Light.Instrum. Exp. Tech. 45 (2002) 742(Prib. Tekh. Eksp. 45 (2002) No.6 13)

S. MOCH, J.A.M. VERMASEREN, A. VOGTNon-Singlet Structure Functions at Three Loops: Fermionic Con-tributions.Nucl. Phys. B646 (2002) 181 und DESY 02-128, hep-ph/0209100

F. PALOMBI, R. PETRONZIO, A. SHINDLERMoments of Singlet Parton Densities on the Lattice in the Schrö-dinger Functional Scheme.Nucl. Phys. B637 (2002) 243 und hep-lat/0203002

A. SPIRIDONOVUncertainties in Track Momentum due to Multiple Scattering ina Forward Spectrometer.DESY 02-151

J. VOLMER et al.Measurement of Longitudinal and Transverse Cross-Sections inthe 3He(e,e’π+)3H Reaction at W = 1.6 GeV.Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 011001

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

Proc. of the 20th Int. Sympos. on Lattice Field Theory (LAT-TICE2002), Boston/USA (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

APE COLLABORATION, R. AMMENDOLA et al.Status of the apeNEXT Project.hep-lat/0211031

ALPHA COLLABORATION, M. DELLA MORTE et al.Recent Results on the Running Coupling in QCD with Two Mass-less Flavours.DESY 02-124, hep-lat/0209023


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DESY Zeuthen

Running Quark Mass in Two Flavor QCD.DESY 02-125, hep-lat/0209025

ALPHA COLLABORATION, J. HEITGER, R. SOMMERNon-Perturbative Determination of Zstat

A in Quenched QCD.DESY 02-130, hep-lat/0209078

QCDSF and UKQCD COLLABORATIONS, R. HORSLEY et al.Low-Lying Fermion Modes: Dynamical Versus Quenched.hep-lat/0211030

T. BAKEYEV et al.A Nonperturbative Determination of Z(V) and B(V) for O(A)Improved Quenched and Unquenched Wilson Fermions.hep-lat/0209148

Finite Size Effects in Nucleon Masses in Dynamical QCD.hep-lat/0209111

F. BODIN et al.Status of the apeNEXT Project.

V. BORNYAKOV et al.Thermodynamics and Heavy Quark Potential in NF = 2 DynamicalQCD.hep-lat/0209157

M. CASELLE et al.String Effects in Polyakov Loop Correlators.DESY 02-139, hep-lat/0210023

G. COLANGELO, S. DÜRR, R. SOMMERFinite Size Effects on Mπ in QCD from Chiral Perturbation Theory.DESY 02-131, hep-lat/0209110

S. DATTA et al.A Study of Charmonium Systems across the Deconfinement Tran-sition.DESY 02-108, BI-TP-2002-19, hep-lat/0208012

N. GARRON et al.B(K) from Quenched Overlap QCD.hep-lat/0212015

M. GÖCKELER et al.Structure Functions near the Chiral Limit.hep-lat/0209151

Calculation of Moments of Structure Functions.hep-lat/0209160

M. HASENBUSCH, K. JANSENSpeeding up the HMC: QCD with Clover-Improved Wilson Fer-mions.DESY 02-138, hep-lat/0210036

P. HERNANDEZ, K. JANSEN, K.-I. NAGAIResidual Mass Effects in Improved Domain Wall Fermions.hep-lat/0209044

F. KARSCH, I. WETZORKETHE H Dibaryon on the Lattice.DESY 02-117, BI-TP-2002-20, hep-lat/0208029

S. NECCOUniversality and RG Improved Gauge Action.DESY 02-129, hep-lat/0208052

R. SOMMERNon-Perturbative Renormalization of HQET and QCD.DESY 02-132, hep-lat/0209162

Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002),Jeju Island/ROK (2002)

I. BOZOVIC-JELISAVCIC, K. MÖNIG, J. SEKARICMeasurement of Trilinear Gauge Couplings at a γγ and eγ Collider.hep-ph/0210308

A. DE FREITAS et al.Sfermion Precision Measurements at a Linear Collider.hep-ph/0211108

A. FINCH, H. NOWAK, A. SOPCZAKPrecision Measurements in the Scalar Top Sector of the MSSMat a Linear e+e−-Collider.hep-ph/0211140

W. LOHMANN et al.Determination of the Higgs Boson Spin with a Linear e+e−Collider.Design Options for the Very Forward TESLA Calorimeter.

K. MÖNIGForward Tracking at TESLA.Measurement Prerequesits to GigaZ.Summary of Session I: Program Options.LC-REV-2002-014

A. STAHLGamma-Gamma Collider.

H. VOGTTESLA Detector Simulation Software.

Proc. of the 6th Int. Sympos. on Radiative Corrections (RAD-COR 02), and 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elem. Part. Theory,Kloster Banz/D (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

J. BLÜMLEIN, H. KAWAMURAHigher Order QED Corrections to Deep Inelastic Scattering.hep-ph/0211219

S. CAPITANIPerturbative and Non-Perturbative Lattice Calculations for theStudy of Parton Distributions.hep-ph/0210076

A. DE FREITAS et al.Two Loop Corrections to Gluon Fusion into Two Photons.DESY 02-202, hep-ph/0211344

J. FLEISCHER et al.Massive Two-Loop Bhabha Scattering: The Factorizable Subset.hep-ph/0211167


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DESY Zeuthen

F. JEGERLEHNER, M. KALMYKOV, O. VERETINFull Two-Loop Electroweak Corrections to the Pole Masses ofGauge Bosons.DESY 02-209, hep-ph/0212003

F. JEGERLEHNER, O. TARASOVFIRCLA, One-Loop Correction to e+e− → ννH and Basis ofFeynman Integrals in Higher Dimensions.DESY 02-210, hep-ph/0212004

H. KAWAMURA et al.B Meson Light Cone Wavefunctions in the Heavy Quark Limit.JUPD-0211, hep-ph/0211270

M. KLEINStructure Functions at HERA – Status and Future.

S. MOCHSudakov Logarithms in Four-Fermion Electroweak Processes atHigh Energy.hep-ph/0209100

S. MOCH, P. UWER, S. WEINZIERLQCD Two-Loop Amplitudes for e+e− → 3 Jets: The FermionicContribution.hep-ph/0211156

S. RIEMANNElectroweak Precison Measurements in e+e− Annihilation intoFermion Pairs.

ALPHA COLLABORATION, R. SOMMER, H. WITTIGFundamental Parameters of QCD.Proc. of the NIC Symposium, FZJ Jülich/D (2001) (NIC Series9) und DESY 02-030, physics/0204015


S. BARWICKPhysics and Operation of the AMANDA-II High Energy NeutrinoTelescope.Proc. of the SPIE Conf. on Astron. Optical Telescopes and Instrum.,Waikoloa, Hawaii/USA (2002) und astro-ph/0211269

D. COWENResults from the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics,München/D (2002) und astro-ph/0211264

A. HALLGRENPhysics Results from the AMANDA-B10 Neutrino Telescope.Proc. of the Conf. on Topics in Astropart. and Underground Phys.(TAUP 2001), Gran Sasso/I (2001) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.110 (2002)) und astro-ph/0204364

R. WISCHNEWSKIThe AMANDA-II Neutrino Telescope.Proc. of the Conf. on Topics in Astropart. and Underground Phys.(TAUP 2001), Gran Sasso/I (2001) (Nucl. Phys. B,Proc. Suppl.110 (2002)) und astro-ph/0204268

BAIKAL COLLABORATION, G. DOMOGATSKYThe BAIKAL Experiment: Status Report.Proc. of the Conf. on Topics in Astropart. and Underground Phys.(TAUP 2001), Gran Sasso/I (2001) (Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.)110 (2002) 504)

The Baikal Neutrino Telescope: Status, Results and Plans.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics,München/D (2002)

ICECUBE COLLABORATION, A. KARLEIceCube – The Next Generation Neutrino Telescope at the SouthPole.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics,München/D (2002) und astro-ph/0209556

M. AMARIANNew Results on DVCS and Exclusive Meson Production atHERMES.Proc. of the Workshop on Spontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetryand Hard QCD-Phenomena, Bad Honnef/D (2002)

Measurement of DVCS at HERMES.Proc. of the 10th NATO Advanced Spin Physics Workshop, NorAmberd/ARM (2002)

V. BALKANOV et al.The Lake Baikal Neutrino Experiment: Present Status and FutureProspects.Proc. of the 4th Workshop on RICH Detectors, Pylos/GR (2002)

