Jay understands the value/necessity of our barter exchange system here on Earth, money. He does not like the way things are set up, but it's the current situation we're all in, for now.

April 5, 1995 Jay was in a bad 45 mph head on collision with a bad seat belt and no air bag.

This put him out of work for a long time while he was still saving Animals and paying the bills to do so.

On April 20, 2000 Jay was finally back on his feet making good money when he was in a freak work accident.

His body was covered with gallons on gas, there was a spark, and he burned 60% of his body, head to toes.

30% of his body was covered with severe 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

From 2005 to 2013, Jay was living on Costco samples, what ever they might be, and free lunches from a friend of his.

He was on crutches from his degenerative joint disease for a good part of that time until he had his right knee replaced.

This is no sob story. Jay has unlimited fortitude, just a beat up body now.

He understands what it's like to be without money so he appreciates where people's question is coming.

Jay also has to pay these huge lawyer fees to protect his works, protect the information that all you need to have while in body here. You all need the true history of who you are and where/when you came from.

Jay has also been taking care of over 20 Animals at his house. Vet bills aren't cheap either.

Now, no physical being ever, not ever in Creation's history, has been able to do what Jay can, this last life.

If he was monetarily motivated Jay would be charging $50,000.00 for each one. There are people who can afford and would willingly invest this amount of money to receive this treatment.

He would also have spent the money to prove, beyond any scientist's doubt, that what he does is real.

A benefactor has now stepped up to finance the costs involved in having a group of well established scientists prove the DNA changes in the DNA ICUC consults are real. After receiving the DNA ICUC himself. Having felt the event as it occurred, his curiosity increased as well as his intention to explore this new phenomenon.

Over $60,000 has been spent by Jay andDianain necessary legal fees. This will also bring the reality of the metaphysical world into the court system as a fact.

Jay has done a lot of work for everyone at zero cost.

He has cranked up people he has met, more days than not, just when he sees them. This is well over a thousand people and Animals. It's not as intense as the crank up people pay for, but still makes what needs to happen.

A while back Jay offered the "Family Deal" where, for $750.00 he would crank up the whole family and a loved one, as well as their pets.

One gentleman received 7 crank ups. That's barely over $100.00 per person.

Another received 6 people and four Animals. That is inexpensive.

Jay has so little time, so many expenses necessary to keep things going, that he has to produce a certain amount of income to keep everything going, make everything right before he leaves, so he can go with no attachment to staying here.

You will see rigid prices on the website, but Jay has made exceptions on well over 20% of them.

He can't do that anymore. Jay is also very sick on and off while he is doing other things for people, for everyone, that they can't come close to understanding right now, but hopefully will later.

Everyone that has 17% or less negative frequencies in them is being cranked up for free.

All the Animals were cranked up in April of 2012. Notice how the Animals have been communicating better not just with us but with each other lately.

So, when people don't have the money, they are still receiving this gift.

Scientists have said the last few years that people's DNA is changing in a way they can't explain yet.

Jay told everyone the Source Field here is literally part of his energy.

If you can bake the world's largest cake, great.

The thing is though, you're still no better than anyone else, just more able to perform a given task.

Jay is what he has told everyone openly, and more that will never be said.

He is literally cranking up more than this Planet and will be able to do that through Creation once free from his body.

Jay does love everything.

Jay does serve everything.

He is stuck in this physical body doing what he can, like most others.

Some people will call him arrogant, some appreciate him.

What matters is that he is doing the job he was given before any of you were created.

Jay is the protector but, maybe moreso, he is the janitor.

Jay likes "janitor" better.


Jay has helped hundreds of people world-wide find answers. ​

He has awakened, enhanced, and evolved the abilities of many people, including psychic/mediums.

"I first contacted Jay to help him with some videos but instead of me helping him we Skype and talked and laugh for 3 hours. I was really interested to find out who he was. Jay give me a free crank Up without me expecting one. It has made me stronger and a lot of powerful people have come into my life as the result of that. He happily answered all my questions. To me Jay is a great example of a human Being. He has many beautiful family members around him who are dedicated to love, care and help. I haven’t met a lot of people that care for humanity like he does I wish we had more people like Jay. With Love KZ" (December 2016)

Will N. from N.J. writes: "I've been growing a lot since my crank up with Jay last August. I'm seeing more than ever. Feeling and sensing energy better. The shape of my skull has definitely gone through physical changes. I feel bumps and bones that I don't remember being there before. It's been really

amazing and intense." (March 2015)

Michael D. from Kentucky writes after his intensive consult: " I knew I always had that gut feeling that I had something of an ability, but was never sure of what. I was searching the internet when I came across Jay's YouTube Channel and began to watch a few of them. I knew I had to get in touch with Jay, so I set up a consult thru Michelle. I could feel his energy working all over my head in a very good feeling way. Jay was able to fix a problem in my head that caused my pineal glad from working properly and told me my abilities that I have. My connect with my spirit guides have become more clear, my head has grown larger, I can feel rock and gem energy and fall into meditation must easier. Thank you so much for the truth I've been searching for for so long, Michelle and Jay." (February 2015)