U. BAUR et al.Present and Future Electroweak Precision Measurements and theIndirect Determination of the Mass of the Higgs Boson.(Summary report of the Precision Measurement Working Groupat Snowmass 2001)hep-ph/0202001

G.A. BLAIR, H. BURKHARDT, H.J. SCHREIBERBackground Simulation for the CLIC Beam Delivery System withGEANT.Proc. of the 8th Europ. Part. Accel. Conf. (EPAC2002), Paris/F(2002)

J. BLÜMLEIN, H. BÖTTCHERQCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Data andParton Distributions.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 228)und hep-ph/0206286

QCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Data andNew Polarized Parton Distributions.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3725)und hep-ph/0206286

Polarized Parton Distributions and their Errors.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Adv. Statistical Techniques in Part.Phys., Durham/GB (2002)


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DESY Zeuthen

J. BLÜMLEIN, H. KAWAMURAHigher Order QED Corrections to Deep Inelastic Scattering.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3719)und DESY 02-099, hep-ph/0207259

J. BLÜMLEIN, D. ROBASCHIKPolarized Deep Inelastic Diffractive Scattering near the Light Cone.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCD-N’02), Ferrara/I (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002) 228) undhep-ph/0207250

M. CAMPOSTRINI et al.Equation of State for Systems with Goldstone Bosons.Proc. of the Conf. on Horizons in Complex Systems, Messina/I(2001) (Physica A314 (2002) 178) undDESY 02-007, cond-mat/0201310

S. CAPITANIStatus of Lattice Structure Function Calculations.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering(DIS2002), Cracow/PL (2002) (Acta Phys. Pol. B33 (2002) 3025)und hep-ph/0206050

S. DATTA et al.Hadron Correlators, Spectral Functions and Thermal DileptonRates from Lattice QCD.Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Ultrarel. Nucleus-Nucleus Coll.(QM2002), Nantes/F (2002) und DESY 02-153, hep-ph/0209028

A.I. DAVYDYCHEV, M.Y. KALMYKOVGeometrical Approach to Loop Calculations and the ε-Expansionof Feynman Diagrams.Proc. of the Workshop on Computer Part. Phys. (CPP 2001),Tokyo/J (2001) und hep-th/0203212

M. DELLA MORTE, R. FREZZOTTI, J. HEITGERA Lattice Approach to QCD in the Chiral Regime.Proc. of the Int. Europhys. Conf. on High Energy Physics,Budapest/H (2001) und hep-lat/0111048

S. DÜRRLattice QCD Data Versus Chiral Perturbation Theory: The Caseof Mπ.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undDESY 02-160, hep-ph/0209319

J. FLEISCHER et al.One-Loop Corrections to the Process e+e− → tt Including HardBremsstrahlung.Proc. of the Workshop on Computer Part. Phys. (CPP 2001),Tokyo/J (2001) und DESY 02-025, hep-ph/0203220

Factorizing One Loop Contributions to Two Loop Bhabha Scat-tering and Automatization of Feynman Diagram Calculations.Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Advanced Computing and Ana-lysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2002), Moscow/RUS(2002) (Nucl. Instrum. Methods A) und hep-ph/0210180

M. GÖCKELER et al.Applied Lattice Gauge Calculations: Diquark Content of theNucleon.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCDN’02), Ferrara/I (2002) (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002) 297)

Lattice Studies of Nucleon Structure.Proc. of the 7th Workshop on Electron Nucleus Scattering, Elba/I(2002) (Eur. Phys. J. A)

J. HERNANDEZOffline Mass Data Processing Using Online Computing Resourcesat HERA-B.Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Adv. Computing and AnalysisTechn. in Phys. Res. (ACAT 2002), Moscow/RUS (2002) (Nucl.Instrum. Methods A)

K. JANSENStructure Functions on the Lattice.Proc. of the 2nd Int. Sympos. on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn SumRule and the Spin Stucture of the Nucleon (GDH 2002), Genua/I(2002)

Lattice Calculations.Proc. of the Conf. on Quarks and Nucl. Phys. (QNP2002), Jülich/D(2002)

G. JORJADZEQuantisation of Gauged SL(2,R) WZNW Theories.Proc. of the 35th Int. Sympos. Ahrenshoop, Wernsdorf/D (2002)

M. KALMYKOVPole Masses of Gauge Bosons.Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Adv. Computing and AnalysisTechn. in Phys. Res. (ACAT 2002), Moscow/RUS (2002) (Nucl.Instrum. Methods A)

F. KARSCH et al.Temporal Propagators and Quasiparticles in Hot QCD.High Performance Comput. and Engin., HLR Stuttgart/D (2002)(Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. Engin.) und DESY 02-109

H. KAWAMURA et al.B Meson Light Cone Distribution Amplitudes and Heavy QuarkSymmetry.Proc. of the 3rd Circum-Pan-Pacific Sympos. on High Energy SpinPhysics (SPIN 2001), Bejing/PRC (2001) (Int. J. Mod. Phys. A)und hep-ph/0112146

V.A. KOROTKOV, W.-D. NOWAKExtraction of the Generalized Parton Distribution H(ξ, ξ, t) fromDVCS.Proc. of the Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCDN’02), Ferrara/I (2002) (Nucl. Phys. A711 (2002) 175) undhep-ph/0207103

Towards the Topological Susceptibility with Overlap Fermions.Proc. of the NATO Adv. Res. Workshop on Confinement, Topologyand other Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD, Stara Lesna/SLO(2002) (NATO Science Series II 83 (2002) 233)


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DESY Zeuthen

T.G. KOVACS, E.T. TOMBOULISVortex Waistlines.Proc. of the NATO Adv. Res. Workshop on Confinement, Topologyand other Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD, Stara Lesna/SLO(2002) (NATO Science Series II 83 (2002) 241)

A. KRÜGERStandard Model Fits.Proc. of the 37th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High EnergyHadronic Interactions, Les Arcs/F (2002) und hep-ex/0206060

S. LIKHODEDStudy of Pair-Produced Neutral Heavy Bosons at LEP Using theL3 Detector.Proc. of the Lake Louise Winter Institute, Lake Louise/CAN (2002)

K. LIPKADiffractive ρ0-Production at HERMES.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on the Structure and Interactions of thePhoton, Ascona/CH (2001)

S. MOCH, P. UWER, S. WEINZIERLScattering Amplitudes for e+e− → 3 Jets at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order.Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on QCD, Montpellier/F (2002) undhep-ph/0210009

M. MÜLLER-PREUSSKER et al.Lattice Field Theory.Proc. of the 19th Int. Sympos. on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2001), Berlin/D (2001) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 106 (2002)1123)

H. NOWAK, A. SOPCZAKStudy of Scalar Top Quarks in the Neutralino and Chargino DecayChannel.Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Study on the Future of ParticlePhysics (Snowmass 2001) und hep-ph/0102341

W.-D. NOWAKPhysics Objectives for Future Studies of the Spin Structure of theNucleon.Proc. of the 10th Workshop on High-Energy Spin Physics, NorAmberd/ARM (2002) und hep-ph/0210409

HERMES Measurements of the Generalized GDH-Integral and ofQuark-Hadron Duality.Proc. of the 15th Int. Spin Physics Sympos. (SPIN2002), BNLUpton/USA (2002)

M. POHL, H.J. SCHREIBERSIMDET - Version 4, a Parametric Monte Carlo for a TESLADetector.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002) undDESY 02-061, hep-ex/0206009, LC-DET-2002-005

A. RASPEREZAHiggs Search Results.Proc. of the 22nd Conf. on Physics in Collision, Stanford/USA(2002) und hep-ex/0209021

S. RIEMANNSearch for Extra Dimensions at LEP.Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Supersymmetry in Physics (SUSY02), Hamburg/D (2002)

A. ROSCAFermiophobic Higgs Bosons at LEP.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.)

C. SPIERINGHigh Energy Neutrino Astronomy.Proc. of Int. School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice/I (2001)(Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 48 (2002) 43)Proc. of the Conf. on Topics in Astropart. and Underground Phys.(TAUP 2001), Gran Sasso/I (2001) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.110 (2002) 443)

J. STEWARTMeasurement of the Polarized Parton Distribution Functions atHERMES.Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Quark Nuclear Physics, Jülich/D (2002)

J. VOLMERDeeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA.Proc. of the 31st Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2002),Amsterdam/NL (2002) (Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl.) undhep-ex/0209081

G. WEIGTJoint Description of Periodic SL(2,R) WZNW Model and its CosetTheories.Proc. of the 24th Int. Colloq. on Group Theoretical Methods inPhysics, Paris/F (2002)

I. WETZORKEThermal Dilepton Rates and Meson Spectral Functions from LatticeQCD.Proc. of 30th Int. Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei andNuclear Excitation, Hirschegg/A (2002) undDESY 02-019, hep-lat/0202031

Z. ZHAO et al.Report of Snowmass 2001 Working Group E2: Electron-PositronColliders from the φ to the Z.Proc. of the APS/DPF/DPB Summer Study on the Future of Par-ticle Physics, Snowmass/USA (2001) und hep-ex/0201047


DPG Frühjahrstagung Teilchenphysik, Leipzig/D (2002)

A. BIRONResultate einer Punktquellensuche mit AMANDA-B10.

I. BOZOVIC-JELISAVCICStudy of Anomalous Gauge Boson Couplings at a Photon Colliderat TESLA.

T. HAUSCHILDTErste Resultate und Status der AMANDA-II Analyse.


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DESY Zeuthen

M. KOWALSKIStatus des AMANDA-Experiments.

T. LASTOVICKAThe Longitudinal and Fractal Structure of the Proton.

P. LIEBINGUntersuchung der pT-Verteilungen von Hadronen bei HERMES.

D. LIPKAMessung des longitudinalen Phasenraumes am Photoinjektor Test-stand in DESY Zeuthen.

K. LIPKAVector-Meson Production at HERMES.

V. MILTCHEVMeasuring the Transverse Emittance at the Photo Injector TestFacility at DESY Zeuthen.

S. NECCOThe Nf = 0 Heavy Quark Potential as Test of Perturbation Theory.

A. PETRUKHINTowards a Precise Measurement of the Proton Structure FunctionF2 at Very Low Q2 with the H1 Detector.

M. RIBORDYAMANDA Angular Resolution Studies.

A. ROSCALight Higgs Production at the TESLA Collider.

A. STAHLTESLA: Zukunftsprojekt der Hochenergiephysik.

H. WISSINGStatus und Physikpotential des IceCube-Projekts.

M. AMARIANExploring the Structure of Matter with HERMES: Challenges andPitfalls.Justus-Liebig-Univ. Gießen/D (2002)

E.C. ASCHENAUERHERMES RUN II-Physics Program.Int. Workshop on Current and Future Directions at RHIC, BNLUpton/USA (2002)

Latest Results from HERMES.54th Meeting of the DESY PRC, Hamburg/D (2002)

J. BAEHRThe Photoinjector Test Facility PITZ at DESY Zeuthen and theTESLA Project.Univ. Montreal/CAN (2002)

J. BLÜMLEINThe Light-Cone Expansion and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering.Dortmund/D (2002)

Universal QED Corrections to Polarized Electron Scattering inHigher Orders.St. Malo/F (2002)

Polarized Deep Inelastic ep Scattering: Operator Approach.Cracow/PL (2002)

QCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Data andParton Distributions.Hamburg/D (2002)London/GB (2002)Osaka/J (2002)

QCD and the Parton Model.3 Lectures, DESY Summer Student Prog., Zeuthen/D (2002)

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of Free Elementary Particles.6 Lectures, Course for High School Teachers, Zeuthen/D (2002)

Eine Reise in das Innere des Protons.Cottbus/D (2002)

I. BOZOVIC-JELISAVCICStudy of Anomalous Gauge Boson Couplings at a Photon Colliderat TESLA.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

T. CHIARAPPA2-Point Meson Correlation Function with Overlap Fermions: Pre-liminary Results.EU Workshop, Bern/CH (2002)

M. DELLA MORTELight Pions on the Lattice with Wilson-like Fermions.Wuppertal/D (2002)

Running Quark Mass in Two Flavor QCD.Bern/CH (2002)

S. DÜRRTopological Susceptibility in QCD: Testing the Vacuum Structurein Unquenched Simulations.Hamburg/D (2002)

Analytic Determination of Finite Size Effcts on Mπ in Nf = 2QCD.Wuppertal/D (2002)

Lattice Data Versus Chiral Perturbation Theory: the Case of Mπ

in 2-Flavour QCD.Villigen/CH (2002)

Finite Size Effects on Mπ in QCD from Chiral Perturbation Theoryand the Lüscher Formula.Bern/CH (2002)

U. GENSCHDas Forschungszentrum DESY.Tag der Wissenschaft/Automobil Forum, Berlin/D (2002)

Status of the TESLA Project.R&D for TESLA at Zeuthen – The Photoinjector Test Facility.Bulg. Akad. Wiss., Sofia/BG (2002)

M. HASENBUSCHSpeeding up the HMC: Clover-Improved Wilson Fermions.Trinity Coll. Dublin/IRL (2002)

Monte Carlo Simulations of the 3D Ising Model.Inst. Adv. Stud. (DIAS), Dublin/IRL (2002)


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DESY Zeuthen

PC-Cluster für die Quantenchromodynamik.Univ. Wuppertal/D (2002)

Transfer-Matrix Study of the 2D Ising Model in a Magnetic Field.FU Berlin/D (2002)Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)

Eliminating Leading Corrections to Scaling in 3-Dimensional SpinModels.Univ. Jena/D (2002)

Hybrid-Monte-Carlo Simulation of Lattice QCD on a PC-Cluster.Int. Workshop on Science on Cluster Computers, Bad Honnef/D(2002)

T. HAUSCHILDTSearch for Point Sources with AMANDA.Europ. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow/RUS

C. HOELBLINGOverlap Fermion Algorithms.Workshop on Light Quark Phenomenology and Kaon Physics,Zeuthen/D (2002)

K. JANSENQuarks and the Lattice: New Concepts in Lattice Gauge Theories.Kolloquium, Aachen/D (2001)

From Enemies to Friends: Chiral Symmetry and the Lattice.DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

Chiral Symmetry and the Lattice: A new Alliance in Non-Perturbative Particle Physics.Kolloquien,Perugia/I (2002)Roma II Univ. ,,Tor Vergata“, Rome/I (2002)Mainz/D (2002)Univ. San Diego/USA (2002)

Structure Functions on the Lattice: Where we stand and wherewe go.Europ. Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon(QCDN’02), Ferrara/I (2002)

Finite Size Scaling and Gasser-Leutwyler Coefficients from Over-lap Fermions.Workshop des EU Midterm Meeting, Zeuthen/D (2002)

New Concepts and Developments in Lattice Gauge Theory.Kolloquium, Göttingen/D (2002)

Elementary Particle Physics.NIC WR Sitzung, Zeuthen/D (2002)

Parton Distribution Functions on the Lattice and in the Continuum.SFB Begutachtung, Karlsruhe/D (2002)

Lattice QCD on APE Computers.Meeting of the APS Division of Computational Physics (CCP2002), San Diego/USA (2002)

An Introduction into Lattice Gauge Theory.DESY Theorie Workshop, Hamburg/D (2002)

Lattice Gauge Theory and High Performance Computing.DESY WR Sitzung, Hamburg/D (2002)

Fortschritte in der Gitter-QCD.Kolloquium, Freiburg/D (2002)

TeraFlops for Lattice Gauge Theory.KET Treffen, Bonn/D (2002)

F. JEGERLEHNERIntroductory Lecture on Feynman Rules.DESY Summer Student Progr., Zeuthen/D (2002)

Präzisionstests des Standardmodells der Elementarteilchen.Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2001/2002)

Comments on the Measurement of σtot(s) at Low Energies.Frascati/I (2001)

Hadronic Contributions to g−2 and Precision Tests of the StandardModel.Milano/I (2002)

Das anomale magnetische Moment des Myons – Neue Physikjenseits des Standardmodells?Bochum/D (2002)

The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment: Status and Perspectives.Leipzig/D (2002)

TESLA – Light of the Future.Kolloqium, Humboldt Stiftung, Katowice/PL (2002)

Precision Physics at TESLA: The GigaZ Option.Hamburg/D (2002)

On the Radiative Corrections to π+π−-Production.Marseille/F (2002)

Higher Order Corrections for Standard e+e− Annihilation Pro-cesses at High Energies.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

The Loop Verein: European Activities.LoopFest at BNL Upton/USA (2002)

Future of Precision Physics.Univ. New York/USA (2002)

g−2 of the Muon and Precision Tests of the Standard Model.Wuppertal/D (2002)

Precision Calculations of Massive Particle Production Processes.Karlsruhe/D (2002)

Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Effects in αem(MZ) and (g−2)µ.DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg/D (2002)Frascati/I (2002)