Rod L. from the U.K. writes after his intensive consult: "For many years I have suffered with neck problems from an old injury and waking up each morning with pain. When I had my crank up with Jay, without telling him about any problems he picked up the injury straight away. I felt a huge amount of heat on my neck and something went pop around that area. Since then I have been totally pain free as if the injury had never happened. On top of this, my energy and overall calmness has risen to new levels and I've been working with energy since 2001. This is real, folks. Jay's crank up is like nothing I ever experienced and would recommend to anyone who has similar symptoms." (December 2014)

​Robert C. from France writes after his intensive consult: "I feel very much empowered. I feel animals', peoples' and places' energies and intentions more clearly. And sometimes even plants (most of the time trees.) Most of the time it's things I used to intuitively feel, but now I can interpret and trust these

feelings and observations, which come very clear to my attention." ( October 2014)

Walter N. from Connecticut writes after his intensive consult: "After my last consult, I noticed an immediate change that evening in bed with regards to seeing things. I started asking my spirit guides simple questions and I'm getting feedback with colored images....yahooo!" (October 2014)

Lisa H. from Washington writes after her intensive consult: "Our conversations have been interesting and fun, and it's always hard to let you go. Anyway, I feel much stronger and more at peace with who I am, and for lack of a better word...."freer." What can I say except thank you for your dedication and hard work. The validation you have given me is priceless." (October 2014)

Bernard Z.from Arizona writes after his intensive consult: "Thank you Jay and Michelle for my consultation today. It was a remarkable experience that I have been thinking about all day. I feel like very grounded and more alert. I feel like I just beat a flu and am burning off a dead disease with that hot feel good type of headache. The consult settled key issues in my being with explanations that tie it all together. I feel a great lift of my burden. Like a twenty pound rock has been removed from my backpack as I will now continue down my path. Thank you both for your work and your aid for others." (October 2014)

Donovan W. from Hawaii writes after his intensive consult: "For years my back was bad and hurt every day. After the last session with Jay, it stopped hurting completely. I realize it every time I move. It is such a wonderful feeling....not to be in constant pain." (September 2014)

Marie S. from Georgia writes after her intensive consult: "I have been noticing that my insight is stronger. I always was able to read people by the feeling I got when I met them and saw core of the person and intent. I was in Inservice yesterday and noticed I felt everyone's intent around me, what they were feeling about me or just in general, I felt their aura. I see now whatever abilities we have are enhanced. I look forward to it growing....I definitely felt stronger. He is right, you have to be around people to use it. And also noticed I'm attracting a lot of spiritual connections. There were visible spirits in my roomon Sunday...sparks of light..." (September 2014)

Mike A. from Ontario writes after his intensive consult: "After speaking with Jay I honestly got distracted with life until I had a very powerful meditation in the forest where something inside me was triggered recently. I felt so much love it overwhelmed me and I couldn't stop crying tears of joy, I know now that my life has a sense of direction, thank you, Jay! Much Love!" (September 2014)

Bobby B. from South Carolina writes after his intensive consult: " doctor said my heart is doing great.....LOL he seemed a little shocked...LOL" (September 2014)

Judith P. from Fairfield, OH writes after her intensive consult: "I watched a red-tailed hawk soaring and I could "see" it's aura with my physical eyes! Being cranked up is really making a difference in my life." (August 2014)

​Gene G. from Missouri writes after his intensive consult: "Just saw Jay's video on crank ups....... my head's growing ....... used to wear hats all the time. None fit anymore." (August 2014)

Donna C. from the U.K. writes after her intensive consult: ​"I have been doing exceptionally well since his crank up and things are still changing and improving.....I've been awake all my life but had big set backs over the years. Jay is managing to reverse all that for me so I can do what I used to do." (July 2014)

Patrick C. from Illinois writes after receiving his cube: "Jay, I received the stones and the cube the other day, man they are powerful. My meditations have been through the roof. I also noticed since my session with you an ability to anticipate events. Just wanted to say thanks." (June 2014)

Matt C. from New Jersey writes after his intensive: "Jay is absolutely the real deal. When I spoke to Jay, I felt like I was talking to an old friend. The information he provides is liberating and the "crank up" helps people experience their natural abilities. Jay will help you help yourself. Since our session, my intuition is off the charts as well as other abililites. If your a truth seeker then, in my opinion, you must set up a call with Jay .....and what he offers is worth MUCH more than he charges. Trust me . . . . . it's worth it." (June 2014)

Robin V.from West Virginia writes: "Thank you so much for yesterday! Confirming where my roots are is a chapter closed. I am not sure how I keep getting information, but it is flowing like a river now. The temperature coming off my hands is about 100 degrees, yet my body temp is 96.7 degrees." (May 2014)