EURIDICE: Precision Physics Activities.Frascati/I (2002)

G. JORJADZEJoint Description of Periodic SL(2,R) WZNW Model and its CosetTheories.Bad Herrenalb/D (2002)

Integrability of Gauged SL(2,R) WZNW Models.2 Lectures, Tbilisi/GE (2002)


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DESY Zeuthen

M. KALMYKOVFull Two-Loop Electroweak Corrections to the Pole Masses ofGauge Bosons.Prague/CZ (2002)

H. KAWAMURAUniversal QED Corrections in High Energy Processes.JPS Meeting, Kusatsu/J (2002)

O(α2L) Radiative Corrections to Deep Inelastic ep Scattering.Hamburg/D (2002)

M. KLEINThe Status of H1.Meeting of the HERA Finance Committees, DESY Hamburg/D(2002)

G. KLEMZStudies for the Laser Cavity.Summary of γγ-Technologies Session.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

M. KOPYTINMeasurements of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERMESwith a Recoil Detector.34. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach/D (2002)

T. KOVACSUnquenching the Topological Susceptibility with Overlap Fermi-ons.Pisa/I (2002)EU IHP Workshop, Zeuthen/D (2002)

Topological Susceptibility and Axial Ward Identity.DEBLAT Workshop on Lattice Field Theory, Debrecen/H (2002)Univ. Bern/CH (2002)Regensburg/D (2002)

M. KOWALSKIPhysics Results from AMANDA.Univ. Bonn/D (2002)

Search for Neutrino Induced Cascades in AMANDA-II.Int. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, München/D(2002)

T. LASTOVICKADIS Cross Section at Q2 about 1 GeV2.10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS2002),Cracow/PL (2002)

Self Similar Properties of Proton Structure.Low-x Workshop, Antwerpen/B (2002)Int. School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice/I (2002)

P. LIEBINGExtraction of Polarized Parton Distributions from Semi-InclusiveHERMES Data.Int. Workshop on Current and Future Directions at RHIC, BNLUpton/USA (2002)

S. LIKHODEDStudy of Pair-Produced Neutral Heavy Bosons at LEP Using theL3 Detector.Univ. Boston/USA

K. LIPKADiffractive Vector-Meson Production at HERMES.Status of the Photoinjector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

Measurement of the Longitudinal Phase Space for the Photo InjectorTest Facility at DESY Zeuthen.27th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop, Sardinia/I (2002)

W. LOHMANNPhysics with the TESLA Collider.DLNP, Dubna/RUS (2002)

Allgemeine Physik IV (vom Mikro- zum Makrokosmos).Vorlesungen, BTU Cottbus/D (2002)

W. LOHMANN, A. STAHLEinführung in die Teilchenphysik.Vorlesungen, BTU Cottbus/D (2002)

S. MOCHFermionic Contributions to Non-Singlet Deep-Inelastic StructureFunctions at Three Loops.Hamburg/D (2002)

Deep-Inelastic Structure Functions at NNLO.Parma/I (2002)

Multiloop Feynman Integrals, Nested Sums and Multiple Polylo-garithms.Bonn/D (2002)

K. MÖNIGBackgrounds and Interaction Region Simulation.Summary of γγ-Technologies Session.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

γγ Background Studies.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

A Photon Collider at TESLA, how Does it Work?Graduiertenkolleg, Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

Physics and Technology of Linear Colliders.ICFA Instrumentation School, Istanbul/TR (2002)

γγ Detector Studies.TESLA-INTAS Treffen, Baikal See/RUS (2002)

e+e− Physics, from LEP to TESLA.DESY Summer Student Programme, Zeuthen/D (2002)

Elementarteilchenphysik.Vorlesungen, Univ. Leipzig/D (2002)


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DESY Zeuthen

H. MOLKEWave Functions in the QCD Schrödinger Functional in theQuenched Approximation.Glasgow/GB (2002)

S. NECCOTesting Perturbation Theory on the Nf = 0 Static Quark Potential.Southampton/GB (2002)Torino/I (2002)

Computation of V(r) and Comparison with Perturbation Theory.CERN/CH (2002)

H. NIETOStudy of e+e− → µ+µ− at TESLA Energies.34. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach/D (2002)

H. NOWAKSUSY at LC – What Can We Detect and Measure?Euro-GDR General Meeting, Durham/GB (2002)

W.-D. NOWAKIs There a Chance for Future High Luminosity e−(e+)−N Phy-sics in Europe?Int. Workshop on Hadron Structure & Hadron Spectroscopy,Trieste/I (2002)

D. PLEITERapeNEXT – A Multi-Teraflop Computer for Lattice Gauge Theory.DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

A. RASPEREZASearch for Neutral Higgs Bosons at LEP.DESY Hamburg/D (2002)

e+e− → HiHj → bbτ+τ− Selection and CP Properties of HiggsBosons.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

W. RHODEAtmospheric Neutrinos, WIMPS and Monopoles: Physics with theAMANDA Neutrino Telescope.WIN Conf. 2001

M. RIBORDYRecherche de sources ponctuelles avec AMANDA.Univ. Mons/BE

T. RIEMANNMid-Term Review of DESY Zeuthen Node of the EU NetworkPhysics at Colliders.Durham/GB (2002)

Electroweak Corrections to Heavy Fermion Pair Production.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

Status of Electroweak Radiative Corrections to Top Pair Produc-tion.Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS2002), Jeju Island/ROK(2002)

A. ROSCALight Higgs Production at the TESLA γγ-Collider.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

New Results on Light Higgs Production at the TESLA PhotonCollider.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

Higgs Physics with a Photon Collider,Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

G. SCHIERHOLZNucleon Structure from Lattice QCD.ECT Workshop on Structure of the Nucleon, Trento/I (2002)

Dynamical Higgs Mechanism of Color Confinement.5th Int. Conf. of the Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum,Gargnano/I (2002)

Simulation of QCD with Dynamical Quarks.KONWIHR Workshop, Garching/D (2002)

Polarized QCD on the Lattice – Review and Outlook.HERA-III Workshop, MPI München/D (2002)

G. SCHNELLProbing Quark Distributions in Semi-Inclusive Single Spin Asym-metries.Light-Cone 2002, Los Alamos/USA (2002)

H.J. SCHREIBERPotential to Measure the H → Zγ Branching Fraction at the LinearCollider.ECFA/DESY Workshop, St. Malo/F (2002)

Future e+e− Collider Sensitivity to the HZγ Coupling.SIMDET_v4 – Recent Changes and Improvements.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

J. SEKARICMeasurement of TGCs in eγ → Wν Using Leptonic W Decays.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

Measurement of Trilinear W Couplings at a γγ- and eγ-Collider.14th Dutch-Belgium-German Joint Summer School, Nijmegen/NL (2002)

A. SHINDLERPerturbative Aspects of Structure Functions on the Lattice.DESY Zeuthen/D (2002)

Moments of Parton Densities on the Lattice.Workshop on Fermion Actions and Chiral Symmetry, Univ.Bern/CH (2002)

H. SIMMAStatus and Progress of apeNEXT.Bari/I (2002)


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DESY Zeuthen

R. SOMMERThe Static Quark Potential and Perturbation Theory.Milano/I (2002)Rom/I (2002)

Strong Interaction Effects in B-Meson Decays.Karlsruhe/D (2002)

The Static Quark Potential and Perturbation Theory.Hamburg/D (2002)

HQET on the Lattice.The B-Quark Mass with Non-Perturbative Accuracy.Improvement.Southampton/GB (2002)

C. SPIERINGHigh Energy Neutrino Telescopes – Physics and Techniques.School of Neutrino Astrophysics, Les Houches/F (2002)

Bis ans Ende der Welt – Astrophysik am Südpol.Kulturverein, Parchim/D (2002)

Der wilde Tanz der Teilchen.Urania Berlin/D (2002)

A Walk through Modern Cosmology.DESY Summer Student Programme, Zeuthen/D (2002)

High Energy Neutrino Telescopes – A Promising Decade ahead.Europ. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow/RUS (2002)LNGS, Gran Sasso/I (2002)DESY Hamburg/D (2002)Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle und Radiation Detectors,Siena/I (2002)

AMANDA – Neutrino Astrophysics at the South Pole.Univ. Geneva/CH (2002)Univ. Rostock/D (2002)API Potsdam/D (2002)

AMANDA – Neutrino Astrophysik am Südpol.Univ. Osnabrück/D (2002)

Physics Results from AMANDA.Nat. Res. Counc., Washington/USA (2002)

A. STAHLFast Luminosity Monitor.ECFA/DESY Workshop, Prague/CZ (2002)

TESLA.Kolloquium, TU Dresden/D (2002)

Symmetrien in der Physik.Gymnasium Eichwalde/D (2002)

Elementarteilchenphysik.DESY Summer Student Programme, Zeuthen/D (2002)

Physik IV: Kern- und Teilchenphysik.Vorlesungen, Univ. Potsdam/D (2002)

F. STEPHANThe Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen – PITZ.Graduiertenkolleg der Univ. Hamburg, DESY Zeuthen/D (2002)Kolloquium, TU Darmstadt/D (2002)DESY Summer Student Programme, Zeuthen/D (2002)

Photo Injector for TTF-FEL.ICFA Workshop (2002)

Commissioning and First Results from the Photo Injector TestFacility at DESY Zeuthen (PITZ).ICFA Workshop, Sardinia/I (2002)

T. STREUERDynamics of Magnetic Monopoles in Full QCD.INTAS-Meeting, Moscow/RUS (2002)

M. UNGERMeasurement of the Atmospheric Muon Spectrum with L3+C.18th Europ. Cosmic Ray Sympos. (ECRS), Moscow/RUS (2002)

Studies of the Cosmic Ray Muon Spectrum.NEEDS Workshop, Karlsruhe/D (2002)

A. VAN DEN BROUCKEThe HERMES Recoil Detector.14th Annual Graduate School of Particle Physics, Joint Belgian-Dutch-German Summer School, Nijmegen/NL (2002)

J. VOLMERRecent Spin Physics Results from HERMES.29th Rencontre de Physique de la Vallee d’Aoste, La Thuile/I(2002)

M. WALTERTESLA and PITZ Projects at DESY.Tsinghua Univ., Beijing/PRC (2002)

Advanced Detection Technologies in High Energy Physics andApplications to other Fields.11th Conf. on Nucl. Electronics and Detection Technol. of theChina Nuclear Association, Xiamen/PRC (2002)

A. WERTHENBACHElectroweak 1-Loop Radiative Corrections to e+e− → tt(γ).St. Malo/F (2002)

I. WETZORKERecent Results on Pion Structure Functions on the Lattice.DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg/D (2002)


A. BIRONSearch for Atmospheric Muon-Neutrinos and Extraterrestrial Neu-trino Point Sources in the 1997 AMANDA-B10 Data.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-025


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DESY Zeuthen/M-Bereich

A. KRÜGERMeasurement of Hadronic Final States with the L3 Detector atLEP.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

S. LIKHODEDSearch for the Higgs Boson and a Study of e+e− → ZZ Usingthe L3 Detector at LEP.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

A. RASPEREZASearch for Neutral Higgs Bosons in e+e− Collisions.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-034 (2002)

A. ROSCASearch for a Higgs Boson in the Two Photon Decay Mode ine+e− Collisions at LEP.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

T. SCHMIDTAufbau und Funktionsnachweis eines Optischen Moduls mitoptisch-analoger Pulsübertragung für den AMANDA-II- undIceCube-Detektor.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)


S. BOESERSeparation of Atmospheric Neutrinos with the AMANDA-II De-tector.TU München/D (2002)

V. MILTCHEVConstruction and Commissioning of a Transverse Emittance Mea-surement System for the Photoinjector Test Facility at DESYZeuthen.Humboldt-Univ. Berlin/D (2002)

C. URBACHUntersuchung der Reversibilitätsverletzung im Hybrid-Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus.FU Berlin/D (2002)

A. SHINDLERPerturbative Aspects of Structure Functions on the Lattice.Univ. Roma II ,,Tor Vergata“, Rom/I (2002)

Interne Berichte

M. KOPYTIN et al.Decision on the Readout Chip for the New HERMES SiliconRecoil Detector.HERMES Internal Report 02-020

J. VOLMER, M. EHRENFRIED, A. SCHWINDResults from Rate Measurements inside the Transverse MagnetChamber.HERMES Internal Report 02-002



TESLA XFELTechnical Design Report – Supplement.DESY 02-167

V. AYVAZYAN et al.A New Powerful Source for Coherent VUV Radiation: Demon-stration of Exponential Growth and Saturation at the TTF Free-Electron Laser.Eur. Phys. J. D20 (2002) 149 und DESY 02-065

D.P. BARBER, G. RIPKENRadiative Polarization in Electron Storage Rings.Computer Algorithms and Spin Matching.In: Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering, A.W. Chao,M. Tigner (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore/SGP (2002)

W. BREFELD et al.Schemes for Time-Resolved Experiments at the TTF FEL.DESY 02-038

Study of the Frequency Multiplication Process in a MultistageHGHG FEL.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A483 (2002) 80

H.S. DUMAS, J.A. ELLISON, M. VOGTFirst Order Averaging for Maps with Applications to Beam Dy-namics in Particle Accelerators.Zur Veröffentl. in Nonlinearity

J. FELDHAUS, E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V.YURKOVPhoton Ring Multi-User Distribution System for a Soft X-RaySASE FEL Laboratory.DESY 02-026

G. GELONI, J. BOTMANN, J. LUITEN, M. VAN DER WIEL, M.DOHLUS, E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V. YUR-KOVTransverse Self-Fields within an Electron Bunch Moving in anArc of a Circle.DESY 02-048

G. GELONI, E. SALDINOn Energy and Momentum of an Ultrarelativistic Unstable System.DESY 02-201, physics/0211093

G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, F. WILLEKEBeam Based Alignment of Interaction Region Magnets.Phys. Rev. STAB 5 (2002) 10281 und DESY 02-069

P. KNEISEL, G. MYNENI, M. PEKELER, W. SINGER, X. SIN-GERPost-Purification of the End Groups for the Medium Beta SNSCavities.Jefferson Lab. Technical Note 02-051


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K. KUBO et al.Extremely Low Vertical-Emittance Beam in the Accelerator TestFacility at KEK.Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 194801

E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V. YURKOVScheme for Attophysics Experiments at an X-Ray SASE FEL.Optics Commun. 212 (2002) 377 und DESY 02-070

Study of a Noise Degradation of Amplification Process in a Mul-tistage HGHG FEL.Optics Commun. 202 (2002) 20

Scheme for Time-Resolved Experiments Based on the Generationof Femtosecond Pulses by a Sideband-Seeded Soft X-Ray SASEFEL.Optics Commun. 205 (2002) 385

An Analytical Description of Longitudinal Phase Space Distor-tions in Magnetic Bunch Compressors.Nucl. Instrum. Methods A483 (2002) 516

Femtosecond Resolution Experiments at Third-Generation LightSources: A Concept Based on the Statistical Properties of Syn-chrotron Radiation.DESY 02-127

W. YE, H.-G. BROKMEIER, W. SINGERNon-Destructive Texture Analysis of Co-Extruded Cu-Nb Tube.Material Sci. Forum 408-412 (2002) 185

Veröffentlichte Vorträge

Proc. of the 8th Europ. Part. Accel. Conf. (EPAC2002), Pa-ris/F (2002)

I.V. AGAPOV, G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, E. VOGELBunched Beam Echoes in the HERA Proton Ring.

S. ARUTUNIAN, A. AVETISIAN, N. DOBROVOLSKI, M. MAY-ILYAN, I. VASINIUK, K. WITTENBURG, R. REETZProblems of Installation of Vibrating Wire Scanners into Accele-rator Vacuum Chambers.



G. BASSI, H. MAIS, A. BAZZANI, G. TURCHETTITime Evolution of the Particle Distribution in Beam Physics: TheEcho Effect.

G. BISOFFI et al.Superconducting RFQs Ready for Ion Beam Operation at INFN-LNL.

G.A. BLAIR, T. KAMPS, H. LEWIN, F. POIRIER, S. SCHREI-BER, N. WALKER, K. WITTENBURGR&D Towards a Laser Based Beam Size Monitor for the FutureLinear Collider.

F. BRINKER, W. DECKING, G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, J. KEIL,T. LIMBERG, M. MINTY, M. SEIDEL, R. WANZENBERG, F.WILLEKEBeam Based Alignment of Combined Function Magnets in theUpgraded HERA Interaction Regions.

R. BRINKMANNApplications of Flat to Round Beam Transformation for RadiationSources.

J.-P. CARNEIRO, K. FLÖTTMANN, P. PIOT, N. BAROV, K.DESLER, D. EDWARDS, M. FERRARIOStudy of a Magnetic Chicane at the FNAL/NICADD Photo-InjectorUsing Remote Operation from DESY.