Janet D. from Alberta, Canada writes: "I just received my special Energy Enhancement Cube! Oh my, my palm is just pulsing from the power! You are amazing and I am so grateful our paths crossed in life. Many Blessings to you." (May 2014)

Adam B. from California writes after his intensive consult: "Since our conversation, my abilities have increased enormously. I am having visions, and it seems much easier to trust my intuition. I play poker often at the local casino and I have been kicking ass! haha" (April 2014)

Kameron & Aya from Spain write after their intensive consult: "We have to say that it was cooler than cool . . . seriously :) We spoke to Jay for awhile on Skype and felt like we were speaking to an old friend. It was such a pleasure. We were smiling the whole time. The things he told us were amazing and so true. We talked about our conversation for days after we spoke to Jay and have listened to what we recorded, which we strongly recommend everyone to do. It was so interesting to actually feel him cranking us up, which was a pleasant process. No pain involved whatsoever. We've definitely felt little changes day by day, such as being more sensitive to energy around us and seeing things which were not visible previously. We're also able to see auras much easier and have a better sense of feeling what colors the auras are as opposed to only seeing them. The night we were cranked up, I went over to one of my plants which was obviously not doing well and did some Reiki healing. I felt heat all throughout my body, which I have never felt before when practicing Reiki. It was awesome. The day after, I could visibly see my plant feeling better. (March 2014)

Shai J. from the Atlanta area writes: " I hear more, see more, feel more, and know more. All of that is because of the amazing thing (that is indescribable) that you do. It's been a few months and initially I was impatient. I was also expecting a dramatic shift. As time went on, it was so progressive and gentle, it was hard to notice. But I must say, as I reflect, I can see how much has changed! I hope to continue to grow and I thank the heavens for your gift. You are faster and better than any psychic development course hands down! Thank you!" (Nov. 2013)

​Jason A. writes: "I have just had an amazing session and all I can suggest is that if there is some interest to get a session then do it! I have more pep, confidence, and awareness. If that sounds good then go for it!" (Feb. 2014)

Kaz writes after his intensive consult: "Jay's work is real! In my "crank up" session, I could feel a slight increase in temperature and internal pressure in the areas he was pointing out. For 2 days, I had such an agitated feeling that stayed in my head. I did not have deep sleep. Although my thinking pattern or subject did not change at all, that my disappoint some people, but it means he did not intrude my mind while his energy as in my head. Now I feel open spaces for different areas in my head and more energy in my eyes. In the week after I had the session, he gave me very clear insight for my future works. Honestly, I think he has the most potent adviser ability among anyone else from such services, which I did not expect. Overall, he is acting very humble for his limitless energy and his inter-dimensional sensory. I would suggest anyone needs to connect to a higher source or just in distress should contact Jay a.s.a.p. before he ​becomes unavailable-super-popular. (Feb. 2014)

Ross A. writes after his intensive consult: "Following the activation session with Jay I do feel overall well balanced! A clear mind together with no more looping thoughts, I could also feel I had more energy and noticed completing tasks became effortless. During the session, the first feeling I felt was warm energy around my chest area which I believe some people will experience in their head area. While Jay worked I could feel the energy flow move up and down my body in separate stages being my thighs and legs and then my stomach area, ears and nasal passage. In my head area, I could feel a slight tingling feeling, then the final stage I felt a slight dizzy sensation which didn't last long. I do whole heartedly recommend getting the brain activation session from Jay!" (Feb. 2014)

Lea Anne G. writes after her intensive consult: "I am a healer myself and was able to see a big difference in my clarity in the sessions that followed just an hour afterward." (Feb. 2014, (

Evelyne M. writes: "There are so many good things happening in my daughter's life since her cranking, I think she is going to have to write a book!" (March 2014)

I first saw Jay on Galactic Connection. I followed through with some videos on u-tube. After much procrastination I got a crank up. Very glad I did. what happened for me was subtle and strong. and what with his promise of a adjustment from the other side later, this was priceless. It felt it much like noxious oxide to a race car. that is the only way I can describe it.It didn't change me. it made me more of me,and is still there subtly in the background.My guides on the other side have been guiding me through with Jays help. Jays love of animals , wit and charm is fun to be with. so I think its a win win. love ya, bye. Lora

I've had metaphysical ability my entire life however I never fully understood how to access them or use them properly. With the energy work perfomed by Jay and following the information in his books and videos Jay has helped me find out who I truly am and what my metaphysical capabilites are. His insight, humor and power are all amazing. Everything that Jay speaks is the truth and after working with him you'll be able to see it for yourself. I have had Jay crank my entire family and we are all benefitting from his wonderful gifts. He is truly awesome! Love you Jay! Shane, Jodi and family.

I felt Jay's energy right away moving through my head and down my spine. It's the real deal, and I can't thank him enough. A new stronger energy that keeps increasing. W.H.



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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.