P. CASTRODemonstration of Exponential Growth and Saturation at VUVWavelengths at the TTF Free Electron Laser.Performance of the TESLA Test Facility Linac.

P. CASTRO, C. LACKAS, M. SEIDEL, M. WENDTOrbit Analysis at the TTF Linac Using Model Independent Me-thods.

G. DEVANZ, M. JABLONKA, C. MAGNE, O. NAPOLY, M.HUENING, M. WENDTHOM Beam Coupling Measurements at the TESLA Test Facility(TTF).

M. DOHLUS, S.G. WIPF, V. KALJUZHNYHigher Order Mode Absorption in TTF Modules in the FrequencyRange of the Third Dipole Band.

H.-J. ECKOLDTPower Supplies for TESLA Test Facility 2. (Poster)

H.-J. ECKOLDT, H. MARTIROSSIANElectronic Logbook. (Poster)

N. HEIDBROOKCorrection Magnet Power Supplies. (Poster)

G.H. HOFFSTAETTERLuminosity Scans at HERA.

G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, H.S. DUMAS, J.A. ELLISONAdiabatic Invariants for Spin-Orbit Motion.

G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, B. HOLZER, F. WILLEKE, A. MESECKMeasurement of HERA’s Central RF Frequency.

G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, J. KEIL, A. XIAOOrbit-Response Matrix Analysis at HERA.

G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, F. WILLEKEBeam-Beam Limit with Hourglass Effect in HERA.

J.-P. JENSEN, S. CELIKInvestigation into the Air Conditioning of Long Undulator Sectionsin Tunnels. (Poster)


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J.-P. JENSEN, F. ho*rTZ, D. KÖNIGCoaxial Gas Insulated Line with Low Stray Field for PowerTransmission. (Poster)

K. KNAACK, M. WENDT, K. WITTENBURG, R. NEUBERT,W. VODEL, A. PETERSCryogenic Current Comparator for Absolute Measurements of theDark Current of Superconducting Cavities for TESLA.

W. KRIENS, U. HURDELBRINK, H. BURKHARDTAn Energy Loss Measurement at HERA-p. (Poster)

L. LILJE, S.N. SIMROCK, D. KOSTIN, M. FOUAIDYCharacteristics of a Fast Piezo-Tuning Mechanism for Supercon-ducting Cavities.

T. LIMBERG, P. PIOT, F. STULLENumerical Investigations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Dri-ven Instability in Magnetic Bunch Compressors.

Design and Performance Simulation of the TTF-FEL II BunchCompression System.

E. METRAL, G.H. HOFFSTAETTER, F. WILLEKEDestabilising Effect of Linear Coupling in the HERA Proton Ring.

M. MINTYRecent Studies of the Beam-Beam Interaction with ParasiticCollisions: Experiments. (Invited Talk)

D. NÖLLE for the TESLA CollaborationThe Diagnostic System of TTF II.

D. ONOPRIENKO, M. SEIDEL, P. TENENBAUMMeasurements of Resistivity Dominated Collimator WakefieldKicks at the SLAC.

J. PETERSInternal versus External RF Coupling into a Volume Source.

H. SCHLARBDesign and Perfomance of the TESLA Test Facility CollimationSystem.

Simulation of Dark Current Transport through the TESLA TestFacility Linac.

H. SCHLARB, M. STAACK, K. WITTENBURG, D. PUGACHOV,Y. CHERNOUSKO, I. KROUPTCHENKOV, A. IVANOV, S. MA-KONIN, V. GORBUNOV, V. GRETCHKOExpansion of the Fast Linac Protection System for High DutyCycle Operation at the TESLA Test Facility.

S. SCHREIBER, J.-P. CARNEIRO, C. GERTH, K. HONKA-VAARA, M. HÜNING, P. PIOT, E. SCHNEIDMILLER, M. YUR-KOVImproved Operation of the TTF Photoinjector for FEL Operation.

M. SEIDEL, P. CASTRO, C. LACKAS, M. WENDTOrbit Analysis at the TTF Linac Using Model Independent Me-thods.

A. VARDANYAN, V. AYVAZYAN, S.N. SIMROCKAn Analysis Tool for RF Control for Superconducting Cavities.

E. VOGELExamination of the Longitudinal Stability of the HERA ProtonRing.

F. WILLEKEHERA Status and Perspectives of Future Lepton-Hadron Colliders.(Invited Talk)

K. WITTENBURGBeam Loss Monitoring and Control. (Invited Talk)

Proc. of the 24th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. and 9th FELUsers Workshop (FEL2002), Argonne/USA (2002)(Nucl. Instrum. Methods A)

K. ABRAHAMYAN et al.RF Commissioning of the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESYZeuthen.

V. AYVAZYAN et al.Study of the Statistical Properties of the Radiation from a VUVSASE FEL Operating in the Femtosecond Regime.

R. BAKKER et al.First Beam Measurements at the Photo Injector Test Facility atDESY Zeuthen.

W. BREFELD et al.Scheme for Time-Resolved Experiments Based on the Use ofStatistical Properties of the Third Harmonic of the SASE FELRadiation.

B. FAATZ for the TTF-FEL TeamThe SASE FEL at the TESLA Test Facility as User Facility.(Invited Talk)

B. FAATZ et al.VUV FEL Driven RF Gun.

J. FELDHAUS, T. MÖLLER, E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEID-MILLER, M.V. YURKOVPump-Probe Experiments in the Femtosecond Regime, CombiningFirst and Third Harmonics of SASE FEL Radiation.

J. FELDHAUS, E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V.YURKOVPhoton Ring Multi-User Distribution System for Soft X-Ray SASEFEL Laboratory.

G. GELONI, J. BOTMANN, J. LUITEN, M. VAN DER WIEL, M.DOHLUS, E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V. YUR-KOVTransverse Self-Fields within an Electron Bunch Moving in anArc of a Circle.

C. GERTH, J. FELDHAUS, K. HONKAVAARA, K.D. KAVA-NAGH, P. PIOT, L. PLUCINSKI, S. SCHREIBER, I. WILLBunch Length and Phase Stability Measurements at the TESLATest Facility.


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R. ISCHEBECK, J. FELDHAUS, C. GERTH, E.L. SALDIN, E.A.SCHNEIDMILLER, B. STEEG, K. TIEDTKE, M. TONUTTI, R.TREUSCH, M.V. YURKOVStudy of the Transverse Coherence at the TTF Free Electron Laser.

L. JUHA et al.Ablation of Various Materials with Intense XUV Radiation.

C. PAGANI, E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V. YUR-KOVVUV Lithography Based on SiC Reflective Optical Systemsand SASE FEL Coherent Light Sources as a Natural Exten-sion to Shorter Wavelengths of Present-Day Optical LithographyTechnology.

J. PFLÜGER, B. FAATZ, M. TISCHER, T. VIELITZRadiation Exposure and Magnetic Performance of the UndulatorSystem for the VUV FEL at the TESLA Test Facility Phase-1after Three Years of Operation.

J. PFLÜGER, U. HAHN, B. FAATZ, M. TISCHERUndulator System for the VUV-FEL at the TESLA Test FacilityPhase-2.

J. ROSSBACH for the TTF FEL GroupDemonstration of Gain Saturation and Controlled Variation ofPulse Length at the TESLA Test Facility FEL. (Invited Talk)

E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V. YURKOVStatistical Properties of Radiation from SASE FEL Driven byShort Electron Bunches.Coherence Properties of the Radiation from SASE FEL.Scheme for Attophysics Experiments at an X-Ray SASE FEL.

J. SCHULZ, H. WABNITZ, T. LAARMANN, P. GUERTLER, W.LAASCH, A. SWIDERSKI, A.R.B. DE CASTRO, T. MÖLLEREnergy Absorption of Free Rare Gas Clusters Irradiated by IntenseVUV Pulses of a Free Electron Laser.

R. SOBIERAJSKI et al.Structural Changes at Solid Surfaces Irradiated with Femtosecond,Intense XUV Pulses Generated by TTF-FEL.

B. STEEG, S. JACOBI, R. SOBIERAJSKI, C. MICHAELSEN,J. FELDHAUSTotal Reflection Mirrors for VUV Free Electron Lasers.

M. TISCHER, P. ILINSKI, U. HAHN, J. PFLÜGER, H. SCHUL-TE-SCHREPPINGCommissioning of Multi-Segmented Undulators at the TESLAX-Ray FEL.

M. WENDT for the TESLA Collaboration.Electron Beam Diagnostics for TTF II.

Proc. of the 21st Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC2002), Gyeongju/ROK (2002)

K. FLÖTTMANN for the TESLA CollaborationThe TESLA Linear Collider and X-Ray FEL. (Invited Talk)

L. LILJEHigh Gradient Multicell Superconducting Cavities.

J. PETERSThe New HERA H-RF Volume Source.

D. PROCHTechniques in High-Power Components for SRF Cavities – ALook to the Future.

J. ROSSBACH for the TESLA FEL GroupShort-Wavelength, Single-Pass Free-Electron Lasers. (Invited Talk)

S.N. SIMROCKLorentz Force Compensation of Pulsed SRF Cavities.

H. WEISEOperational Experience with the Test Facilities for TESLA. (In-vited Talk)

Proc. of the 9th Int. Workshop on Linear Colliders (LC2002),Stanford/USA (2002)

W. BIALOWONSTESLA Design: Conventional Facilities Overview.TESLA: A Superconducting Linear Collider with an Integratedor a Separated X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility at DESY.

S. CHOROBAKlystrons for TESLA.Modulators for TESLA.Comments on the TESLA RF Operation and Reliability.

L. LILJEHigh Accelerating Gradients in TESLA Cavities.

W.-D. MOELLER for the TESLA CollaborationRF Couplers for TESLA Cavities.

J. ROSSBACHFree-Electron Lasers and the Overlap of Accelerator Physics andTechology with Linear Colliders. (Invited Talk)

H. WEISEStatus of and Results from the TTF Linac Operation and OutlookTTF.

Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on PCs and Part. Accel. Con-trols (PCaPAC2002), Frascati/I (2002)

R. BACHERThe Global Accelerator Network – Globalisation of AcceleratorOperation and Control.

R. BACHER, M. CLAUSEN, P. DUVAL, Z. KAKUCSMonitored Archiving Controlled by Event.

P. DUVALTINE Release 3.20: Status Report.


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P. DUVAL, Z. KAKUCS, M. KADUNC, I. KRIZNAR, M. PLE-SKO, A. PUCELJ, G. TKACIKThe Babylonization of Control Systems.


P. DUVAL, V. YARYGINRendering Control System Applications.

A. GÖSSEL, G. GRYGIELAutomated Installation of Operating System and Control System.

O. HENSLER, R. KAMMERING, A. PETROSYAN. K. REHLICHAn XML Based Web Service for an Electronic Logbook.

O. HENSLER, R. KAMMERING, K. REHLICH, K. WINDSZUSA Proposal for a Central Error Server Using Web Services.

S. HERB, R. SCHMITZ, R. SCHRÖDER, H. SCHULZUpgrade for the HERA/PETRA/DORIS Accelerator Control Net-work at DESY.

K. HINSCH, U. LAUSTRÖER, R. SCHMITZ, W. SCHÜTTEHow to Survive the Upgrade Treadmill.


K. REHLICHThe TESLA Test Facility as a Prototype for the Global Accele-rator Network.

D.P. BARBER, E. GIANFELICEPolarised e± at HERA.Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering,Cracow/PL (2002)

H. BRÜCK et al.Operational Experience with the New Superconducting LuminosityUpgrade Magnets at HERA.Proc. of the 19th Int. Cryogenic Engineering Conf. (ICEC 19),Grenoble/F (2002)

B. HOLZERPersistent Currents in Superconducting Storage Rings and DynamicEffects on the Beam.Proc. of the CERN Accel. School (CAS): Superconductivity andCryogenics for Accelerators and Detectors, Erice/I (2002)

V. KATALEV, S. CHOROBARF Power Distribution Waveguide Systems for TESLA.Proc. of the 18th Conf. on Charged Part. Accel. (RUPAC2002),Obninsk/RUS (2002)

M. MÜCK, C. WELZEL, A. FARR, F. SCHÖLZ, W. SINGERNondestructive Testing of Niobium Sheets for SuperconductingResonators.Proc. of the Applied Superconductivity Conf., Houston/USA (2002)

D. PROCHRF Cavities Fabrication.Proc. of the CERN Accel. School (CAS): Superconductivity andCryogenics for Accelerators and Detectors, Erice/I (2002)

W. SINGERRRR Degradation and Gas Absorption in the EB Welding Areaof High Purity Niobium.

Development of a Nondestructive Testing System on NiobiumSheets on a SQUID Basis.Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Hydrogen in Materials & VacuumSystems, Newport News/USA (2002)

W. VODEL, R. NEUBERT, S. NIETZSCHE, K. KNAACK, M.WENDT, K. WITTENBURG, A. PETERSCryogenic Current Comparator for Absolute Measurements of theDark Current of Superconducting Cavities for TESLA.Proc. of the Applied Superconductivity Conf. (ASC2002), Hou-ston/USA (2002)

R. WANZENBERGEmittance Dilution in HERA-p: Lessons and Overview.Proc. of the 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop(ICFA-HB2002), Batavia/USA (2002)

S. WOLFFCryogenics for Future Large Particle Accelerators.Proc. of the 19th Int. Cryogenic Engineering Conf. (ICEC19),Grenoble/F (2002)


R. BACHERThoughts about Remote Operation in a Global Accelerator Network(GAN): Engineering Designs and Organizational Structures fromthe Engineer’s and Operator’s Point of View.Workshop on Remote Operations, Shelter Island/USA (2002)

D.P. BARBERPolarised Protons and Deuterons in HERA. (Invited Talk)Workshop on Future Physics at HERA, Durham/GB (2001)

Polarised High Energy Beams. (Invited Talk)1st HERA-III Workshop: The New Frontier in Precision Lepton-Nucleon Physics, München/D (2002)

D.P. BARBER, R. JAGANATHAN, M. VOGTSpin Tune in the Single Resonance Model with a Pair of SiberianSnakes. (Invited Talk)15th Int. Spin Physics Sympos. (SPIN2002), Upton/USA (2002)

W. BIALOWONS,,Was nutzt uns Grundlagenforschung?“TESLA: Ein Tunnel durch den Kreis Pinneberg und ein For-schungszentrum in Ellerhoop.,,Fit for Future“, Europ. Surgical Inst. ESI, Norderstedt/D (2002)

TESLA: Ein außergewöhnlicher Tunnel durch den Kreis Pinnebergund ein Forschungszentrum in Ellerhoop oder ,,Was nutzt unseigentlich Grundlagenforschung?“Schleswag AG, Rendsburg/D (2002)


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W. BIALOWONS, L. HÄNISCHTESLA: Ein außergewöhnliches unterirdisches Bauwerk für dieGrundlagenforschung.FB Bauingenieurwesen, Braunschweig/D (2002)

S. CHOROBAThe TESLA RF-System.1st Open Meeting of the High Power RF Faraday Partnership,London/GB (2002)

RF System Reliability.TESLA Collab. Meeting, Daresbury/GB (2002)

P. FOLKERTS, W. BIALOWONSTESLA: Ein Tunnel unter Bokholt-Hanredder und ein Forschungs-zentrum in Ellerhoop.Bokholt-Hanredder/D (2002)

TESLA: Ein Tunnel unter Westerhorn und ein Forschungszentrumin Ellerhoop.Westerhorn/D (2002)

S. HERBTune Measurements in HERA-p Using Chirped Beam Excitation.CERN Workshop on Use of Phase-Locked Loops for Tune Mea-surement and Control in Proton Machines, Geneva/CH (2002)

G.H. HOFFSTAETTERHERA after the Luminosity Upgrade. (Invited Talk)Workshop on Future Physics at HERA, Durham/GB (2001)

Accelerator Rings with Polarized Beams and Spin Manipulators.(3 Lectures)COSY Summer School, Jülich/D (2002)

A Review of Electrodynamics.A Review of Special Relativity. (Lecture)Joined Univ. Accel. School JUAS, Archamps/F (2002)

B. HOLZERRHIC: The DESY Perspective, Operation and Performance of theMachine.RHIC Retreat Workshop, BNL Upton/USA (2002)

L. LILJESuperconducting RF. (Lecture series)Accelerator Physics and Technologies for Linear Colliders, Univ.Chicago/USA (2002)

J. LORKIEWCZVacuum Deposition of TiN.Workshop on High Power Couplers for SC Accelerators, NewportNews/USA (2002)

W.-D. MOELLERPulsed High Peak Power Couplers for Superconducting Cavities.Workshop on High Power Couplers for SC Accelerators, NewportNews/USA (2002)

D. NÖLLEElectron Beam Diagnostics for SASE FELs.24th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future LightSources, Hyogo/J (2002)

K. REHLICHTTF Remote Operations.Enabling the Global Accel. Network GAN, Cornell/USA (2002)

TESLA Test Facility.Workshop on Remote Operations, Shelter Island/USA (2002)

J. ROSSBACHHigh-Gain Free-Electron Lasers. (Tutorial Lectures)Joint CERN-US-Japan Accel. School, Long Beach/USA (2002)

TESLA X-Ray Free Electron Laser – A Status Report. (InvitedTalk)ICFA Mini-Workshop on Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects,Zeuthen/D (2002)

S.N. SIMROCKReliability of RF Control for TESLA.TESLA Collab. Meeting, Daresbury/GB (2002)

W. SINGERMaterial Properties of High Purity Niobium for SuperconductingCavities.Niobium for Cavities Workshop, FNAL, Batavia/USA (2002)

Quality Requirements and Control of High Purity Niobium forSuperconducting RF Cavities.Workshop on Superconductor for Practical Application, Xi’an/PRC(2002)

E. VOGELFast Longitudinal Proton Beam Diagnostics at HERA.CERN Accel. Phys. Forum, Geneva/CH (2002)

H. WEISELC Technology.Santa Cruz Linear Collider Retreat, Santa Cruz/USA (2002)

K. WITTENBURGDESY Diagnostic Overview and Summary of Session 3.11th ICFA Int. Mini-Workshop on Diagnostics for High-IntensityHadron Machines, Oak Ridge/USA (2002)

K. ZAPFEThe Vacuum System of the Superconducting Linac of the TESLATest Facility.Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge/USA (2002)


M. HÜNINGAnalysis of Surface Roughness Wake Fields and LongitudinalPhase Space in a Linear Electron Accelerator.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-029

E. VOGELFast Longitudinal Diagnostics for the HERA Proton Ring.Univ. Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-010


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Interne Berichte

Contributions to the 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference(EPAC2002), Paris/F (2002).DESY M 02-01

P. PIOTReview of Experimental Results on High-Brightness Photo-Emission Electron Sources.DESY M 02-02

TESLA Berichte

Transparencies from the Meeting on Cold- and Beam-Test of theFirst Nb Superstructure Prototypes, Hamburg/D (2002).DESY-TESLA 2002-04

Transparencies from the Workshop on Single-Cell Cavity R&D,Hamburg/D (2002).DESY-TESLA 2002-07

P. CASTRO for the TESLA Commissioning Study GroupFirst Thoughts on Commissioning of the TESLA Collider.DESY-TESLA 2002-09

P. CASTRO, M. SEIDELOrbit Analysis at the TTF Linac Using Model Independent Me-thods.DESY-TESLA 2002-02

W. DECKING, A. WOLSKIComparison of Emittance Tuning Simulation in the NLC andTESLA Damping Rings.DESY-TESLA 2002-10

Alignment Stability Models for Damping Rings.DESY-TESLA 2002-11

M. DOHLUS, S.G. WIPF, V. KALJUZHNYHigher Order Mode Absorption in TTF Modules in the FrequencyRange of the 3rd Dipole Band.DESY-TESLA 2002-05

Resonance Frequencies and Q-Factors of Multi-Resonance Com-plex Electromagnetic Systems.DESY-TESLA 2002-12

D. HECHT, H.-W. GLOCK, U. VAN RIENENInfluence of Beam Pipe Waist on Higher Order Mode ShuntImpedances.DESY-TESLA 2002-03

M. SEIDEL, D. TRINES, K. ZAPFEFailure Analysis of the Beam Vacuum in the SuperconductingCavities of the TESLA Main Linear Accelerator.DESY-TESLA 2002-06

V. SHEMELIN, H. PADAMSEEThe Optimal Shape of Cells of a Superconducting AcceleratingSection.DESY-TESLA 2002-01


TESLA FEL Berichte

The TESLA Test Facility FEL TeamSASE FEL at the TESLA Facility, Phase 2.DESY-TESLA-FEL 2002-01

B. FAATZ (Ed.)Contributions to the FEL2002 Conference.DESY-TESLA-FEL 2002-06

P. PIOT for the TTF-FEL TeamThe TESLA Test Facility FEL: Its Present Status and Future asa User Facility.DESY-TESLA-FEL 2002-08

P. PIOT, L. CARR, W.S. GRAVES, H. LOOSSubpicosecond Compression by Velocity Bunching in a Photo-Injector.DESY-TESLA-FEL 2002-07

E.L. SALDIN, E.A. SCHNEIDMILLER, M.V. YURKOVKlystron Instability of a Relativistic Electron Beam in a BunchCompressor.DESY-TESLA-FEL 2002-02

J. SEKUTOWICZ, R. WANZENBERG, W.F.O. MUELLER, T.WEILANDA Design of a 3rd Harmonic Cavity for the TTF2 Photoinjector.DESY-TESLA-FEL 2002-05



A. LEUSCHNERFeasibility Study on an Active Neutron Dosimeter Based on CarbonActivation for the Linear Collider TESLA.Proc. of the SATIF-6 Meeting, Stanford/USA (2002)

Interne Berichte

A. LEUSCHNERPETRA 2 und PETRA 3, wie Hund und Katze.DESY D3-117

Sicherheit gegenüber ionisierender Strahlung an der TESLA TestFacility, Phase 2 (TTF2).DESY D3-118

N. TESCHErgebnisse von Strahlenschutzmessungen am DESY im Jahre 2001.DESY D3-98


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Z-BereichVeröffentlichte Vorträge

Proceedings of the 7th Int. Workshop on Accelerator Align-ment, Spring-8, Harima Science Garden City/J (2002)

W. BENECKETESLA Test Facility – The Way to TESLA.

A. HERTYHigh Precision Survey and Alignment of Large Linear Colliders– 2D Horizontal Alignment.

A. HERTY, J. PRENTING, M. SCHLÖSSERNext Generation Linear Colliders. (Poster)

G. NEUBAUERTESLA – A Challenge in Planning Large Facilities.

J. PRENTINGTESLA – The Range of Survey and Alignment Work.

J. PRENTING, W. LIEBLStatus Report on the Survey and Alignment of Accelerators andStorage Rings at DESY.

M. SCHLÖSSERHigh Precision Survey and Alignment of Large Linear Colliders– Vertical Alignment.

R. BALTRUSCHThe Start of the Windows 2000/XP Project at DESY.Proc. of the 6th HEPiX-HEPNT Joint Meeting, Catania/I (2002)

P. VAN DER REESTDESY Site Report.Proc. of the 6th HEPiX-HEPNT Joint Meeting, Catania/I (2002)

K. WOLLER.DESY Site Report.Proc. of the 7th HEPiX-HEPNT Joint Meeting, Fermilab Bata-via/USA (2002)


J. DICKEWissenschaftlicher Gerätebau.Programmorientierte Förderung (PoF) – was nun?HGF-Ausschuss Technische Dienste, FZ Jülich/D (2002)

M. GASTHUBERProviding GRID Data Services Today.8th Int. Workshop on Adv. Computing and Analysis Techniquesin Physics Research (ACAT2002), Moscow/RUS (2002)

V. GÜLZOWComputing @DESY.RAPS-Workshop, Manno/CH (2002)

L. HAGGE, J. KREUTZKAMP, E. DEFFUR, A. GELLRICH, B.SCHULZEinführung eines IT Asset Management Systems am DESY.Peregrine User Group (PUG) Jahrestreffen, München/D (2002)

L. HAGGE, K. LAPPEErfahrungen mit Anforderungsmanagement in einem interdiszi-plinären Projekt.Gesellschaft für Informatik, Fachgruppentreffen Requirements En-gineering, Ulm/ D (2002)

H. MÜNCHDas Linear-Collider Projekt TESLA – Stand der Vorbereitungenund physikalisch-technisches Grundkonzept.Fraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung, Mag-deburg/D (2002)

P. VAN DER REESTSite Report DESY Hamburg.AFS Workshop, ETH Zürich/CH (2002)


K. LAPPEProjektplanung und -steuerung bei der Erstellung von Multimedia-CD-ROMs durch objektorientierte Geschäftsprozessmodellierung.HAW Hamburg/D (2002)DESY-THESIS-2002-037

O. WEREWKADesign and Implementation of an XML-Based Call-Tracking-System for Monitoring and Improving Business Process Perfor-mance.Silesian Univ. Technol., Gliwice/PL (2001)DESY-THESIS-2002-038


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